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Sploders Banned??? O__0


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Sploder you have to pay to get a chance to win are banned due to the gambling law. That´s nothing new but with the new gambling sims and ... it got more attention.

If the "owner" put money or goods in and the players only can win - without pay - it´s legal.

US gambling laws - that´s the why.


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They should have been banned long ago.  They weren't.

The 'why' is a very, very good question.  It was crystal clear they were 'chance' gaming machines, yet LL - and no one else - allowed them to flourish despite having had a strict rule against games of chance for years.  Strange.

Interestingly,  some maintain that other games transparently geared to chance masquerading as skill games were also allowed by - guess who? - yup...LL.

The fact sploders and zyngo-esque machines brought in plenty to the LL coffers had nothing, I am sure, to do with it.  Nor the rumours of some creators being somewhat cozy with LL.

However, much like the infamous Redzone fiasco, LL had to eventually act; hence the recent tightening up of  skill games to mean - finally - exactly that.

Whatever DID happen to Pixellen Mistral?  Pity the Alphaville Herald faded away.

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Well, that's not a special mystery: Anything that gives people stuff to do in-world, so they might someday buy land, or motivate somebody else to buy land, generates income for the Lab.

So, for example, some club-owner with a sploder might just give up if attendance declined too much when the sploders went away. I doubt this particular thing ever happened even once, really, but there is a general problem of folks having difficulty staying interested in SL, so removing "stuff to do in-world" isn't something the Lab should want to do.

Also, just in passing, sploders probably added slightly to the demand for L$s, and the larger the money supply grows to feed demand, the more the Lab earns from selling newly-minted L$s. They also make a small commission on sale of existing L$s, so the Lab benefits a bit from anything that encourages transfer and exchange of the game currency.

So I do think the Lab held onto a lax interpretation of the online gaming laws (and not just sploders) for a long time after they closed the once ubiquitous casinos, years ago. They got away with it (as far as we know), so those tiny income sources for all those years may offset the second wave of raging (see OP) about the long overdue segregation of all gaming, finally.

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Aislin Ceawlin wrote:

Conspiracy theories abound...please explain to me how sploders added to LL coffers, exactly? 

!! i know !!!

bc people pay $295US tiers each month bc they so wanted to have a sploder. Is obvious that SL would of had to close like years ago if LL never blind eye them


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  • 3 weeks later...

They'd be illegal (on non-gaming sims) if there's any way they could be configured to accept L$ from players. If there's simply no way for them to be set to accept payment, then it might have been an error, but it's not sufficient that they were merely configured not to accept payment.

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