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What is the best way to increase my FPS?

Charolotte Caxton

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25 answers to this question

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the best free way is obviously to lower your settings.... even if on a custom babsis... water and sky elements tend to have the higest impact. particles along with draw distance, and moving around a lot to new areas will also negatively impact FPS, and so will other programs running in the background while SL is running (although this is usually minimal)

some older cards will perform better with the legacy render engine, used by snowglobe based TPV's, some will not.

otherwise as the first person said, it's probably time to upgrade, if you are able

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Draw distance is the largest factor, then ground, sky, and clouds use alot of fps. You can also take away foot shadows. Turning off all windlight settings will give you a big boost.

1 of the largest issue that most people do not think about, is what you are wearing. There are a number of ways to check what you wear, but the easiest is to make sure your stats window is open, ctrl+shift+1, and take off items 1 by 1 and watch your FPS. You'd be surprised at how much 1 item can lower your fps so much.

Last thing, make sure you cache is as large as possible. Although your cache does not have alot to do with fps, if you are constantly downloading data all the time, and constantly needing to load textures than there will be delays in what you see and when, which can be worst than low fps.

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Great Read! I am following the steps one by one and have hit a snag, namely:


"If you have either multiple processors or a multi-core CPU, you can change a couple settings to put all that horsepower to work for you. Click on Advanced -> Run Multiple Threads to enable multi-threaded performance so SL can use multiple processors/cores. In Viewer 1.x, click on Advanced -> Rendering -> Run Multiple Threads."


I would like to do that but I dont see Run Multiple threads on my Advanced Menu. I tried including a screenshot but cant figure out how to paste it here :P



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If you cam up into the sky so that all you have on your screen is blue sky, your FPS should shoot up drastically.

When you move your camera, the more graphics that you start to get in your view, the more it drops, depending on how good your system is, there is a limit to how much info you can have in your view before your framerate gets so bad that you cant` move.

The best way to optimize it for your own personal computer is to set your graphics to low, especially your draw distance & gradually increase how much stuff you put in your view and how high you can tweak things in your graphics until you find the place where it works best for you.

If you have consistantly low FPS, keep your draw distance low as much as possible so that you are not adding stuff from the other side of the sim that you aren`t even looking at & if you go to place with lots of avatars, switch on "avatar imposters" and lower the graphics setting for avatar detail so that you are not trying to see every detail of 20+ avatars.

You can also play around with the bandwidth setting.

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Should be in your preferences, on Phoenix its on the Network Tab, hopefully LL didn`t rename that as well in V2 lol, but it will be there somewhere with a slider control that you can adjust it with. As with the other options adjust it, look for increases or decreases in performance in different scenarios and then tweak it more or less, you will eventually tune everything to suit your computer.

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Might help with a few things, including your music streaming problem...Like I said whats good for one person may not be good for another as no 2 people will have the exact same set up and circumstances, so you need to find the best settings levels that work for you.


I would reduce Bandwidth to 1000 to start with and see what differences you notice over the next day as you do your usual things and if it worse than today think about changing it again...I thnk the default setting is only 500.

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I think you mean Advanced>Show Debug.  There are several entries in the Debug settings referring to "threads".


The first one, CurlUseMultipleThreads, can be set to True.  The second one, PluginUseReadThread is set to False by default, and changing it won't improve your FPS.  The third one, RenderAppleUseMultGL may help, if you are on a Mac.  The fourth one, RunMultipleThreads, may be set to either True or False...note the comment in the image, it's a setting that is no longer used, and always treated as True.  The last one, WatchdogEnabled, will have no impact on your FPS.

In any case, the quickest way to improve your FPS is to adjust your Preferences>Graphics settings.  Reduce draw distance, disable shadows, turn off Advanced Lighting Model, etc.

And the BEST way to improve your FPS is to buy a better graphics card!

Edited by Lindal Kidd
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The best performance gains come from knowing what you are doing... but, that requires lots of tech knowledge and SL specific knowledge.

For NVIDIA users this is a must read: http://blog.nalates.net/2016/06/05/nvidia-settings-2016/

Geared more toward the viewer's settings is: http://blog.nalates.net/2010/12/17/graphics-tweaking-for-second-life/

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