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Why do some houses suffer from gigantism?


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I'll reply to this one (in, and then I'll post to Coby, and then that's it.

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Tari Landar wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

I'm pretty sure that I did mention consistent sizing, at least once, in one long thread.

Phil participated in that thread too.

I know you did, I'm pretty sure one of the threads you started was in the list of ones I'd found too, lol. I also know Phil participated in some of the threads discussing consistent sizing being a concern (hence why I figured he was deliberately being obtuse just to argue, lol)

But I'm not being deliberately obtuse. I'm being perfectly genuine. I'm sure I've never participated in a discussion about consistent sizing. I've participated in discussions about whether or not RL sizes work well enough in SL, and in discussions about why houses and furniture are larger in SL than in RL, but that's all I remember. As I've just written to Coby, I don't even know what is meant by 'consistent sizing'. As far as I know, furniture creators create their stuff with consistent sizing, as I did until, after some years, 
I made a few smaller pieces as I saw more smaller avatars

You just said...

Phil Deakins wrote:

We are talking about homes, not malls etc. You put an RL-sized sofa against a wall in a typical SL living room, and you'll see that it looks much too small and unrealistic for the room. It's no good arguing about it Coby. I've been in the business for years and I know.

So why are you making furniture for RL scaled avs if it wont sell? I would guess if it looks so terrible in an SL home it wont sell, so why make it?

If you read the thread, you wouldn't need to ask that question. But just for you, I'll repeat what I've already said. I make some smaller ones because I've noticed that the number of smaller avatars is on the increase. That's it.


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Coby. When I turned the computer on today, there were 27 new posts in this thread. I looked at (not read) the first half dozen or so, and they were mostly addressed to me, and so I decided that there's nothing more for me to add to this topic. I've said everything there is to say, and repeating it won't make a scrap of difference. So I won't reply to any of them, except the nit-picking one above this post (that's the only one I actually read). Tossing the same things backwards and forwards is not going to change anyone's mind - least of all mine. Your side has one set of views, I have a different set of views. We are each right for ourselves and, in my case, I am right as far as selling furniture to the majority is concerned. (Nobody has disputed what I've said about that).

I'll finish by saying that I still hold the opinions I had when we started this discussion, and nothing that anyone has said has persuaded me to change any of them. Only one thing has made me think - female arms. I'll look into that a little further, for my own benefit. If it really is that the maximum female arms length limits the height of the female body to the degree that's been stated (not by you), then I'll happily modify my views. If, on the other hand, they limit the female height to "not much more than 6 feet", as you suggested, then the modification to my views will be smaller.

Incidentally, I don't care about a dictionary definition of 'gigantism' (I did read the very beginning of your post). I said I've never gone in for it, meaning the way it has been used in this thread - by the OP and the pic of the house early on. That's the gigantism that I've never gone in for and that's what I assumed you meant.

So that's my last contribution to this thread. It's pointless me reading any more of it, because nobody has offered me any argument that I consider to be valid in disagreeing with me - except possibly the female arms - and I expect that the 27 new posts just rehash the same old stuff. I'd be more than happy to continue it with you, one to one, since it was the two of us who were debating it, and even maybe experiment with things to see what works and what doesn't, but 27 new posts is a bit much to get stuck into for little old me :)

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

there are no such things as sizes for furniture anywhere in RL, except for beds, and they vary from place to place. 

That just ain't so. Check any building code book. There are countless standards for things like counter height,
table and chair seat height
, handrail height, stair tread depth and riser height, minimum door height and width, etc. Material and labor costs and standardization of building materials guide the proportions of structural elements towards standard sizes.

Standard US interior doors are 80 inches tall. The minimum width for an interior room door is 32 inches. Furniture manufacturers know this, and largely avoid making furniture that can't be moved through a 32" door from a 36" hallway (44 for handicap accessible structures).

Appliances are built to standardized dimensions as well. There are variations, but you are assured of finding dishwashers 30 inches wide and 35 inches tall (to fit under those code mandated counter heights), refrigerators 36 inches wide and less than 70 inches tall, etc. Absent some kind of standarization, the appliance industry would be a mess.


I said furniture - not fittings and house parts. Furniture is things like sofas,
chairs, tables
and such.

Phil, you can't go around accusing others of not reading what you've written if you're not reading what they're writing! Well, you can, but it's not helpful to your case.

And the scale of the house parts I mentioned suggests a scale for everything else. You'd not make a kitchen table that's taller than the kitchen counters. You'd not make a sofa that's too big to fit through a room's door.

Those constraints do not apply to SL. Others do. The results are predictably different.

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TDD123 wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

But is there any point to it?

Honestly ... to me it shows, unlike many who'd say differently, how this forum has changed for the good.

I hope you see thát too.



sometimes somebody from the past comes on here and wonders why the volume of posts is way less than in the past

whats happen on here is the mods have killed off all the cheap shot artists and random driveby shooters pretty much. So the reduction in post volume

is the same true on other forums. If go thru pretty much any Open Topic (GD) forum anywhere that is self-mod (meaning can say what you like whenever you like) then the volume is majorly made up of cheap shots and drivebys


a cheap shot is when in a discussion/debate, we run out of material in support of our position and instead of letting it go, resort to making disparaging remarks about the person(s) holding a counter view

we can say that we think someone is being stupid and here is why. And that is ok I think in any debate/discussion/chat. Without the 'here is why' part tho then is a cheap shot. And when the 'here is why' part offered dont actual proof the stupid then is a even cheaper shot

i think tho also that we can all be guilty of cheap shots sometimes. And when called on it by others most of us on here apologise for that and we go together

bc we do this then we can be in one thread arguing on the same side as a person against others who hold a opposing view. While simultaneously having another debate in another thread against the person we siding with in the first one

is pretty good when a forum reaches this level of maturity I think

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irihapeti wrote:


sometimes somebody from the past comes on here and wonders why the volume of posts is way less than in the past

whats happen on here is the mods have killed off all the cheap shot artists and random driveby shooters pretty much. So the reduction in post volume

is pretty good when a forum reaches this level of maturity I think


And it looks like this topic has hit that point where there's nothing left to say that will change someone's mind. Time to move on.


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Phil Deakins wrote:


I'd be more than happy to continue it with you, one to one, since it was the two of us who were debating it, and even maybe experiment with things to see what works and what doesn't...

Thanks Phil, but no thanks. You made it very clear in your post that there is no sense to continue the discussion here in the forum. I'm sure that we would not gain anything either by continuing the discussion between ourselves. So I'll pass.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Naturally you and everybody else has the right to decide and choose what works for themselves. What I have been talking here is what I think would work well too, besides the big stuff.


Why we are so opposed in our views is mainly due to that you have been talking about 'what is now' and I've been talking what could be instead of the 'what is now'.


So, what actually did happen in this thread is that we have been been barking at different branches of the same tree. That doesn't make a good sensible debate. Barking at different branches has caused lots of totally unnecessary posts and even silly posts in this thread.

Anyway, you're happy with your view, I'm happy with mine.


- - - - - - - - - - -

Before seeing your final post in this thread I made a quick RL-sized lego block house with RL dimensions [1:1 scale].


It's 8 x 8 meters from wall to wall, total area 64 m² [26 ft 3 in x 26 ft 3 in]. I had no difficulties moving about inside the house, even with a kitchen corner with units and some other furniture inside the house. Naturally I stopped any further work at once when I happened to see your final post in this thread.

- - - - - - - - - - -

:matte-motes-yawn:  :matte-motes-asleep:

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I can make a new thread! Yes!  :matte-motes-big-grin:
(Uff.. there are no blinking colours here... need to make BUG report...) :matte-motes-frown:

How about it?

Title: SIZES - Brand New Thread! :matte-motes-big-grin:

I'll volunteer!
. . . .

Anybody there?


This is not nice...

Knock, knock...



Hmm... Well, I can make the thread, post something.
Can make my alt to reply.
Back and forth they would go. :matte-motes-evil: :matte-motes-evil-grin:
Bright fresh ideas flashing to and fro. :matte-motes-nerdy:
For a very long time.
Tens of posts - even hundreds! :smileyhappy:

... wait ... wait ... yuck ...:matte-motes-agape:

:matte-motes-sick: . . . :smileyfrustrated:

Ok guys, after reconsidering I realized that it would not work well.

I'll talk to you about the new thread after, erm... a year perhaps? Don't miss it!


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Coby Foden wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:


I wanna claim co-inventorship of multi-color posts, along with Phil. Here's my prior-art...


Granted Maddy. Granted.  :smileysurprised:  :matte-motes-big-grin:

TY, Coby. You're much easier to work with than the USPTO.

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Coby Foden wrote:

Naturally this is due to honour your awesome co-achievement!

Both of you can print this and stick it near your computer displays. :matte-motes-smile:

Multi colour posting trophy.jpg

I'd like to thank all the little people who made this possible. I couldn't have reached this great height without stacking you all up in a pyramid and scaling you like the mountain goat.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

Naturally this is due to honour your awesome co-achievement!

Both of you can print this and stick it near your computer displays. :matte-motes-smile:

Multi colour posting trophy.jpg

I'd like to thank all the little people who made this possible. I couldn't have reached this great height without stacking you all up in a pyramid and scaling you like the mountain goat.


Oh, thank you. It was such an honor to be part of your pyramid and just get stepped on llike common dirt as you scrambled to the top.


Actually it was cool being in the Pyramid of Peace and I think I was a level above you anyway ;-).


Coby, I love the trophy. I"ve never met Phll, but with the pose you've captured Maddy completely.


ETA Quoted Post

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

Naturally this is due to honour your awesome co-achievement!

Both of you can print this and stick it near your computer displays. :matte-motes-smile:

Multi colour posting trophy.jpg

I'd like to thank all the little people who made this possible. I couldn't have reached this great height without stacking you all up in a pyramid and scaling you like the mountain goat.


Oh, thank you. It was such an honor to be part of your pyramid and just get stepped on llike common dirt as you scrambled to the top.


Actually it was cool being in the Pyramid of Peace and I think I was a level above you anyway ;-).


Coby, I love the trophy. I"ve never met Phll, but with the pose you've captured Maddy completely.


ETA Quoted Post

Dillon, you are hardly common.


Coby? You been stalking me?


Maddy Trophy Pose.jpg



I feel like I'm having a Kardashian moment.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:


I wanna claim co-inventorship of multi-color posts, along with Phil. Here's my prior-art...


Granted Maddy. Granted.  :smileysurprised:  :matte-motes-big-grin:

TY, Coby. You're much easier to work with than the

Dear Ms Coby USPTO Santa,

can I please have comic sans as well

yours ever so hopefully


and a goat

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