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How to avoid idiots in public sandboxes?

Sonya Bigboots

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Hello everybody,

Normally I find most people in SL inteligent and friendly.

But yesterday I went to a public sandbox to unpack some boxes that had too many prims to unpack at home, and some idiots thought it would be fun to ram me repeatedly with their flying car. They then moaned and complained when I right clicked on them to imobilise the vehicle so I could get on with quietly unpacking my boxes and sorting out my inventory.

So I have been thinking maybe I should make a special outfit for when using public sandboxes.

My idea is to incorportate some features that mean I can just ignore this type of behaviour. I don't want to have to even talk to them, as that seems to give them sort of gratification if they get to feel they are spoiling someone's day. Being able to put them on my block list and totally ignore them becasue they couldn't do anything to me is the best way of dealing with this sort of immature person.

If I had wandered into the middle of a wargame sim and got shot that  would be my fault, but to be hasssled becasue I wanted to quietly use a  public Linden sandbox is unacceptable.

Can anybody recommend anything like "anti-push" scripts, ways to make my avatar "phantom" or sheilds that mean I can't be shot or pushed. I don't want anything "offensive" as that is just sinking to their level, but passive defensive features, so ideally I don't even notice this type of person or behaviour in the future?


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You can :-)

See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_to_open_a_box#Unpacking_a_box_on_your_avatar

64px-KBcaution.png Important: Only do this if you're comfortable dragging  and dropping inventory items, or you may accidentally misplace stuff.

You can unpack a box if it's attached to your avatar. This may be  useful if you're having a hard time getting to rezzable land, since you  can always attach an object. However, this lacks the convenience  of the Copy to Inventory and Copy and Wear buttons.

  1. In your inventory, right-click the box object and choose Attach  To HUD or Attach To, then select an attachment point. Attach  To HUD may be preferable because the box is attached to a point on  your screen instead of your avatar, and is less likely to mess up your  appearance.
    • Or, you can simply choose Wear, which attaches the box  to its attachment point — if none has been specified, which is typically  the case, it gets attached to your Right Hand.
  2. Right-click the attached box and choose Edit.
  3. In the build tools, click the Content tab.
  4. Drag each item from the object's contents to a folder your  inventory. You can also hold Shift ⇧ or Ctrl to select  multiple items.  If an item is (no copy) this will only work if  you click and drag the folder above the items from the object's contents  into a new folder in your inventory. Dragging the folder rather than  selecting one item at a time will select all items in the object's  contents, and it may be helpful to create a new folder in your inventory  before attempting to use this method.  Now if you are using Viewer 2.0  you and you are opening an object with this method and its (no copy) then you will have to select each item one at time from the object's  contents.
  5. Close the build tools.
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I am around sandboxes quite a bit and encounter this same type of stuff. People can be very easily amused, especially if they are trying out a new toy they got on someone just standing around unpacking boxes. A few things I do personally to avoid encounters like these is, immediately when I get into the sandbox, I rez a box on the floor, sit on it, and change the Z-coordinate position to 1500m. Then you are up in the sky, away from everyone. This helps immensely. You can rez a platform in the sky, just rez another box on the box you are sitting upon and stretch it out.

Staying on the floor? I rez a cylinder, hollow it out, put a transparent texture on it, make it big enough so it surrounds me and whatever I'm working on, and stay inside.

You can always groundsit if you are standing on the terrain. Right click on the floor and sit.

I'm sure there are gadgets that turn on movelock, or make you anti-pushable. But I'm cheap.  :<

Anyway. Goodluck!

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Rez a prim and sit on it, you'll be effectively immobile. I'll send you a copy of my work platform. Sit on it, open your editor and change the z-co-ordinate to whatever height you want to work at , click on it & select 'rez'. Your work platform will materialise.

My own preference is to remain seated while I work and to have sound and voice switched off. I extend my camera range to 512 metres and cam around whatever project I'm working on. If I want music, I've got a Hi-Fi at home that I can use.

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I've heard people talk about having a god-shell to make themselves impervious to attack - is that the same principle as the hollowed out cylinder? I can see how the cylinder would work, as no-one could click on you any more.

It seems a shame to have to go to the hassle of rezing platforms in the sky (and wouldn't want to drop something off the edge - that would seem inconsiderate to the people below) but sounds like a workable solution. I suppose if someone really wanted to they could follow you and harrass you in the air, but its much more unlikely.

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I have not used a sandbox in a long long time, I prefer to build at home where I keep enough prims free so I can build, but there used to be a sandbox sim called Skidz or something of the sort, not sure if it still exists. There you click on a box and it teleports you to a private platform which is enclosed and you can build without being bothered. It was a nice place you might look on search and see if its still there.

As for anti-push scripts I know the the Mystitool has it and EasyTool too. both HUDs are under 500L and come with other features.

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Holy boxopener...thank you for that! I had no idea you could do that. Learn something new every day and this time it comes in handy! You'd think after all the countless times I accidentally wore a box I'd have figured that out already ;-p


I hate to do this since it's a good spot and I'd hate to see it get abused but my old reliable sandbox has been the Kelly Work Zone for a long long time. Hooligan keeps a tight ship there...can type that in the map search - kelly work zone and it'll get ya right to it.

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Oh that's too bad about not being able to open things in inventory!


As far as avoiding idiots, just rez a cube, sit on it and raise it to 1000m or higher. Then just resize the cube into a platform. I've found that you don't need an enclosed platform either as idiots don't know how to go up. The worse thing that usually happens is another builder will come over and start chatting but that rarely happens since most people up top just want to build in peace.

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One drawback to this method is if the box is copyable when you rez it and open it you still have a copy in your inventory, which means if something happens to the item you essentially have a backup. If you wear the box and open it, it does not make a copy of the original box, so if you muck something up you are out of luck. Just something to keep in mind.

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