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Tiers could definitely be lower, so you have my sig on that. I would also like to see a mid level region type if possible.


But Eric... You don't have to buy a sim directly from LL. There is, and has always been, fluctuations in sim ownership, and if you are willing to spend a little time talking with friends, reading forums and classifieds, I can promise you that you are able to buy a fuill sim for $30 / L$ 28.000 which will include relocating and renaming the sim if you want to.

I did that not long ago. I didn't even have to search for it .

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I support this 100% as well...would love to see more price points in the tier scale as well...allow anyone non premiums to purchase land would be a good option also giving premium members a discounted price on land....I gave up my sim a few years back because of falling sales and search issues and just overall crappy customer service from Lindens.....I would rather support fellow residents by renting from them and supporting the community that way...i still rent but i also have just recently selected a low level tier to buy a bit of land again...I will never even consider paying 300 a month for a sim ever again....if they did lower it or gave a discount for premium I may consider it......this tier question was asked at the recent interview with Pete and Oz linden and they states no plans to lower the Sl tier prices...they are using the money made to fund the New SL 2.0 and other linden lab projects...it is there cash cow...But its always worth a try and Ebbe seems to really listen ....so there is hope:matte-motes-grin:

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Paige Raven wrote:

WTG Heavenly about time someone said something about this.  As creators, I would say 90% of the population is struggling to keep high quality items out there for our amazing customers.  However when you are working half the month just to pay LLs it does get a little dishearting.  I happily sign your petition, I think every creator on the grid should.  So many views, yet so few reply.  Come on people aren't you tired of tier you are paying when there are still so many out there with grandfathered sims of 195 instead of 295.  We are all working our butts off, we should all get the same fair prices.  Just saying ....

People have been talking about tier fees for years. It's not a matter of people viewing and not replying because they think it's a bad idea. Some of us have been around long enough to know it's not the first "petition" or "plea" made to LL about tier fees, and we also understand that it's an exercise in futility.

We all want lower land fees, there is no doubt about that. But this is by far not the first time the topic has come up and been discussed. You're a lot less likely to see people reply here, simply because they've replied previously to other threads, blogs, petitions, pleas made...you get the picture.

Sure it never hurts to ask, but it HAS been asked, numerous times.

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I agree wholeheartedly that the tier rates are way too high. As a former renter and also watching a dear friend struggle at times with their tier payments. Learning that their rent is increasing as a result. It's hard enough as it is without adding more onto it, as the expression goes **bleep** rolls uphill too. You can add my name to the list.

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I agree 100%. My tier in SL is highest than my RL apartment administracion fee, no sense to keep on like this. I enjoy creating and build 3D and I found many ways to do it outside SL, even with more posibilities. Same for social web. Nowdays SL for me is an inertia matter, not the only option.

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I would sign!!  It would be more reasonable to have smaller tiers rather than the large jumps, like from 1/4 to 1/2 sim--- I don't think the cost to own land is prohibitive, but to have to take such a large increase in cost if I am only really interested in a few additional sq meters  when I am dancing on the precipice of tier limit--- several times I have NOT bought land.  I might "jump" that precipice more often if the few additional sq meters considered wasn't such a huge impact on my funds.

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It's been said more eloquently by other people, but LL has bills to pay, people to pay, projects to develop and profit to make. It is a business, and they have responsibilities and liabilities, just like its residents do. I've been a content creator for almost seven years, and own two private regions. Just like everyone else who ever took on land, I knew what the cost would be, and started out with what I could afford. I've always expected tier to go up, and have been pleasantly surprised that it hasn't increased more often. On any occasion where tier is long or slow in coming, I look at my business and what I can do to increase my exposure and generate more sales. Just as I do with my first life business. I cannot expect other people to provide solutions to my problems.

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I respect that view and agree, from a business perspective I agree, its about growing as you can afford it.  I also agree that LL is a business.  For residents SL is not just about businesses, its about homes, parks, beaches, clubs, museums, art, creativity and hoping to make it a little more affordable for all.   I'm not trying to solve everyones problems, just trying to give people a chance to let LL know that this is an important issue to them if they want to,  and ask LL to consider whether there is an opportunity to lower the price of land if they can find other avenues for revenue.    People are free to support this or not.  :)

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Paige Raven wrote:

WTG Heavenly about time someone said something about this.  As creators, I would say 90% of the population is struggling to keep high quality items out there for our amazing customers.  However when you are working half the month just to pay LLs it does get a little dishearting.  I happily sign your petition, I think every creator on the grid should.  So many views, yet so few reply.  Come on people aren't you tired of tier you are paying when there are still so many out there with grandfathered sims of 195 instead of 295.  We are all working our butts off, we should all get the same fair prices.  Just saying ....

There are 'so few' replies because most of the people that are on the forum regularly know that it is futile from past experience of seeing this same plea time and again for years with no result.  It's especially true now that LL needs the money to develop the new grid.  Notice that those who have supported this have very few posts or are new to the forums, including yourself.  Who wouldn't love to see tiers lowered? The reality is that it isn't going to happen anytime soon if at all.

There is a good reason those sims are grandfathered,  The owner's have owned them for many years.  LL also gives discounts when you own a lot of sims.  It's pretty common for a business to give better rates to their long time and/or best customers.  There is nothing unfair about it because these people spent a lot more money. 


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Land Use Fees are expensive. After many year on secondlife (rez date 2006) Nothing change for old avatar (loyal customer), no change to add sqm for mainland or decrease fees price.

It's a good idea to change that.

I see more mainland are abandonned and more people leave SL because the mainland fees are too expensive.

Old avatar are more experience to build or purschase compared to newbie.

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It would be nice if LL lowered the tier rates, or offered more sq m for Premium members (as often mentioend - 1024 sq m over a 512 sq m parcel).  Mainland is the cheapest route and the one that my group took when obtaining a great deal of land recently.  We're very happy where we are and it offers an opportunity for explorers to accidentally find us.  Exploring this petition is a viable and good effort.  Perhaps, in the past, LL has declined to take this step; however, perserverance and continued efforts do not hurt anyone.   Keep trying and do what you feel is the right thing for you to do (just like I'd say to anyone).  There will be some who disagree and they are entitled to that opinion.  There will be some who decide they see futlility in the effort and they are entitled to that opinion.  There will be those who jump in with you and hope for change and they, too, are entitled to that opinion.  Change is never easy.  Change is something that must be worked at.  If your efforts succeeed, that's great.  If your efforts do not, well you tried.  There's no harm in trying.

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I agree.

The cost of land AS WELL AS the linden currency exchange rate has progressively increased in SL over the years. It's astronomical. The cost alone makes the spending of REAL money harder to justify. And that is the cost which excludes purchase of any other inworld merchandise to fuel the inworld economy, giving content providers a reason to cater in the first place.


It is just too expensive.

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mslabelle Mistwallow wrote:

I agree.

The cost of land AS WELL AS the linden currency exchange rate has progressively increased in SL over the years.
It's astronomical. The cost alone makes the spending of REAL money harder to justify. And that is the cost which excludes purchase of any other inworld merchandise to fuel the inworld economy, giving content providers a reason to cater in the first place.


It is just too expensive.

This is not true at all. 

The exchange rate has remained pretty stable for years now.  See this for the history of the exchange rate: http://gridsurvey.com/lindex.php

There has been no price increase in tiers paid to LL for years.  The last time tiers went up was in November 2006 for full private regions and July 2010 for homesteads.   In both cases existing sims were grandfathered and it was only new sims that paid the higher rate.  Then they ended the grandfathering when an existing grandfathered sim was sold.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

The exchange rate has remained pretty stable for years now.  

Stable against the US dollar. I suspect, in order to write such a thing, the poster has experienced increased exchange rates against a currency that has itself devalued in US dollar terms -- which would be most currencies, in fact.

(Note, I'm definately not suggesting that the L$ needs to be pegged to some market-basket of global currencies -- nor, god forbid, to float. Existing practice managed the L$ remarkably well over the years. I'm merely suggesting how some residents might have perceived L$ deflation relative to their local currencies.)

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Linden Lab should really consider lowering land fees or giving premium members more land to begin with. The reason is simple. Just look at Moore's law; the cost of computing power and harddrive spaces has been decreasing. The average land price is at its all time low. Residents are abandoning their lands nonstop. It is time for Linden Lab to come out of their fatansy world and face reality!

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I doubt that the land fees are the major reason for the ongoing decline. There are many, many more reasons which sum up

I´m not strictly against lower land fees, but I fear that Altberg uses SL as cash cow for covering the development cost for his "supposed-to-be-next-generation-better-faster-bigger-butnotbackwardscompatible" misconception. I do not think that Altberg brought in enough venture capital there. So the Lab cannot and will not cut land fees significantly.

The "sales tax" - basically - is a lousy idea in any way, because this tax will not work for in-world sales at all. If LL raises the fees on the marketplace in favor of lower parcel fees, our creative merchants will just use the MP for advertisement while directing potential customers to their in-world store by product description and done. I suspect that for the  "supposed-to-be-next-generation-better-faster-bigger-butnotbackwardscompatible" misonception Altberg plans to impose a "sales tax" for each and any in-world sold item as well, which probably would solve this problem, but cause many others.


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Instead of petitioning for lower land fees alone  I´d petition for rising the upload fees significantly in balance. This would make some money, would not hurt anyone overly but the 250 prim equivalence avatar makers (and such) and make many people truly onsider what they are doing. Some sculpt map poly lag attack sensor would be fine there, too.

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