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I lied about my age and now I can't access my accounts.

Nuesha India

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I stupidly lied about my age to gain access to a Hogwarts Role Play school. I had no intention of doing anything unsutiable for my age group. However, prior to an email I recieved from Lindens lab explaining that my account could no longer be accessed, I could not log on. It told me that If I had any problems, to contact support@secondlife.com, so I did. Only to find, that once I sat and wrote out a long and appologetic email, it told me none of the emails sent to this address were read. Great! So I came onto secondlife.com expecting their to be some form of help. I began to write out a ticket, but apparently my account type would not allow me. So now I am writing a thread in the hope someone will reply. I think it is rediculous. There is no fast and efficiant way to get help. I have to wait untill a member of the public answer my question. Does this not suggest Secondlife are lazy? I will have no problem switching to Teen second life, I just hope this matter is resolved before they cancel my account. In the email they sent me, they told me that if no age verification is sent, my account will be cancelled. I obviously can't sent age verification. I know I sound like I'm completely blaming second life, but I'm not. I know I am to blame for lying in the first place, but I have already appologised my ass off in the email I sent them - and they won't even read it! -sigh- Basically, finally, my question is, How do I ask Lindens lab to not cancel my account, un-ban my IP/laptop? I can't find any direct way of contacting them.

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Age verification does not depend on your age. It just verifies your age.

Since LL is quite angry with you you will have to supply a copy of some document that states your birthday. The normal age verification does not work since that was designed for residents above 18 years of age. Use e-mail and scanned documents, and ask your parents for help. As far as I know the e-mail address @ support does work.

Another option is to start all over again creating a new avatar.

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Helo Nuesha, please see SL Wiki KB My account has been unfairly or incorrectly suspended   or permanently closed by Linden Lab — how can I appeal this decision?

You can submit a Ticket with Support at http://support.secondlife.com/ see Ticket  Types

Be sure to use the Special Questions - Basic Account or Guest Login ticket type from the dropdown list when  entering the information requested.

Basic account holders and Guests can submit tickets for the following issues:

Account issue -  Use one of these if you're having a problem creating or logging into their account.
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Follow the instructions they gave you, and send them valid ID info that shows your true age. If that shows you as being between 13 and 17, inclusive, they will reenstate your account on the Teen grid. Sorry, no Hogworts school there, that I know of.

It was not legal for you to lie about your age to get access to the adult grid, no matter how clean and non-sexual your intentions. You will noyt be granted access to the main grid until you reach the age of 18, and can prove it, now.

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Okay, maybe I should have defined my problem more clearly.

I cannot just start over and make a new account. I have already considered that, but it isn't just my accounts that I cannot gain access to, it is any account. They have made it impossible to access second life all together from my laptop. I also tried the family computer, and my account nor anyone elses works on there either. This ofcourse is fair on my part, but not for the other members of my household. I tried sending a ticket, but it wont let me and tells me to result to sending a thread. I live in Britian and my parents will just tell me that it will be too much hassle sending age verification to california. I definitely cant send age verification, but If Linden Labs un-ban my IP address, I dont see what the problem will be. I will switch to teen grid, and everything will be fine. I know saying sorry doesnt make everything better, but I geniunley do see what I have done wrong, and I know that Linden Labs don't have time for Kids doing this like this. All I'm asking for is a second chance. (And an easier system of help)

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Nuesha.India wrote:


Okay, maybe I should have defined my problem more clearly.

I cannot just start over and make a new account. I have already considered that, but it isn't just my accounts that I cannot gain access to, it is any account. They have made it impossible to access second life all together from my laptop. I also tried the family computer, and my account nor anyone elses works on there either. This ofcourse is fair on my part, but not for the other members of my household. I tried sending a ticket, but it wont let me and tells me to result to sending a thread. I live in Britian and my parents will just tell me that it will be too much hassle sending age verification to california. I definitely cant send age verification, but If Linden Labs un-ban my IP address, I dont see what the problem will be. I will switch to teen grid, and everything will be fine. I know saying sorry doesnt make everything better, but I geniunley do see what I have done wrong, and I know that Linden Labs don't have time for Kids doing this like this. All I'm asking for is a second chance. (And an easier system of help)

No. You are asking for special treatment.  There is a mechinism in place to appeal.  You need to use it.



My account has been unfairly or incorrectly suspended or permanently closed by Linden Lab — how can I appeal this decision?

Linden Lab takes violations of the Second Life Terms of Service and Community Standards very seriously. The decision to apply a suspension or permanent closure for your Second Life account(s) is reached after investigation of your use of the Second Life software and service. Residents are not allowed to participate in the Second Life virtual world if their accounts have been suspended or disabled for violations of our Terms of Service.

However, if you can maintain in good faith that the violations were not due to your actions or negligence, or the actions or negligence of others working for you, you may appeal the suspension or closure of your account(s) in writing to the address below. Please provide any relevant information that you believe would explain the violations we detected. Linden Lab reserves sole discretion in considering whether to take any action on a written appeal. If you would like to appeal your warning or suspension, you may contact Second Life Support, in writing, at the address below:

Second Life Support, Linden Lab
945 Battery Street
San Francisco, CA 94111

Or by fax: 415-651-9221

We also accept appeals filed electronically using the ticket submission process described above.

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No, I am not asking for any special treatment. I am only asking for an easy way to get access to SL back without sending anything away or handing out personal information. My parents dont like that sort of thing. Why wont it let me send a ticket?

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What you arer asking for IS special treatment and is not going to happen.

If you have been IP banned, as it appears you have been, then SL can not be accessed via the computer with that IP or computers attached to a router with that IP. If other memebers of your family use SL and can no longer access their accounts because of your ban, THEY can contact LL and request the IP ban be lifted. It won't help you however as your account will still have the ban.

The only way you are going to get your account back is to follow the instructions others have posted in this thread, which will require you send LL acceptable information confirming your real age and ID.

Bottom line, you messed up and lied, and in RL, there are consiquences for those actions.

Your question has been answered, whinning or complaining or blaiming LL is not going to change the answers. Man-up and tell your parents what has happended and learn from this or don't and give up SL. The choice is yours. But accept the responsibility for this situation and quit trying to make it someone elses problem.


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You can appeal in writing sent mail or via fax.  Or you can go to a public internet terminal and submit a proper support ticket.  All of that is outlined in the link I sent you.  Until you appeal, no reason to request Teen Grid access which means no reason to send age verification yet.  You have to get Linden to agree to remove the IP block first.  If they go that far, then you can take the next step and see if they will let you on the Teen Grid and at that time you WILL have to provide proof of your age.  If your parents are not going to allow that, then you might as well stop now because that is sure to be an absolute requirement.


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Okay, so what sort of thing can an 14 year old girl send as proof of age? And won't it cost alot to send something from Britian to California. Could I take a picture of my Passport and send the picture via internet. I don't think my parents would allow me to send my actual passport.

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See below of the list of what documents you can copy for proof of age.



Please attach an electronic (scanned) copy of one of a Government issued identification that has your name and date of birth clearly displayed. This identification could be one of the following:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Driver's License
  • Passport
  • State or National ID
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I would like to add that when I transferred my account from the MG to the TG, I simply took a picture of my military ID next to a piece of paper that I had written "Vaughan Vendetta" and the date on. They accepted that as a valid ID type and transferred me. By the way, signups for people from the UK are currently broken; the ironic part is that if you had tried to register for Second Life with the proper age on the TG, it would be impossible.

If you ever transfer, send me an IM and I'd be glad to help get you on your feet. Though there aren't any Harry Potter roleplay groups here, unfortunately.

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Do not send your passport, or any other original document. You could get in serious trouble if it gets lost on the way and I don't know how happy Linden Lab would be about having to mail it back to you (again with the risk of it getting lost on the way).

Send a photocopy (on paper) or attach (upload) a scan to a "Basic Account or Guest Login" support ticket.

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Nuesha.India schrieb:


Okay, so what sort of thing can an 14 year old girl send as proof of age? And won't it cost alot to send something from Britian to California. Could I take a picture of my Passport and send the picture via internet. I don't think my parents would allow me to send my actual passport.

You could place it on a fax machine and send a fax.. there's a fax number.


(At least you write in whole sentences)

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Okay, thankyou. But are you telling me there is no way for me to verify my age? Would it be possible to have my IP un-banned and just make a new account with teen Grid. But if I do that, the people in my house would not be able to use their adult grid accounts. So that would be .... not good. I really don't know what to do now. I dont really understand what you are saying... are you saying there is no point in sending them any personal ID?

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You say you are 14. Then the proper answer here is - go to your parents, tell them what happened - take the consiquences for your actions - learn the lesson.

Simple really - you don't like the answer so you keep asking - but that doesn't change it.


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No, you were told that they sent a photo of their id and it worked for the purpose of proving their age.

Edited to add: You make it sound as though your parents also have SL accounts. If this is true, they're going to find out they can't access SL soon enough. It'd be best if they find out why from you rather than the hassle of putting in a ticket and finding out from LL.

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Nuesha, you can't email LL with these issues. they won't read them and i'm not even sure what email you would use. you will have to create an alt account, then write a ticket and fill in the appropriate feilds that indicate what account you are referring to. i'm not sure if you've already tried this, if you have then i'm sorry.

i find it really odd that LL forces you to create an alternative account(if you didn't already have one) in order to submit a ticket for a banned account - let's face it, a lot of times accounts are banned unfairly. why would they cut off one of a very limited number of ways to get in contact with them in case of a problem when they ban your account? it just doesn't make a lot sense to me. i think if an account gets banned, it should still have access to the ticket submition forms for at least 48 hours after a ban.

just my opinion.

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You should be able to verify your age and transfer just fine. What I meant was that, even if you had tried to register on the TG in the beginning and done everything that LL "Expected" you to do to meet their Terms of Service, it would be impossible to play Second Life, because people from the UK can't register on the Teen Grid. It's a double-standard. The only way you're able to have (potential) access to the Teen Grid is because you made an account on the Adult Grid.

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Well here is the deal as I see it, but since I don't work for LL I can't say for sure. Your a 14 year old girl and you lied about your age to get into adult second life. Which is againts their policy and a bannable offense. Sounds like you must have told someone in world and they turned you in, since as far as I know LL doesn't go around doing background checks on its 100,000 some members. Being under age in sl is no trivial thing or a laughing matter. Its an adult playground and no place for young children. Sure you say you were there for nothing adult and that is fine, but what if you are lieing about that? If you were there doing adult things and someone older got mixed up with you it could be very bad for them. In the U.S. depending on how things transpired they could go to Prison!! This is exactly why they have the teen grid and that is the one you should have joined from the get go.


Sounds to me like you got busted breaking the rules and they banned you. What exactly did the email say? Was it a ban or a suspension? My guess would be if you got banned for falsifying your age you might as well give up. Your banned, I hightly doubt sweet talking them will help. Saying "I am sorry I won't do it again and I will go the teen grid" probably won't do you much good. Sometimes in life you mess up and you just have to suffer the punishment.

My 16 year old wanted in second life too because he said the teen grid sucked. I talked to my boss in sl about it and she said no way not worth the risk. We run a racing sim, so it would be no big deal for him to be there. We just work on cars and drive around. No nudity or anything. But by letting him be there if he gets busted not only will he get banned. I will get banned as will his mother because we all share the same connection. As would my boss if they can prove she had knowledge he was underage. My girlfriend manages a club, I manage 3 sims and have 2 businesses in sl and my boss owns the three sims. That is a lot of risk to take just so my 16 year old can goof off on the computer. I would rather have him outside hanging out with friends anyway instead stuck in his room on a computer like me lol.

I hope your parents don't have businesses or responsibilities in sl as well. Because you may have ruined it for them.

I am trying to feel sorry for you, but can't seem to do it. You cheated and you got caught, sorry. Personally I am gald, the thought of 14 year old girls running around sl scares the crap out of me! I am wondering how you even got into these forums? I thought you had to be registered in sl to use them.

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Okay, so some of you are telling me off for not saying I am a teenager in the first place. But then someone else says I wouldnt be able to do that anyway. This is what the email said:

Dear Regan Flux,

We have placed your account on hold pending confirmation of your identity.

To confirm your age eligibility please send Linden Lab a legible copy of a
government-issued identification document (state ID, driver's license,
passport, military ID, birth certificate) that clearly includes both your
name and date of birth. This is the only type of identification acceptable
for establishing age eligibility. You may send your ID via fax or by filing
a support ticket (see contact info below).

If verification is not received, your account will be discontinued. If
this message has been sent in error, and you meet Second Life's age
eligibility requirements, we apologize and hope that this verification will
not be overly inconvenient.

Best regards,

Community Services

Linden Lab

945 Battery Street

San Francisco, CA 94111

Fax 415.651.9221

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