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Linden Lab Ignores a 3rd+ of SL residents


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On the 2nd of this month i sent Linden Lab an email:-


Dear sir,

With reference to the unofficial news that has been spread by the Ceo of Linden Lab pertaining to the new virtual world that Linden Lab intend on building, I would ask as to why Linden lab have yet to announce this on their own website i.e. the Second Life blog!
My main concern is while i am English and I obviously speak English, a large proportion of Second Life residents don't and there is growing confusion amongst the non English speaking community in Second Life!
I would ask Linden Lab to actually make an official announcement via the blog with some facts if possible so at least people can translate it!


Phoebe Avro


As of yet I have no reply! and NO OFFICIAL announcement on the blog (btw the LL spell checker thinks the word 'reply' is an error ^^ )

It's now obvious that Linden Lab knows the CEO has made an almighty cockup and is wondering what to do next!

In typical LL style they will hide hoping it will go away but the damage is done and if LL don't act soon the economy will dive, it already is but it will gain momentum in the coming months



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It's a fricking holiday in the US what makes you think their going to give you a quick response on short notice when no one is at the office today, can't you take a day of from bitching at LL, may be you should translate an apology in to other languages for helping to causing the panic over this. 



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Phoebe Avro wrote:

In typical LL style they will hide hoping it will go away but the damage is done and if LL don't act soon the economy will dive, it already is but it will gain momentum in the coming months

What's the basis for saying the SL economy is already diving?   I mean, you know how your business is doing, I know how mine is doing (pretty much as expected for this time of year, as it happens), but neither of us has access to any figures that would let us say with any confidence if the SL economy as a whole is diving, rising, staying much the same or anything else.


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Where is it on a Linden lab or SL Website ^^ 3rd party sites are nothing and as i said my thread was about the non English speakers and LL not communicating with them!!!!!

All those sites copy info that was past out lol so if i set up a blog and post BS its fact is it?

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Phoebe Avro wrote:

A very large land barron lost 26 renters on day one of the unofficial announcement

and i know personaly of several creators closing shop and dumping land

Yeah, but that's hardly enough evidence on which to base much, is it?    I'd want to see -- for example --  the trend as represented by Tyche's Grid Survey over several weeks, at least, before forming any sort of impresion of what effect, if any, this news has had.   I strongly suspect that the effect, if if there is one, is going to be little more than a blip.    In a few weeks' time, to my mind, people will, if not forget, at least put to the back of their minds the announcement (since nothing visible will happen as a result until sometime next year), concurrence and sales will pick up again as they always towards the end of summer, and things will be pretty much back to normal.

Time will tell if I'm correct, of course, but I fully expect the long term impact of this news to be minimal and for SL1 to be going strong in four or five years' time.   

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Phoebe Avro wrote:

Where is it on a Linden lab or SL Website ^^ 3rd party sites are nothing and as i said my thread was about the non English speakers and LL not communicating with them!!!!!

All those sites copy info that was past out lol so if i set up a blog and post BS its fact is it?

While I agree MOST of the articles in that link reply to your post obvious rewrote the press release, the FIRST one in that list from engadget is an excellent article and had info I had not read anywhere else -- and trust me I read well over a thousand posts.

My business is normal for July.


It is true some folks have left and some are checking out IW which is obvious from the increase in new accounts made over the last week. Still it is not a HUGE amounts (approximately 280 new accounts in the last week - some could be alts but who knows) over the normal number. I know nothing about other worlds.

I agree that something official should be posted. Hopefully that will happen. In the meantime those that can't read English CAN find out if they really want to (I translate a fair amount of German and Portugeuse blogs when needed). There is LOTS of info from Oz Linden and Peter Linden reported here.




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Phoebe Avro wrote:

It was not a Holliday when i emailed LL and it was not the day after get a life its not all about Americans!

But why would expect an American company not to take off an American holiday, if they were a German company would you be mad they took off a German Holiday? 

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Phoebe Avro wrote:

A very large land barron lost 26 renters on day one of the unofficial announcement

and i know personaly of several creators closing shop and dumping land

I wonder...if that was the reason.  Cant imagine they have much to lose when 'renting' 

Not like if they had invested in property!

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Phoebe Avro wrote:

A very large land barron lost 26 renters on day one of the unofficial announcement

and i know personaly of several creators closing shop and dumping land

That's more likely due to chicken little syndrome(sky is falling). It happens when people panic, especially when there isn't a lot of information right off the bat. Word of mouth travelled fast and I saw a lot of the things people were saying, and it caused some folks to panic, plain and simple.

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Phoebe Avro wrote:

It was not a Holliday when i emailed LL and it was not the day after get a life its not all about Americans!

The most ignorant comment you have made.

LL is based in the US, they follow US holidays regardless of your opinion of Americans.

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Amercian based company that already has a limited support staff is not going to be at your beckon call.   They are not at mine and I would never make such demands and if you come and go "you should"  nope. I'm sorry it's a holiday in the states, people have a right to be with their families and if you still want to argue then well you will be **bleep** out of luck getting a reply back from me. 



This is not directed at you, I clicked the wrong reply

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Phoebe Avro wrote:

In typical LL style they will hide hoping it will go away but the damage is done and if LL don't act soon the economy will dive, it already is but it will gain momentum in the coming months

What's the basis for saying the SL economy is already diving?   I mean, you know how your business is doing, I know how mine is doing (pretty much as expected for this time of year, as it happens), but neither of us has access to any figures that would let us say with any confidence if the SL economy as a whole is diving, rising, staying much the same or anything else.


I saw a dip the week after, and this past week was slightly below normal. The last few days have been above average.

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I feel informed very well, as fas as that's possible and there are many links available.

But the point of the OP is that you need to speak english. I didn't see anything in my language yet so the statement in the op is obviously true.

Thats quite normal for american companies except they really want to sell worldwide. Since LL never cared much of their customers nor had the urge to communicate much - thats expected behaviour then. :D

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CheriColette wrote:

Today when signing into sl there was this
 in firestorm 

So LL is trying to address peoples concerns.

That was provided by the makers of Firestorm, a third party browser. Seems they are making more of an effort than LL is to address their customers. (That don't visit forums which is the vast majority) 

That meeting were 60 people attended is hardly addressing the masses and it's the masses, the people who log into SL to have fun,  spend money and log out again, that are hearing stories via word of mouth and panicking. 

Never underestimate the power of "word of mouth" and I don't mean its accuracy.

A very tiny % of SL users take the time to visit forums or read third party SL news websites.

Instead they hear things from their friends or friends of friends and as is always the case when rumours are floating, each person adds their own interpretation or gut feeling to the "story" or exaggerates to make their point seem more valid, to make people believe what they believe.

Right now, there is a huge majority of people in SL who are uncertain and uncertainty creates insecurity. Both of these elements in ANY economy is never a good thing. 

If people hear that SL is to be replaced with another version and that they cannot import what they create or purchase,  of course they're not going to want to spend money. I certainly wouldn't! 

LL SHOULD post a public announcement both on the SL official website and a link to that announcement on the SL official viewer.

I think they will when it becomes obvious that this sloppy leak is impacting the economy. 

But the longer they leave it hanging like the bad fart it is, the more these rumours and fears will spread and accumulate in world and the more people will panic and stop spending. They won't leave SL. They just won't invest or spend money in it anymore. That's not rocket science. That's a common sense thing to assume. 

We have seen a trickle of people coming to the forums (Most for the first time) stating that they intend on cancelling their premium account and won't spend another penny in SL because they believe it is being closed down.

And regular forum visitors laughed at them and took the piss and provided links to prove them wrong.

I think these people are missing the point. Those few "Panics mungers" who posted recently represent a much bigger amount of people in SL who won't come to the forums or go out of their way to attend select meetings or research the net to read un confirmed stories on websites. They are working by day, playing SL by night and if their friend says SL is going to close then that's all they need to make their mind up.

I see some the tactics some people are using to avoid creating an even bigger panic by claiming "All is fine in my SL thank you very much"  and I understand the reasoning behind that but it won't been read or seen by the vast majority of the typical SL consumer so it's a drop in the ocean in terms of "damage limitation" 

LL need to do some damage limitation and fast. 


Just a few comments I read on the Firestorm announcement page kind of represent what the silent SL is thinking


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