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What idiot in Linden announced SL is closing down?

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I cannot believe anybody in business could be so stupid as to make public that SL is closing down, have they even thought of the ramifications that could bring? people are no longer going to buy large items for a few thousand Lindens knowing that they could/will lose them because they cannot take them out of sl, why bother buying clothes, Houses, machines, Boats knowing that it will be money wasted when sl closes, if there was ever a death wish put on sl then this coming from the lab itself must be the king of all death wishes to kill a business.

There are so many things that people have become sick of in sl, like high pricing, continual changing of viewers, continualy adding irelevant "Improvements"  introducing programs which force people to change viewers yet again and so it goes on, then Linden sit back and wonder what's happend!!  Just fly over any part of mainland and see the amount of land now empty with most of it just abandoned, look at all the great venues that have closed, shops that have given up, people that have left, if this was my company I would do some serious ass kicking and booting out the door of idiots who have brought what was once a very good program down into the gutter.  WAKE UP YOU FOOLS AND STOP BEING SO GREEDY, LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE WHO PAY MONEY TO BE HERE, AND STOP MAKING THREATS, EITHER DO IT OR SHUT UP. 

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Considering this topic is on every forum all over the web, in news report's and in magazine articles then don’t you think it is somewhat imperative that Linden makes a formal announcement saying as such, talk to anybody in SL and the opinion is the same (rightly or wrongly) I have heard people talking in shops saying that they will not buy anything now as it’s not worth it, go to other grids, Inworldz for one, and you will hear people talking about SL closing down, unless somebody gets their fingers out and does something about it like having a statement on all sign in screens, placing notices in all public communications then SL really will go to the wall.  If it’s not true THEN LET PEOPLE KNOW, tell them as such and stop all the rumours and also take note of some of the other points I made. 

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johnboy Snoodle wrote: [...]
If it’s not true THEN LET PEOPLE KNOW, tell them as such and stop all the rumours [...]

They've already told as such, many times, in many ways and in a lot of places; if that didn't stop posts like yours, then nothing will.

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Thats strange, I sign in every day and have not seen one single comment regarding it and as I am not a mind reader either then maybe it was displayed in the wrong places? Think, if I have not seen anything then a good many others have not seen anything either and that's where rumors start and grow. 

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johnboy Snoodle wrote:

Considering this topic is on every forum all over the web, in news report's and in magazine articles then don’t you think it is somewhat imperative that Linden makes a formal announcement saying as such, talk to anybody in SL and the opinion is the same (rightly or wrongly) I have heard people talking in shops saying that they will not buy anything now as it’s not worth it, go to other grids, Inworldz for one, and you will hear people talking about SL closing down, unless somebody gets their fingers out and does something about it like having a statement on all sign in screens, placing notices in all public communications then SL really will go to the wall.  If it’s not true THEN LET PEOPLE KNOW, tell them as such and stop all the rumours and also take note of some of the other points I made. 

If you actually read the news reports and magazine articles to which you refer you will know what Ebbe Linden, LL's CEO,  actually did say in his interviews with them.   If you bother to read the threads in this forum about the topic, you will see what he's had to say here in response to various questions.

Once you've done that you'll be a little better placed to draw your own conclusions about whats happening and -- who  knows? -- perhaps be able to correct bits of foolish gossip and rumour you overhear in shops rather than believing it all and  going off like a badly-made firework.

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Ebbe Linden himself has repeatedly made clear, even in forums completely outside of Linden Labs' purvey, an almost diametrically opposed statement to the one you so dramatically titled your thread with (and one which you haven't as yet provided the source of the supposed “closing SL” announcement). He and other Lindens have, at this point, MASSIVELY expanded Ebbe's initial remarks, both about the new project and the future of current SL.

What no amount of official statements could, and never will achieve, is to stop people like you from stridently repeating false rumours taken from only God knows where.

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Lots of comments shooting me down about reading and googling, but let me ask you this.  Why did I see in green writing on the sign in screen a warning that we should tell Linden about things and to also try a new program they had brought out, together with an implication that sl 'might' close ???

First, that came from Linden, second, if I am told somthing from the company that supplies it then I would suggest it might just be true !!  It was obviously not only my screen that had the warning because it was brought to my attention by others at which point I signed out then came back on to read it myself.  I am in England and the other two people that saw it also come from England so are you telling me that only England received the warning notice in green writing on the sign in screen? 

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johnboy Snoodle wrote: [...] 
Lots of comments shooting me down about reading and googling, but let me ask you this.  Why did I see in green writing on the sign in screen a warning that we should tell Linden about things and to also try a new program they had brought out, together with an implication that sl 'might' close ???

Good grief... do you mean this?? If so, have you actually READ it? Could you please point to me where exactly in that blog post says that anyone in Linden Labs announced that they were about to close Second Life?

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johnboy Snoodle wrote:

Lots of comments shooting me down about reading and googling, but let me ask you this.  Why did I see in green writing on the sign in screen a warning that we should tell Linden about things and to also try a new program they had brought out, together with an implication that sl 'might' close ???

First, that came from Linden, second, if I am told somthing from the company that supplies it then I would suggest it might just be true !!  It was obviously not only my screen that had the warning because it was brought to my attention by others at which point I signed out then came back on to read it myself.  I am in England and the other two people that saw it also come from England so are you telling me that only England received the warning notice in green writing on the sign in screen? 

I'm in England and have been logging in daily over the last couple of weeks, using the Official Viewer.   I've seen nothing like what you describe.    Do you use Firestorm, by any chance?

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I thought that's what he probably meant, but I don't understand how anyone can possibly have read the Firestorm blog piece and come away with the idea LL had announced they're shutting SL down any time soon.   Some people have -- mistakenly, to my mind -- inferred that's what's going to happen, but certainly no one from LL has said anything of the sort, and it's not what Firestorm were saying, either.

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Hi johnboy, it was 2 weeks ago today that Ebbe Linden (CEO of Linden Lab) said that Linden Lab was working on the next version of "Second Life". Since then I have witnessed three camps of people on this subject. First are the Linden Lab cheerleaders who will tell you to shut up and bend over because the almighty Linden Lab are  kind and benevolent people who would NEVER do anything bad to you. The second camp are those people who say they are going to leave SL now (which I did for a couple of days trying to find something that I enjoyed as much as Second Life but when I realized there is noothing out there that I am interested in, I cam back. The third group (which I now count myself in) are those people who have changed the way they view and play Second Life. I will NOT be renewing my premium membership at the end of the month. I am still renting (in fact I got a bigger rental lot today) but I am no longer buying anything over 200 linden. All I can say is hang in there, don't try to take it personally when the cheerleaders tell you that you are wrong. Just try to ignore them like me.

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If you all stay in SL doing what you've always done, SL makes Linden Lab money. Linden Lab is a buisiness. A business likes to make money and does not close down a product that makes them money. Especially when they are investing in a new product that won't make them money for a while...the keyword here is MONEY! So when you stop buying stuff, it's actually you that is making Linden Lab close down SL :) Really is this so difficult to grasp?

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johnboy Snoodle wrote:

I cannot believe anybody in business could be so stupid as to make public that SL is closing down, . . .

Is that true captain.jpg


Ok, johnboy - sorry for the joke... :smileywink: - ... anyway, please do read what really has been said by Linden Lab. Don't just blindly believe all the rumours what you migh hear from misinformed people. Then you might see that the sky is not falling down...

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We IS em!

The great thing about being village idiots is that those of us who are can just go on about our Second Lives as if nothing at all was wrong. If something IS wrong then SL will maybe....stop. Being a village idiot, I don't spend too much time worrying about whether it will or it won't but if it does, it does. That would be bad, but if it happens I reckon we'll all find other things to do.

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you idiot you !!!

dont you know that SL is all there is and all that will ever be for now and for evermore. Was foretold in the begining of times. Is our destiny to just be what we are as we are until the end of times

which apparently is next Tuesday at 3:15pm. just after afternoon tea

which I am planning to take with the parrot on OIP. Which is were I go everytime the world ended before. and never did. bc the parrot knows

at 3:16pm the parrot willl say like it always do: Only one smooch each ok. Am not made of smooches you know. Be on your way now. Go forth from this place. and fifth. and sixth before dinnertime if you can manage it. I will be here for you when the world ends again. One smooch to rule all. There can be only One. smooch that is. So say the parrot

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