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Hello, I am an obvious alt. 3 or 4 years ago you could go on the site 'SL Popular Places' and find every sim with a paying votebox. Some gave 1L, some 2L, rarer but still, some even 5-10L, per vote. You could log in 7 or 8 alts and just pop through the sims collecting money for your main. Great days, no need to get a boring SL job! 

But the rot seems to have set in. Some greedy sim owners have set the voteboxes so that you have to stay there for 10 mins for a 1L payout, which is just obscene. I note that many of the SL Popular Places options hardly pay out anymore, or if they do, it's a total waste of time - just one and the votebox is hidden somewhere meaning you have to spend time looking for it (these greedy vulture snobs don't realise it's a mutual transaction - we're there to inflate their traffic figures). 

Anyway, this seems to me an apt reminder that SL is truly dying. 

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VoteboxRepairMan wrote:

Hello, I am an obvious alt. 3 or 4 years ago you could go on the site 'SL Popular Places' and find every sim with a paying votebox. Some gave 1L, some 2L, rarer but still, some even 5-10L, per vote. You could log in 7 or 8 alts and just pop through the sims collecting money for your main. Great days, no need to get a boring SL job! 

But the rot seems to have set in. Some greedy sim owners have set the voteboxes so that you have to stay there for 10 mins for a 1L payout, which is just obscene. I note that many of the SL Popular Places options hardly pay out anymore, or if they do, it's a total waste of time - just one and the votebox is hidden somewhere meaning you have to spend time looking for it (these greedy vulture snobs don't realise it's a mutual transaction - we're there to inflate their traffic figures). 

Anyway, this seems to me an apt reminder that SL is truly dying. 

It's more of a reminder of how useless traffic was as a search criteria which is why it's been deemphasized in the search protocol.

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You are the greedy one here and must know you are off base with this post or you would have not used an alt to post.

Not every sim paid people when they are there.  I know a lot that don't.  In fact, i prefer going to these sims to avoid greedy parasites with your attitude that just stand around to collect the money and add nothing to the atmosphere.

Where do you think the money you get paid comes from?  It comes from the sim owner's pocket.  No sim owner has to pay you for coming to their sim and if they do , you have to follow whatever rules they care to make.  If you don't like it don't go there.

You should thank sim owners for providing venues to entertain you without charging YOU.  Why should they pay tiers to entertain you at all?  It is NOT a mutual transaction.  Entertainment venues make no profit and most of the expenses including tier, comes straight out of the owner's pocket. Donations people make but that don't come near to paying the expenses.

Here's a novel thought.  Instead of expecting a hand out, why not get a job and earn your money.  Then you won't have to put up with what you are complaining about.

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I've never come across vote boxes that pay out L$ in all my years in SL !  

Logging in alts to go and collect L$1 or L$2 per go by clicking on voteboxes seems like a lot of virtual work for a very small amount of virtual money!

What I'd like is a vote box  that automatically collects money from people who click on it - now that would be fun :)

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VoteboxRepairMan wrote:

You could log in 7 or 8 alts and just pop through the sims collecting money for your main. Great days, no need to get a boring SL job! 

Where are these easy money boxes? Where? Please tell me, tell me!

I'm running out of cash soon, need more.



.. or wait, did you say..?

VoteboxRepairMan wrote:


But the rot seems to have set in. Some greedy sim owners have set the voteboxes so that you have to stay there for 10 mins for a 1L payout,


Anyway, this seems to me an apt reminder that SL is truly dying. 

Let's see, 1 L$/10 min, it's 6 L$/1 hour, 144 L$/24 hours.

Hmm... that's... 59 US centssSig_aaarggh.gif



You're right. There is no easy money any more.

Second Life indeed is doomed - game over! Sigh... :smileysad:

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You are the greedy one here and must know you are off base with this post or you would have not used an alt to post.

With respect, that's utter pish. Loads of ppl use alts on here, to prevent being stalked inworld by the hardcore forum nutters. Anyway, alts are fun. Plus this alt's name is quite fitting :matte-motes-smitten:

In fact, i prefer going to these sims to avoid greedy parasites with your attitude that just stand around to collect the money and add nothing to the atmosphere.

The atmosphere in places with voteboxes sucked. It's precisely why they needed voteboxes to lure in traffic. When they withdrew them, the sims poofed within weeks. No loss.

Where do you think the money you get paid comes from?  It comes from the sim owner's pocket. 

Couldn't care less. Slap a votebox, money comes out, that's all I care about. I'm bemoaning the lack of voteboxes, not remotely bothered about who pays for my Marketplace shopping.

No sim owner has to pay you for coming to their sim and if they do , you have to follow whatever rules they care to make. 

Oh yeah, I remember the ones who tried to catch us out with Redzone...didn't last long though :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

You should thank sim owners for providing venues to entertain you without charging YOU. 

LMFAO. You MUST be on drugs. You think that 99% of sims actually provide entertainment worth paying for??? Thank them for loads of boring clubs that look the same and are populated by dyslexics?

Why should they pay tiers to entertain you at all? 

Honey, once you get off your perch of outrage and zip your beak for 5 seconds, try and realise people set up sims because they want to, for their own egos - it's nothing to do with making your or my online experience cheerier.

It is NOT a mutual transaction. 

Totally is. They want traffic. We provide it and get paid for bothering to spend 5 seconds in their sims. You're just miffed because you spend RL money on SL and we found an alternative that didn't involve camping like idiots.

Here's a novel thought.  Instead of expecting a hand out, why not get a job and earn your money.  Then you won't have to put up with what you are complaining about.

No thanks, I'd rather get my Ls for nothing :matte-motes-wink:


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VoteboxRepairMan wrote:

They want traffic. We provide it and get paid for bothering to spend 5 seconds in their sims. 

Really? Are you sure you're remembering this correctly? Or, if you do, were the votebox owners all duped by whoever ran this votebox scam? Going all the way back to Dwell, traffic was (supposed to be?) based on total time on sim, so if five second stays ever improved traffic by an amount worth counting, it must have been a bug in Traffic calculation. (That certainly could have been the case but I don't remember it, and there sure were a lot of systems based on total time in sim; remember "traffic cones" for example?)

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VoteboxRepairMan wrote:

Anyway, you've all ignored my wider point, which is that the traffic isn't there anymore. You could cull more than half the sims available right now and hardly anybody would notice. Proof, if any, that SL has a foot in the grave.

If the traffic scores were based on people swooping in for a few seconds to collect some Lindens, the "traffic" was never there in the first place if you were using it as a measure of the true quality or popularity of a region.

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VoteboxRepairMan wrote:

Anyway, you've all ignored my wider point, which is that the traffic isn't there anymore. You could cull more than half the sims available right now and hardly anybody would notice. Proof, if any, that SL has a foot in the grave.

How do you know that?

Do you have any data on how sims in SL are currently used?

Not all places may aim at high traffic numbers or a constant number of people who hang out there. Small stores would be an example. The best case for a store is, if the consumer buys something and then leaves. Stores that always packed with people are too laggy to provide a good shopping experiance. Some clubs and places may not be aimed at your timezone and appear deserted, because its regulars won't even be out of bed in the next 6 hours. Some places are also event-based with no 24h program. And then you have of course a lot of sims that aren't even commercial.

Last but not least...the traffic you and your other alts created is worthless for the owner of the sims where you used to camp to collect some pennies. You and your alts do not contribute to the atmosphere. You are not a sign that this or that place is actually wanted or interesting. You cost them money but you don't bring anything valueable. The trafficnumber you contribute to was a worthless lie.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Really? Are you sure you're remembering this correctly? Or, if you do, were the votebox owners all duped by whoever ran this votebox scam? Going all the way back to Dwell, traffic was (supposed to be?) based on total time on sim, so if five second stays ever improved traffic by an amount worth counting, it must have been a bug in Traffic calculation. (That certainly could have been the case but I don't remember it, and there sure were a lot of systems based on total time in sim; remember "traffic cones" for example?)

Yes, you're right - but you'd be amazed how many owners thought that setting up a machine and rising to the top of the weekly/monthy rankings on SL Popular Places was enough. They were basically rising up a chart on an external website. I remember well one clothes store which suddenly changed, overnight, from a 1L payout box to a traffic cone type system once the owner realised that being queen of SL Popular Places had no effect whatsoever on SL search rankings. Had a brief chat with her and by her own admission, she'd wasted nearly 10,000L on nothing. I have no clue who actually used SL Popular Places to find entertaining destinations, always assumed it was just a money map for grifters.

A bit like paying to be in the Viz Top 10, rather than getting into the NME Indie Charts on sales figures, if that (UK-biased) analogy makes any sense.


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VoteboxRepairMan wrote:


A bit like paying to be in the Viz Top 10, rather than getting into the NME Indie Charts on sales figures, if that (UK-biased) analogy makes any sense.


It doesn't.

Father "you must come from the deep and distant past" Jim

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As I recall, the route used to go something like:

Mandy's Mansion - some giant cruise ship/mall  - Jinx's Dreams  - Mole's Love Retreat - Baby Doll Girls Saloon - Temple of Isis - Pole Fashions - Demonic Club - The Horseshoe Saloon - can't remember all of them, but you'd have at least 20-25 locations, from beaches to skin stores, paying out at least 1L. Took about two minutes to do a complete circuit, every 24 hours. Now, bearing in mind some people actually do have 50+ alts, you can see how this was basically a way of getting a high-demand SL DJ's  / musician's average set takings through doing as little work as possible.

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Syo Emerald wrote:

 You cost them money but you don't bring anything valueable. The trafficnumber you contribute to was a worthless lie.

So you're basically saying they were idiots for putting out these voteboxes...?

I wouldn't necessarily be disputing you if you were, but just for the record?

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Ah, now I understand. I was going to say how hopelessly stupid those olde timey merchants must have been, but then I remembered that there's a very similar system operating still.

I'd definitely get in trouble if I mentioned the name: they're pretty protective of their brand, and have many spies in the form of deluded merchants.

Can't say, then, that this makes particularly compelling evidence that SL is dying. (There are many clues pointing to that same deduction, so the threshold is high.) And in this case, the same scam appears to be thriving, with only slightly better graphics.

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VoteboxRepairMan wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

 You cost them money but you don't bring anything valueable. The trafficnumber you contribute to was a worthless lie.

So you're basically saying they were idiots for putting out these voteboxes...?

I wouldn't necessarily be disputing you if you were, but just for the record?

Not idiots, but they made the questionable assumption, that traffic, faked with a bunch alts, which either grab the money and leave or stand around to camp, would be a good move. A sucessful place  can have a high traffic number, but a high traffic number does not indicate a good place. And if all traffic is just generated by people who grab the money and leave...where is the value?

Luckly the importance of traffic got changed drastically. But I don't understand why you call this a bad developement for SL as a whole....just because you can not tp around and get a few cents for that each day?


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The best sources for easy lazy income were the xploders in their heyday. Some club owners put crazy amounts of money in those things (like some 20000 L$ per round, many times during a day). If one was lucky one could get hundreds of L$s in relatively short time.

The xploders drew people like rotten flesh draws a swarm of flies. :smileytongue:



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the cones are still round. Going rate seems to be 2L for 6 minutes these days on the ones I noticed recently. I get 4L of them lol. but the 2nd place I get sent was empty. like nothing in it. Dunno where the owner went. Had 146L still on it

the cone still keep telling me tho that the owner of the empty shop would love it if I walk round and look at their stuff. Like pretend to be a customer I think (:

So anyways i walk round going hmm! I might buy that invisible thing. ooh! and that one as well. Just to pass the time. I buy heaps of invisible things and pay heaps of invisible L$ into the invisible vendors. I must of spent about 5000 invisible L$ easy

anyways I get my uninvisble 2L off it and then went nah! and never bother going to the next one. But thanks much to them people what gave me the 4L

ps. unfortunately I actual spent all my uninivisible 4L all in this one other shop. Which never had any cone it in. So sorry about that. And I feel abit guilty as well. But i did get some nice bangles with it. So that made me feel better (:


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Coby Foden wrote:

The best sources for easy lazy income were the xploders in their heyday. Some club owners put crazy amounts of money in those things (like some 20000 L$ per round, many times during a day). If one was lucky one could get hundreds of L$s in relatively short time.


The xploders drew people like rotten flesh draws a swarm of flies. :smileytongue:


Yes, another easy source of shopping money, much missed. There was a HUD that helped you to find them too.

Have to say, your disdain seems just...odd. Given the choice between raking it in from a sploder with no risk, or getting a SL job and earning far less over a longer period of time, I'd say this is basic IQ test territory.

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VoteboxRepairMan wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

The best sources for easy lazy income were the xploders in their heyday. Some club owners put crazy amounts of money in those things (like some 20000 L$ per round, many times during a day). If one was lucky one could get hundreds of L$s in relatively short time.


The xploders drew people like rotten flesh draws a swarm of flies. :smileytongue:


Yes, another easy source of shopping money, much missed. There was a HUD that helped you to find them too.

Have to say, your disdain seems just...odd. Given the choice between raking it in from a sploder with no risk, or getting a SL job and earning far less over a longer period of time, I'd say this is basic IQ test territory.

The problem is the IQ of the sim owners needs to be low enough for them to set their sims up so that you can make money off them for providing them no benefit. And apparently they're getting smarter.

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VoteboxRepairMan wrote:


Have to say, your disdain seems just...odd.

Well, I must say that I sure was very thankful, in my relatively early days in SL, for all those xploder owners. I got good amounts of pocket money to buy stuff, and the xploder owners got the traffic what they were after. It was a kind of an unsigned  business deal. Both parties were satisfied - both got what they wanted. A win/win situation it was.


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