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Freya Mokusei wrote:

It's important for you to remember that the above determinations are subjective to you. 'Normal' on this forum is exactly what happens here every day, that's how culture works. It is difficult for a culture to be 'wrong' - or maybe it's just difficult to generalise this.

It seems I do need to spell it out. "It's not normal" means that it's not the normal human behaviour. It doesn't mean that it's not the normal behaviour in this forum. I thought that would be obvious because this whole thread is about it being unfortunately normal for this forum.


I find it interesting that you say no-one's given reasoning - that's not been my interpretation of this thread. Perhaps you are not accepting that reasoning? You seem very quick to dismiss things as 'just for the sake of it', and that is especially unfortunate in a thread where you seem to be hoping for explanations. I don't think any of the above helps you to understand.

I said that only a few reasons were given - not that none were. So that's that paragraph dealt with. Perhaps you didn't far enough into the thread.


I know I don't owe anyone on this forum explanations for the way I post. I don't consider my posting style to be harsh, upsetting or nasty, and any attempt for anyone to class it as such is irrelevent to me. As I've said before though, I'm surprised that your opinion of the normal way that surveys are treated - the every day behaviour of forum users as a group - induces within you shame and revulsion. I don't think this is something many other users here feel while reading and responding to a survey thread, so I posit that your reaction is the non-normal in this instance. :D

You have no idea what many other users feel about the way that surveys are treated here. It's not the majority of forum users who treat them badly. It's only a relatively small number of users, but they jump in every time. And this thread did bring in at least 2 people who were forum users (readers) but new to posting. Both of them against the way that surveys are treated here. It was very gratifying that they chose to come out of read-only to post about it.


I hope this post is interpreted as intended - it's not a dig against you, and I'm not saying (at all) that unpopular opinions are unwelcome. But I am trying to say that your position is an unpopular opinion, judging mostly on the comparison in reactions here - vs. the ones that appear in survey threads. Note that in the threads themselves, people are open and provide explanations for their determinations against the students, even providing semi-constructive (semi because it doesn't appear constructive to you) feedback - in this thread responses have been 'closed', and feedback has typically not been as clear or 'helpful' to your understanding. I'm not saying people haven't tried, but it's not been as conducive to your understanding as I would've expected.

What on earth makes you think that my opinion is unpopular? I haven't done it myself but, if you count those in this thread who support my view of how surveys are treated and those who don't, I doubt that there would be much difference. Sure it's unpopular with you because you were the first to pour scorn on the survey that prompted this thread, so you'd like to think that yours is the popular view. To be honest, I'm amazed that anyone would want to publically align themselves with such an abnormal aspect of human behaviour.

There are a few regular posters here who are frequently nasty. We all know that, and we know who they are. And when they decide to be nasty about something, they often post multiple times. So post count doesn't mean anything. Only individuals count, and I'd wager that mine would be the popular view in this case were a count of forum users to be done.



I'll grant you that it may not appear as 'nice and friendly' as you woudl like in every case, but I don't know where this expectation to be nice and friendly comes from. I don't personally think it stands up to tests or reality, but you're of course welcome to manage your own Second Life according to whatever expectations you choose. I can appreciate the value of venting about this, as your expectations don't seem to meet reality. I think if you hope to understand this, you should avoid condemning it as 'wrong' and 'terrible', as this doesn't encourage anyone to explain themselves to you.

I have seen great value in this thread, I hope that with a slight consideration of other perspectives you can get the same value. I am not certain you will love the result as much as I, but that's how cultural understanding can go. :)


My "expectation to be nice and friendly" comes from normal human nature and behaviour. Now you know where it comes from. Then I'm sorry that you live in a small part of society where people jump on strangers without just cause, but that's not the normal reality in the world. My expectations do meet the reality of normal behaviour. If my expectations are not normal where you live, then I'm sorry for you. Unfortunately, when it comes to surveys, the reality of normal behaviour amongst some people in this forum does not match the reality of normal behaviour in real life, but it should. I do understand it, and I condemn it as wrong. You were the first to pile into the student, so it's not surprising that you want to defend your actions.

I hope there has been value in this thread, but it's not the value you're thinking of. The value I would like is that those who might be tempted to jump on someone who hasn't done anything that merits being jumped on, simply refrain from doing it. That's the lesson of this thread. You've been defending the indefensible, Freya, and it's plain that, as could be expected, the lesson has fallen on some deaf ears, but I can only hope that not all ears are quite that deaf.


I hope you managed to follow all that colour-coding.

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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

You can say what you like, Dreden, but being nasty to people who have done nothing to deserve it is absolutely shameful. I have no agenda in this. It's just a matter of fact, and not even debateable. That's a reply to your last paragraph.

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

While you may see these surveyors as being undeserving of such treatment, others do not
which means that they are not being "nasty" just for the sake of doing so, as you seem to want to suggest.

Then others are wrong,
and they are being nasty just for the sake of it. They see a survey and they just pile in without a thought for the reality of it. It's become almost automatic and very much expected. Such shameful behaviour.

Just to add, if anyone thinks that students who post surveys deserve people being nasty to them, please explain what they do that deserves it. Their posts are perfectly polite. Nobody has even attempted to suggest a reason. We've had people saying that they get fed up with surveys being posted here, and that that causes them to react they way they do, but that's a flaw within them and not the students' doing. If the few surveys we get here, and it really is only a few, can cause people to turn nasty, then there's something wrong with those people because it's simply not normal.

Are you kidding me?  I mean, honestly... is this for real?


Alright then, Phil... please continue living in your fantasy world, you're obviously more comfortable there than having to actually face reality.


Is that the best you can manage, Dresden? No sensible or realistic points so you resort to that? Whatever.

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Tex Monday wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Just to add, if anyone thinks that students who post surveys deserve people being nasty to them, please explain what they do that deserves it. Their posts are perfectly polite. Nobody has even attempted to suggest a reason. We've had people saying that they get fed up with surveys being posted here, and that that causes them to react they way they do, but that's a flaw within them and not the students' doing. If the few surveys we get here, and it really is only a few, can cause people to turn nasty, then there's something wrong with those people because it's simply not normal.



 I should add, first of all Phil, that I do respect that you are standing up and supporting the students who post. The opinion, as stated a few times, is an unpopular one so you have my admiration for it.

Thank you, Tex


That being said, I've stated earlier why I am...maybe not nasty, but testy...to students who post here. I think they're lazy. I think these are people who have no idea about second life and just pop in to ask questions of us. I think that most, if not all, of these posters have never logged in once. Asking questions is a good way to find things out...but getting out there and seeing what SL is like is a better basis before asking questions. That's my only issue with this. If they had been around a little while....even a month or so...made friends, explored and THEN asked questions, I probably wouldn't be so annoyed at them.

Perhaps there is the odd survey where the student really should go into SL and see for him/herself. I said that earlier. But most of them are not like that, and the one that prompted this thread was definitely not like that. The only possibility of finding out how SL affects users' RLs was to ask the users, and there is nowhere better than the forum to ask them. This survey didn't ask what SL is like. It asked how SL affects your RL, and going into SL can't provide any answers to that.

I accept what you said as a valid reason to jump on a student, but only if it's merited, and it's not merited with most surveys that I've seen.


Normal is a relative term. People react differently to different things and they consider it "normal". Hot button issues like Gay Marriage and Abortion come to mind...One person considers it "normal" to allow a woman the right to choose while another considers it "normal" to blow up a clinic. (and please....let's not derail this thread with those two topics and I apologize if I pushed any buttons. That is not my intention. It is just an example, as extreme as it may be).

I won't derail it, so I won't respond that that example. However, I insist that it's not normal to jump on someone who hasn't done anything to deserve being jumped on. We people simply don't do that as the norm. A few do, of course, but we people in general don't.

A few people in this forum must see something in surveys that they think deserves the students being jumped on, because it's not normal for those few people to do that without it meing merited. I'm generalising about what's normal for those few people, but I do believe it's true. If surveys are, as you say, a means of opting out of doing it for themselves, then it would be fair to jump on them. But most are not like that, and the one that prompted this thread was definitely not like that. If definitely required asking users. Spending 24/7, 7 days a week, in SL for a month wouldn't have got the student a single answer. Only users could provide answers. So there was absolutely no valid reason to jump on the student.


As I said, Phil..I respect your opinions and admire that you're standing up for these people as you are. It is the minority, though...no matter what you do to try to sway it.

I don't believe it's a minority view. I don't even believe it's a minority view in this thread, although it may be. I haven't counted the individuals who have expressed opinions, so I don't know, but I think it would be a close thing. What I do know is that those who like to jump on surveys without just cause are more likely to post defenses of their actions, and to argue it through multiple posts, than the rest of the people are to post against those actions. So this type of thread is very likely to show a bias in the 'bad' direction. For that reason a thread like this is always likely to indicate a bias that doesn't exist in the general view. I believe that's the case, because I don't believe that people in general are that bad by nature. A few are, but not people in general.

I thought it was interesting to see 2 people come out of lurking to post in favour of not jumping on students without just cause, and I wonder how many more there are, both lurkers and regular posters, who prefer not to put themselves in the sights of those few who are happy to do it. No, Tex, I don't believe for a moment that my view of the way that students who post surveys are treated in this forum is the unpopular view. I believe the exact opposite. I'll go even further and state that, if this issue were known throughout the world, mine is the popular view in the whole world, and by an incredibly huge landslide. There is no way that the people of the whole world would vote in favour of jumping on somoen who has done nothing to deserve being jumpbed on. That aspect of general human nature is so blatantly obvious that it's not even debatable.

So, if a survey merits it, e.g. for the reason you stated, then by all means jump on it, but please not on those surveys that don't merit it, like the one that prompted this thread.

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I'm in agreement with you. Responses to students taking surveys here are often unnecessarily harsh. But people, particularly when anonymous, are often happy to be harsher than necessary. This is not new.

I bristle at poorly constructed surveys, but I'm less surprised to see them come from students than from professionals with decades of experience. Students don't yet know all this stuff, and though their professors should teach it, they often don't know it either. I'm a terror in focus groups, because I try to deconstruct the methodology to show it won't work.

When I see a poorly constructed survey, I do not jump to the conclusion that the student is lazy or stupid. If you pick the right day, you can find me being both. I took co-op jobs in engineering school, and remember hearding my mentors say "today's students are lazy". I didn't think I was lazy, so I asked my Dad.

"Maddy, you're 16, the age when you think you can do anything and everything better than anyone else. So, why aren't you?"

"What?! I have a pilot's license and I'm in engineering school! What more do you want?"

"I want you to catch your dreams."

Some of this may be the perpetual battle of the generations, some of it may be the in-group/out-group dynamic I mentioned in that fella's survey thread, and some of it is one of the double edges of the sword of online anonymity. That sword is also the brush with which we paint the self portraits we hang in the rogue's gallery here for all to see.

In a generations time, will we look back on our behavior and think it quaint or barbaric? I don't know, but I can already hear one of the students who lobbed a survey at us, only to watch it explode, wondering why "today's students are so lazy".


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Coby Foden wrote:

Ok, I made a bug report, asking for a new forum area for
. If such was created maybe there would finally be peace in the forums concerning survey posts.


 I thought that the Second Life Education section of the People Forum was for...

(edited, deleted and readded because the poster can't get his fingers to do what he wants them to...)

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

You can say what you like, Dreden, but being nasty to people who have done nothing to deserve it is absolutely shameful. I have no agenda in this. It's just a matter of fact, and not even debateable. That's a reply to your last paragraph.

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

While you may see these surveyors as being undeserving of such treatment, others do not
which means that they are not being "nasty" just for the sake of doing so, as you seem to want to suggest.

Then others are wrong,
and they are being nasty just for the sake of it. They see a survey and they just pile in without a thought for the reality of it. It's become almost automatic and very much expected. Such shameful behaviour.

Just to add, if anyone thinks that students who post surveys deserve people being nasty to them, please explain what they do that deserves it. Their posts are perfectly polite. Nobody has even attempted to suggest a reason. We've had people saying that they get fed up with surveys being posted here, and that that causes them to react they way they do, but that's a flaw within them and not the students' doing. If the few surveys we get here, and it really is only a few, can cause people to turn nasty, then there's something wrong with those people because it's simply not normal.

Are you kidding me?  I mean, honestly... is this for real?


Alright then, Phil... please continue living in your fantasy world, you're obviously more comfortable there than having to actually face reality.


Is that the best you can manage, Dresden? No sensible or realistic points so you resort to that? Whatever.

As a matter of fact, that is all I can manage at this point.  Your stubborn insistence of not being able to acknowledge the simple fact that some people may have differing opinions about the subject at hand, to the point of dismissing anyone's reasonable explanations as to why their reaction would differ from your own, makes any further attempt at substantive discussion on the matter entirely fruitless.


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

You can say what you like, Dreden, but being nasty to people who have done nothing to deserve it is absolutely shameful. I have no agenda in this. It's just a matter of fact, and not even debateable. That's a reply to your last paragraph.

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

While you may see these surveyors as being undeserving of such treatment, others do not
which means that they are not being "nasty" just for the sake of doing so, as you seem to want to suggest.

Then others are wrong,
and they are being nasty just for the sake of it. They see a survey and they just pile in without a thought for the reality of it. It's become almost automatic and very much expected. Such shameful behaviour.

Just to add, if anyone thinks that students who post surveys deserve people being nasty to them, please explain what they do that deserves it. Their posts are perfectly polite. Nobody has even attempted to suggest a reason. We've had people saying that they get fed up with surveys being posted here, and that that causes them to react they way they do, but that's a flaw within them and not the students' doing. If the few surveys we get here, and it really is only a few, can cause people to turn nasty, then there's something wrong with those people because it's simply not normal.

Are you kidding me?  I mean, honestly... is this for real?


Alright then, Phil... please continue living in your fantasy world, you're obviously more comfortable there than having to actually face reality.


Is that the best you can manage, Dresden? No sensible or realistic points so you resort to that? Whatever.

As a matter of fact, that is all I can manage at this point.  Your stubborn insistence of not being able to acknowledge the simple fact that some people may have differing opinions about the subject at hand, to the point of dismissing anyone's reasonable explanations as to why their reaction would differ from your own, makes any further attempt at substantive discussion on the matter entirely fruitless.


Good. And not before time :)

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Coby Foden wrote:

Ok, I made a bug report, asking for a new forum area for
. If such was created maybe there would finally be peace in the forums concerning survey posts.


That sounds like a very good idea, Coby.

Another very good idea is everyone behaving to students who post surveys in the way they would be behave face to face. But, sadly, that's not going to happen here, because some people prefer things a different way when they are not face to face. It shows them up but not enough to stop them.

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Coby Foden wrote:

Ok, I made a bug report, asking for a new forum area for
. If such was created maybe there would finally be peace in the forums concerning survey posts.


I think the problem with this idea is that no one would go to such a forum, and the surveys would remain unanswered. It's one thing to see a well-worded and polite request for survey-takers, and say "Ok, sure, why not!", and quite another to actually proactively go to a "survey subforum" because one has decided that what would really make one's day is taking a good survey.

In other words, a survey subforum is just killing surveys by an indirect route.

I honestly don't get the annoyance surveys appear to cause some people. Of course some of them are garbage, badly introduced, and thrown together at the last minute to meet a course requirement. And, equally, many of the posts here are poorly written, ill-conceived, and stupid. The answer surely, to both instances, is just to ignore . . .

(And a politely-worded and helpful response to a poorly designed survey, or a post requesting surveys, is a good deed! And who doesn't like to do good deeds? :-) )

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

Ok, I made a bug report, asking for a new forum area for
. If such was created maybe there would finally be peace in the forums concerning survey posts.


I think the problem with this idea is that no one would go to such a forum, and the surveys would remain unanswered. It's one thing to see a well-worded and polite request for survey-takers, and say "Ok, sure, why not!", and quite another to actually proactively go to a "survey subforum" because one has decided that what would 
make one's day is taking a good survey.

In other words, a survey subforum is just killing surveys by an indirect route.

I honestly don't get the annoyance surveys appear to cause some people. Of course some of them are garbage, badly introduced, and thrown together at the last minute to meet a course requirement. And, equally, many of the posts here are poorly written, ill-conceived, and stupid. The answer surely, to both instances, is just to ignore . . .

(And a politely-worded and 
response to a poorly designed survey, or a post requesting surveys, is a good deed! And who doesn't like to do good deeds? :-) )

But don't you know, no good deed goes unpunished?  ;)

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Perrie Juran wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

Ok, I made a bug report, asking for a new forum area for
. If such was created maybe there would finally be peace in the forums concerning survey posts.


I think the problem with this idea is that no one would go to such a forum, and the surveys would remain unanswered. It's one thing to see a well-worded and polite request for survey-takers, and say "Ok, sure, why not!", and quite another to actually proactively go to a "survey subforum" because one has decided that what would 
make one's day is taking a good survey.

In other words, a survey subforum is just killing surveys by an indirect route.

I honestly don't get the annoyance surveys appear to cause some people. Of course some of them are garbage, badly introduced, and thrown together at the last minute to meet a course requirement. And, equally, many of the posts here are poorly written, ill-conceived, and stupid. The answer surely, to both instances, is just to ignore . . .

(And a politely-worded and 
response to a poorly designed survey, or a post requesting surveys, is a good deed! And who doesn't like to do good deeds? :-) )

But don't you know, no good deed goes unpunished? 

That's in the ToS, right? ;-)

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

Ok, I made a bug report, asking for a new forum area for
. If such was created maybe there would finally be peace in the forums concerning survey posts.


I think the problem with this idea is that no one would go to such a forum, and the surveys would remain unanswered. It's one thing to see a well-worded and polite request for survey-takers, and say "Ok, sure, why not!", and quite another to actually proactively go to a "survey subforum" because one has decided that what would 
make one's day is taking a good survey.

In other words, a survey subforum is just killing surveys by an indirect route.

I honestly don't get the annoyance surveys appear to cause some people. Of course some of them are garbage, badly introduced, and thrown together at the last minute to meet a course requirement. And, equally, many of the posts here are poorly written, ill-conceived, and stupid. The answer surely, to both instances, is just to ignore . . .

(And a politely-worded and 
response to a poorly designed survey, or a post requesting surveys, is a good deed! And who doesn't like to do good deeds? :-) )

But don't you know, no good deed goes unpunished? 

That's in the ToS, right? ;-)

I believe in this case it is in the Community Standards.

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

Ok, I made a bug report, asking for a new forum area for
. If such was created maybe there would finally be peace in the forums concerning survey posts.


I think the problem with this idea is that no one would go to such a forum, and the surveys would remain unanswered. It's one thing to see a well-worded and polite request for survey-takers, and say "Ok, sure, why not!", and quite another to actually proactively go to a "survey subforum" because one has decided that what would 
make one's day is taking a good survey.

In other words, a survey subforum is just killing surveys by an indirect route.

I honestly don't get the annoyance surveys appear to cause some people. Of course some of them are garbage, badly introduced, and thrown together at the last minute to meet a course requirement. And, equally, many of the posts here are poorly written, ill-conceived, and stupid. The answer surely, to both instances, is just to ignore . . .

(And a politely-worded and 
response to a poorly designed survey, or a post requesting surveys, is a good deed! And who doesn't like to do good deeds? :-) )

I've no idea what sub-forum I'm in when I respond to a post in the mainline "Forum Posts". I look at thread titles and posters and go from there. Maybe I'm alone in this? I had to look up at the breadcrumb trail to see that this thread is in GD. And imagine my surprise to discover a moment ago that Hippie's "Where are all my friends..." thread, which I've been posting in for years, is in "Make Friends"!

Yes, I am that slow.

ETA: By creating a place for surveys, any student placing a survey there avoids being harangued for posting in the wrong place, and any student making that mistake can be rightfully and enthusiastically crucified!

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

Ok, I made a bug report, asking for a new forum area for
. If such was created maybe there would finally be peace in the forums concerning survey posts.


I think the problem with this idea is that no one would go to such a forum, and the surveys would remain unanswered. It's one thing to see a well-worded and polite request for survey-takers, and say "Ok, sure, why not!", and quite another to actually proactively go to a "survey subforum" because one has decided that what would 
make one's day is taking a good survey.

In other words, a survey subforum is just killing surveys by an indirect route.

I honestly don't get the annoyance surveys appear to cause some people. Of course some of them are garbage, badly introduced, and thrown together at the last minute to meet a course requirement. And, equally, many of the posts here are poorly written, ill-conceived, and stupid. The answer surely, to both instances, is just to ignore . . .

(And a politely-worded and 
response to a poorly designed survey, or a post requesting surveys, is a good deed! And who doesn't like to do good deeds? :-) )

I've no idea what sub-forum I'm in when I respond to a post in the mainline "Forum Posts". I look at thread titles and posters and go from there. Maybe I'm alone in this? I had to look up at the breadcrumb trail to see that this thread is in GD. And imagine my surprise to discover a moment ago that Hippie's "Where are all my friends..." thread, which I've been posting in for years, is in "Make Friends"!

Yes, I am that slow.

ETA: By creating a place for surveys, any student placing a survey there avoids being harangued for posting in the wrong place, and any student making that mistake can be rightfully and enthusiastically crucified!

Is that the way that most people approach the forum? It isn't what I do -- I tend to simply open GD, and see what's on offer here. The result is, admittedly, that I do miss an awful lot of interest in the other subforums, which I will only occasionally visit. It'd be interesting to know what approaches a majority of posters and readers take to the content here.

I am still against the idea of segregating student surveys, in any case. And I still really don't get why people get so irritated by them. Even the worst student posts are no worse than much of the dross that appears here. (She said, as a prime poster of forum dross.)

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Is that the way that most people approach the forum? It isn't what I do -- I tend to simply open GD, and see what's on offer here. The result is, admittedly, that I do miss an awful lot of interest in the other subforums, which I will only occasionally visit. It'd be interesting to know what approaches a majority of posters and readers take to the content here.


Be this a survey, Laskya? Has the look of one to me.

I either start with GD and then peek at the rest or start with 'People' and hit the high spots on the way to GD.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Is that the way that most people approach the forum? It isn't what I do -- I tend to simply open GD, and see what's on offer here. The result is, admittedly, that I do miss an awful lot of interest in the other subforums, which I will only occasionally visit. It'd be interesting to know what approaches a majority of posters and readers take to the content here.


Be this a survey, Laskya? Has the look of one to me.

I either start with GD and then peek at the rest or start with 'People' and hit the high spots on the way to GD.

I'll do that survey - to show that we are civil in this forum :)

I rarely look in any sub-forum except GD. The times when I look in others are when I have a question that I'd like the answer to, so I post it in the applicable sub-forum.


Is there a financial reward for doing this survey, Laskya?

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I'd go there. If a survey is posted in that subforum, it's evidence the poster has done at least that little bit of homework. It may also signal that SL is a bit more welcoming of surveys. Laskya may be right, in that segregation into a subforum would decrease participation. But, given that posters here have admitted to purposely giving false data in order to screw up surveys, decreasing participation by some might be a good thing!

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LaskyaClaren wrote:

Is that the way that most people approach the forum? It isn't what I do -- I tend to simply open GD, and see what's on offer here. The result is, admittedly, that I do miss an awful lot of interest in the other subforums, which I will only occasionally visit. It'd be interesting to know what approaches a majority of posters and readers take to the content here.

Every day I scan and read multiple subforums - really many of them. General Discussion forum surely is not the only place where interesting things are going on. It's great that there are many subforums, lacking those the General Discussion forum would be - too general.


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Coby Foden wrote:

LaskyaClaren wrote:

Is that the way that most people approach the forum? It isn't what I do -- I tend to simply open GD, and see what's on offer here. The result is, admittedly, that I do miss an awful lot of interest in the other subforums, which I will only occasionally visit. It'd be interesting to know what approaches a majority of posters and readers take to the content here.

Every day I scan and read multiple subforums - really many of them. General Discussion forum surely is not the only place where interesting things are going on. It's great that there are many subforums, lacking those the General Discussion forum would be - too general.


You're absolutely right, Coby -- I know that I've often happened upon interesting threads and posts in other subforums on the occasions I've taken the time out to peruse them. And there have been many occasions I've run across dead threads I wish I'd seen earlier.

Really, I'm just lazy, or too disorganized, or whatever, to explore other threads in a systematic way. And I know I'm the loser for it. :-(

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