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Breedables, whats the point?

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Somebody posted on my blog this

I’ve had breedables, and while they were cute up to a point, there was the “point” of “Not Cute”. Like the scripts for one. many of them pack alot of scripts and many parcels on mainland that have packs of breedables in 20 – 30 at a time will make land prices plummet drastically because no one wants to live or sell near the damn things

Therefore a technical question:

If those breedables are NOT in active mode but just standing around, do they have any impact on the land? If yiu have land on the mainland and a neighbor has breedables, does that have any negativ impact on your land?


Great posts, eveything said about the gor players being evil. Thank you.


In RL I worship huge intelligent  insects who secretly dominate our planet, I raise my children in our caste (the merchants that is), I have sworn unconditional loyalty to the cities (or the Bear of Berlin)  Home Stone and of course I have several slaves breeded for my personal pleasure (male and female). My biggest fear is the kuuri succeding in taking over the worlds we know (Gor and Earth) and we will all become food for the habitants of the steel worlds (a bit left from the android belt that is). Thats not evil, thats honorable.

(If you detect sarkasm, you may keep it)


And for the records: The Gor books are not all from 1966, in fact the last one was published in 2012. The FIRST one was published in 1966. 


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Sonja Smedley wrote:

To answer the topic question, what´s the point of breeding animals...well in my case...I simply love it:)


I have amaretto horses, kitty cats, meeroos, fennux, EVO fairies, barnyard birds,wild kajaera tigers and the ozimals since a few days...in the past I also had breedable lemurs, the teddies (cannot remember the right name), starlas, plant pets, K9 dogs, Bio Breed dogs and gempandas...I think this was all but not sure, lol.


For me it is a hobby...sometimes I make money with selling them, but most of the time I do it just for fun.


Oh yes, and not to forget the trainpet monkeys...I had 5 or 6 of them but right now only a black spider monkey, and lots of other non breedable animals and pets who are in my inventory at the moment...actually never saw them as "robo-pets" hehe...for me they are as cute as a nice made human avatar...or should I say "robo-human", cause we sit behind the screen and control them...


would you like to show me them and would you be available for an interview?

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

carolinestravels wrote:

And for the records: The Gor books are not all from 1966, in fact the last one was published in 2012. The FIRST one was published in 1966. 


Point of clarification.. The last one was published in 2013. October in fact. Seems he just keeps pumping them out. 

Oh, I missed that one. I thought Swordsmen of Gor was the latest! 

You see , I am not even up to date anymore with the Gor stuff!

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carolinestravels wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

carolinestravels wrote:

And for the records: The Gor books are not all from 1966, in fact the last one was published in 2012. The FIRST one was published in 1966. 


Point of clarification.. The last one was published in 2013. October in fact. Seems he just keeps pumping them out. 

Oh, I missed that one. I thought Swordsmen of Gor was the latest!

You see , I am not even up to date anymore with the Gor stuff!

There are 4 books after that one.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

carolinestravels wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

carolinestravels wrote:

And for the records: The Gor books are not all from 1966, in fact the last one was published in 2012. The FIRST one was published in 1966. 


Point of clarification.. The last one was published in 2013. October in fact. Seems he just keeps pumping them out. 

Oh, I missed that one. I thought Swordsmen of Gor was the latest!

You see , I am not even up to date anymore with the Gor stuff!

There are 4 books after that one.

Yeah, I just realized that. 

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carolinestravels wrote:


Somebody posted on my blog this

I’ve had breedables, and while they were cute up to a point, there was the “point” of “Not Cute”. Like the scripts for one. many of them pack alot of scripts and many parcels on mainland that have packs of breedables in 20 – 30 at a time will make land prices plummet drastically because no one wants to live or sell near the damn things

Therefore a technical question:

If those breedables are NOT in active mode but just standing around, do they have any impact on the land? If yiu have land on the mainland and a neighbor has breedables, does that have any negativ impact on your land?


Whoever wrote that doesn't likely have much actual experience with breedables and I'd trust that opinion as much as I'd trust a fat kid with cake.....or even me..with cake.

Everything in sl has an impact on land, even us. However most are able to make certain that impact is as low as possible. This goes triple for the folks in the breedables area.  They've had plenty of role models when it comes to exactly what not to do with the scripting. There are few that have a very big negative impact unless improperly used these days.  However, packing them in, is GOING to have a negative impact, period.  Some will tell you it won't...trust that opinion in the same manner as the previous. When some say "I had a ton of blah blah breedable with no impact on the land", they too are as inexperienced as someone who has never owned them.  Pack too many of any scripted object, regardless of how "heavy" the script is, and there's going to be a negative impact. How negative, is the actual question. Parcels that share a region, be it mainland or estate, all sare sim resources. So, yes, anything you have on your parcel can and will affect the region in some manner. Again the question isn't whether or not it will have an impact, but how much of an impact it will have. That's a variable that will change based on how many, which ones, what other things are on the parcel(s) also impacting the resources, etc.... Far too many variables for a specific answer.

I can say, for the most part, the creators, and scripters for breedables, are pretty smart. They put these things together with the least risk of negative impact as they can. Still, owners need to be smart. When you share sim resources, that means you s h a r e sim resources, not hog them to yourself. Having 20-30 on one parcel may, or may not have a massive negative impact. Again, too many variables. I have had more than that before, without noticing any serious land impact issues-sim resources being eaten, well more than my share, lag issues, script delay issues, tp issues, etc...-so it is entirely possible but, again, depends on other variables.  I have had some in the past that even with less than 10 culd bring any sim to a crawl, or worse. Most of those no longer exist though. Or at least are as close to extinct as we get in sl.

Anyone who thinks they can definitively say "yes this number is too many", isn't likely being very accurate. You need to know every other variable possible. We can make a guess and say "well, that may be too many for your parcel/land", but not necessarily anything definitive. More often than not those opinions come from folks who are either jaded by a bad experience, or listen to the hype others spew. Either way, terrible approach to the entire thing. Yes land prices can be affected, possibly, but they cna be affected by other variables too. Breedables are merely one thing that can affect them, and certainly not the worst of the lot.

Personally there are some breedables I would never have again, and never recommend anyone own. It's because my experience with them was terrible, and I am jaded. I'm still adult enough to realize that saying things about them that are flat out untrue, and not based entirely off my own opinion, is a bad idea. I consider that being reasonably jaded :P I'm pretty sure whoever is telling you this crap you seem to believe about breedables, or whatever it is that has seemed to set your opinion on exactly what it is...is not reasonably jaded. You don't seem to be very reasonably jaded either, you have absolutely no experience yet still seem hell bent on making it seem as if you've already made up your mind.

Btw I should note I read that comment on your blog and that person reads as someone who is completely and utterly jaded, and not reasonably so, either. The comparisons between products and breedables makes absolutely no sense.

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Ok, I'll jump in....

I think others have addressed the "What's the point" question so I'll just add my anecdote...

...as mentioned in another thread I have owned VKC (Virtual Kennel Club) pets since 2007.  These virtual pets are absolutely amazing and do NOT breed nor do they have to be rezzed in world so they won't "die."  One day, however, I was scanning the MP and saw the cutest picture of a puppy Pit Bull for sale.  I purchased it on an impulse.  I did notice it was a breedable but in the moment of "Awwwww, isn't that puppy cute" I didn't consider the ongoing ramifications. 

After the puppy arrived in its crate and was "born" the next thing I had to do was to rez the food bowl and begin buying food...and buying food...and buying food.  I'm convinced this is "the" profit center of breedables...at least this brand.  I read up on how these breedables work and discovered that once they are "bred out," meaning the dogs have no more "seeds" then they don't have to eat.  I acquired a male Pit Bull and began the process of breeding out the seeds with the intention of eventually having two dogs that didn't eat...but there was a catch.  The male (iirc) of each breed has more beginning seeds than the female so they never come out "even." 

About that time the company came out with a new breed - Miniature Pinschers or MinPins.  I have always loved this breed RL so I just had to purchase a starter set of the MinPins.  So now I'm breeding out the MinPins AND the PitBulls AND now have 4 dogs that are eating, requiring the ongoing purchase of food.  I just put the unborn puppies in inventory and have not tried to sell any of them.

Once I got the female MinPin bred out, I did birth one of their puppies to finish breeding out the male.  This breedable company has an option to send a dog to "heaven" in exchange for tokens that can be used to purchase food, accessories, etc. so after I bred out the male MinPin I sent the puppy to "heaven."  It displayed the message "Thank you for being my friend, Czari.  I  have to go now" before it poofed.  I know it is really silly to be attached to bits and bytes, but that really tugged at my heart and I decided I couldn't send any more of the dogs to "heaven."

In the meantime my female Pit Bull was bred out but the male wasn't so I birthed one of the puppies and...anyway...

...in a search to try and find an adult Pit Bull with the same number of seeds as the second generation Pit Bull so I could FINALLY have now five dogs that didn't have to eat I acquired a pair of Huskeys (don't ask).  Not only was this getting expensive to feed my expanding kennel, I have a small parcel and I was having to take out furnishings to make room for the breedables.

My dilemma - after the one experience with sending a dog to "heaven" I didn't want to do that again but my parcel was beginning to be dedicated to the dogs and, again, I wasn't attempting to sell the puppies.  Maybe I should look into that but I don't have any amazing combination of traits that are usually the big sellers.  I have not been involved with any other breedable companies but I will say I am impressed with the customer service and friendliness of this line of breedables.  I finally mentioned my dilemma in group chat and discovered the VERY welcome info that these breedables never "die."  They can be put into inventory and when next rezzed will be "sick" for approximately the same amount of time they were in inventory but will finally "revive."  I tested this out with two of the dogs and, except for the eerie feeling of having what looked like dead dogs laying around the parcel for a few days, they do come back to life, unlike other breedables some of my friends have had.

I now only have four of the dogs out and only one of them eats so the expense isn't too bad now and I will eventually put those four away for awhile.  My reason for getting a breedable was simply because I thought one of the dogs was cute...and then I let things get a bit out of hand.

As an addendum to my story, I have two friends who were very heavily into breedables for awhile...at least one sold, or tried to sell, the offspring.  Both had breeds that would die in inventory and both finally decided that, "for them," it wasn't worth it.  One friend actively deleted all her horses and the other one took the breedables into inventory.  She rezzed one recently to see what would happen.  It rezzed but was black and then "poofed."

Having said all the above, I am fascinated by the people who do make money with the breedables but I don't have the interest or patience.  I just like cute dogs. :)

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very funny story, would you like to post this in the comments of my blog too?

In my head I saw myself already chasing hundreds of little meeroos or dogs out of my art gallerie! That message for sending to heaven could possibly make you feel guilty of having killed some cute, sweet and 100% loyal robo-dogs. How can you dare to do it twice?

It weird what our brain does to us sometimes. Hey, they are just a lot of scripted pixels after all.



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carolinestravels wrote:


very funny story, would you like to post this in the comments of my blog too?

In my head I saw myself already chasing hundreds of little meeroos or dogs out of my art gallerie! 
That message for sending to heaven could possibly make you feel guilty of having killed some cute, sweet and 100% loyal robo-dogs. How can you dare to do it twice?

It weird what our brain does to us sometimes. Hey, they are just a lot of scripted pixels after all.



While I was recounting my story The Sorcerer's Apprentice scene from the old Disney movie Fantasia came to mind, specifically when Mickey chops the broom up and all the pieces turn into more brooms.  

I haven't checked out your blog yet so not sure if that loooong story would fit into the comments section but will give a look later.  And you're right...something about our brain, emotions, or some element therein connects us to pixels, or at least some of them.  Hmmm, wonder if any of the researchers have studied that angle of virtual worlds. ;)

edit: clarification

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

And you're right...something about our brain, emotions, or some element therein connects us to pixels, or at least some of them.  Hmmm, wonder if any of the researchers have studied that angle of virtual worlds.

edit: clarification

This has been studied since long before virtual worlds. Disney's "Nine Old Men" were masters at manipulating our emotions through animation. The careful scripting of a virtual animal's movements can evoke an emotional response. Since first arriving in SL, I've been fascinated by this. I have a couple very simple pieces of reactive art based on ideas I stole from Aparna Rao.

Here's an example of her work, in which she explains the emotional response she's trying to evoke...

I love that her examples can be as simple as rectangles, but their motion triggers our mirror neurons (I'm sure there's more going on than that) and we imbue them with personality. We've risen to the top of the evolutionary heap at least in part because of our ability (compulsion?) to postulate conscious causes for the effects we see.

I do love to anthropomorphize.

I'm not the only one.

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