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I'm still not clear on one thing


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This is a repost of a post taken from the feed of Crap Mariner.  It 'begs the question" so I wanted to introduce it to a wider audience.


"So, after reading all these posts from folks who have done the meet-and-greets with Ebbe (and his flapper Pete), I'm still not clear on one thing: Why after all these years is a CEO doing the job of a Community Relations/Communications/Customer Relations Manager? (And, I suppose, who will do that once he gets busy doing his actual job?)

If he goes silent like Rod did and nobody is there to handle these community relations issues real-time (as opposed to Pete "I'll get back to you" Linden), then it is just as much a failure as if the CEO had to clean the toilets at the Battery Street Office because there was no janitor.

Everybody has their dead horses to beat. Everybody has their wishes and dreams and hopes that they will project to any guy who sits in that Daddy (oops, I meant CEO) chair. The fact that this buck has been passed all the way up to this guy means SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY, FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG."


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I think the last few Marketing Veeps have instigated an increasingly restrictive regime on Lindens - including but not restricted to the last few permanent and temporary CEOs - working on the basis that "if you don't say anything, you can't say anything wrong", perhaps because the recruitment process seems to have disinterred a few wannabe "professional" communicators whose main achievements have involved the real life equivalent of rezzing with their foot up their **bleep***.

LL is in the communications, not information technology business; the latter is a facilitator, not the raison d'etre. And the main problem - which the marketing/community management don't seem to have grasped - is that there is no single community, but a plethora of globally dispersed multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-interest minorities, all of whom will feel oppressed if a non-existent majority is addressed. Marketing people, in my experience, seem to feel uncomfortable if they can't identify a single satisfactory message.

That's the crux of the continuing problem. I don't think Ebbe turning up in the Forums to be blasted with demands is going to be the answer, but I am not sure what is. That's HIS problem to solve.

However, I am suggesting that perhaps instead of asking him for instant solutions we should be asking him "What would you like from us?"


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I am pretty clear on one thing, the author of this post has never studied formal reasoning! You say a bunch of stuff and then provide us with a "conclusion" that is completely unsupported by the "argument" you put forth.

Just stand up and say it: "I hate Linden Lab, I hate Second Life and I hate, well, everything!" That's all I saw in this post. Again, why all the dancing about? Just say it and spare us the invalid reasoning, you don't need reasoning to be negative and hateful.


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There are two bits here:  1) residents' desire that LL listens to their input, feedback, wants and needs not to satisfy everyone because that is an impossible job but to be heard and 2)  the new CEO's desire to listen to stakeholders as part of his initial 'tour'.  The CEO should never, ever act as the CR/Comms manager but should ensure that whomever is in that role performs it effectively.  It is up to the VP of  CR to define what 'effective' is and how to measure success in that role.

That residents have hailed communications from Ebbe as generally positive is a reflection of how little has happened between camps (leading to frustration on the part of residents).  It is always challenging for a company to communicate to customers but there are ways to do so effectively.  Meeting with small groups is one way, reading fora like this and responding to things posted in Feedback is another.  Opening JIRA to read and vote is yet another way.

You cannot please all of the people all of the time but you can create pathways so that customers feel that someone is listening (even if the answer is 'no').  To hear nothing is the worst thing of all.

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Jer Straaf wrote:

I am pretty clear on one thing, the author of this post has never studied formal reasoning! You say a bunch of stuff and then provide us with a "conclusion" that is completely unsupported by the "argument" you put forth.

Just stand up and say it: "I hate Linden Lab, I hate Second Life and I hate, well, everything!" That's all I saw in this post. Again, why all the dancing about? Just say it and spare us the invalid reasoning, you don't need reasoning to be negative and hateful.


I certainly didn't read any of this ^^ in the post.  Perhaps you just have an axe to grind with the author?   Post to the post and not the poster.  It's not becoming.


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I think it indicative of the SL world we live in. Older SL'ers felt a connection with Philip, and probably rightly so as he was a likeable dude and SL was still a novelty . SL is no longer a novelty and Philip is not here holding everyone's hand so some throw a tantrum to get attention from the CEO. 

I see some of the LL staff get involved, and then I see how some lay waste to them the moment they do.  


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I'm not clear why so many people speak to the CEO as though they are one of his employees. I don't go to my favourite chain store and ever communicate with the top dog, even though I probably have the same vehement loyalty to that brand as I do Second Life/Linden Lab.

At least Ebbe (and his son(s) ) seem to have more of a clue of what Second Life is like from the inside.

Wondrin' also how some people were privvy to a little pow-wow with the Ebbe-man and his sidekick.  Good job they "kiss and tell" in their blogs.

(privvy - that seems wrong in a toilet kind of a way)

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steph Arnott wrote:

Crap means sh^t and that is offensive of which you know full well.

Except it's cultural. Where I come from, "crap" is a perfectly acceptable euphemism. On the other hand, there's another "c" word that is considered very offensive here (and, I'm sure, to the forums software) but not nearly so much on the other side of the pond.

Anyway, to the point: Yeah, well, a new CEO does have to establish himself. One certainlly expects he's right now communicating with employees, too, at an unsustainable rate. He can't possibly keep this up, but ... well, take my word for it: time invested now in this kind of communication, internally and externally, will vastly reduce the amount of unproductive time he has to spend in future.

That said, he'll do well to arrange for some other Lindens to continue with this precedent of engaging more actively with the community of customers, removing the pathological barriers that were erected before he arrived. As others have observed, his re-opening the jira is a tremendously positive sign.

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Storm does not even understand that there is such a thing as formal reasoning, what that means or why I would even mention it here.  Storm, if you do not understand what a syllogism is or what the definition of a valid argument is, why in the world would you parrot what other people say all over the place? How do you even evaluate what they say as valid or invalid? And chiding me when I pointed that out?  It's a classic!

I take it all back, LOL. Just make me happy and Wiki the Dunning-Kruger effect...

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steph Arnott wrote:

Loadmaster wrote:

 Did the "advisor" rank get to your head?

Was your comment for adults, becouse it was very childish?

Well, at least now we know you're not Ebbe's alt; you misspell "because" in a different way.


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