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Breaking News! 2 Avatars in custody after using Display Names


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Suella Ember wrote:


Jaen Albatros wrote:

I don't understand why Keli K is banned though....just ...guilty by association is it??


In that respect it's not so much "guilty by association" as "guilty by being the exact same person".


Ohhhhhhh...*coughs*...um....yes, i understand now...um...thanks Suella.



*creeps quietly away, hoping people don't realise she didn't actually realise.....*

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Sole Demina wrote:

By the way, is there something as "first offence" and  "parole" in LL world ? I know I've been watching too many US TV series but still...

In a manner of speaking, that's what Keli K's administrative hold is. Now she needs to go and beg forgiveness from the 'parole board' so she can be released.

I fear Keli L is almost certainly destined for a life in solitary confinement though!

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I haven't laughed at a blog in so long my tear ducts blew out dust to start with.... I have no opinion on the subject but I take my hat off to the style it has been brought to us.... can we have lag reports in the style of traffic news, rolling restarts by the weather reporter and Dog the Bounty hunter out on the trail of griefers ...Please

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Suella Ember wrote:

Anyway - Keli K is only on administrative hold and I'm relatively confident it will all be sorted out and she'll be back soon. If I were Keli what I would do is this. Contact LL again and say something to the effect of "I was stupid I know. I created the Keli LInden account just for a giggle and I even put in my forum profile that I was not really a Linden . I never created it with any intention to cause grief. I shouldn't have done it though and I apologise. Now please can I have my 'normal' account back from administrative hold. "

Yep, that's what I'm hoping too. And that's what should happen. But I can understand why LL takes the name thing so seriously even if I wasn't. And I gather from that (vo) in the latest bulletin that my earlier speculation about who LiveReport really is was incorrect.

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Suella Ember wrote:

She's not banned, she's on administrative hold. The distinction is important.

I, for one, am glad that LL block other accounts from the same user when they take action against a particular account. Yes, in this particular case it's unfortunate, but as a general rule its exactly the right thing to do (what's the point of banning a griefer, for example, if they can just go and use one of their alts straight away?)

In that respect it's not so much "guilty by association" as "guilty by being the exact same person".

Anyway - Keli K is only on administrative hold and I'm relatively confident it will all be sorted out and she'll be back soon. If I were Keli what I would do is this. Contact LL again and say something to the effect of "I was stupid I know. I created the Keli LInden account just for a giggle and I even put in my forum profile that I was not really a Linden . I never created it with any intention to cause grief. I shouldn't have done it though and I apologise. Now please can I have my 'normal' account back from administrative hold. "

I agree with your words.  I was concerned from the beginning something like this would happen.  I wish I would have admonished KeliInden at that time.  I am sad this has happened, but I hope your advice works.  I would heed your words if I were her.

@Keli K do whatever you have to do to get back - you are missed.

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Storm.Clarence wrote:

I agree with your words.  I was concerned from the beginning something like this would happen.  I wish I would have admonished KeliInden at that time.  I am sad this has happened, but I hope your advice works.  I would heed your words if I were her.

I kinda wish I'd said something to her too because I saw it coming. I didn't want to come across as though I was telling her what to do though! Still, I am still confident that it will get sorted and we'll have out Keli K back. 

Storm.Clarence wrote:

@Keli K do whatever you have to do to get back - you are missed.

I'll second that. I honestly think you are best just being honest with LL, Kelli. Saying sorry and promising it was an innocent mistake and I'm sure they'll take Keli K off hold

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Cofran Baxton wrote:


I haven't laughed at a blog in so long my tear ducts blew out dust to start with.... I have no opinion on the subject but I take my hat off to the style it has been brought to us.... can we have lag reports in the style of traffic news, rolling restarts by the weather reporter and Dog the Bounty hunter out on the trail of griefers ...Please

I agree. And I am marveling at Keli's good humor about the whole thing. I hope you bust out of there soon, Keli, we miss your fun presence around here!

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Dillon Levenque wrote:




It is nice. Keli took it. Was during the great Deshima adventure. The thread is still up but minus all of Keli I's posts so the continuity is lost.

Aww, so it is. Who'd have thought a harmless bit of fun would cause this?


*Packs 6 cans of collapsible diet coke and 8 bags of freeze dried, unbreakable Nachos into various obscure items intended for delivery at the prison by way of a large catering truck with 'Eatwell UK/USA, affiliated to Andromeda Creations inc.' emblazoned on the side in sage green swirly lettering..*

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I tink dis time youse got yourself in a pardiciment where youse need some stinkin' help, dontjuh?

Administration hold gotta be bad,  I never wanna see duh place - worser dan duh cornfield I wuz told.  Anyways, It would take too long to know duh cornfield t'roo and t'roo, an' even den, yuh wouldn't know it all.  Scuze me, I digress.

It all ain't worth it.  Yuh gotta have a sit down wit the Lindens.  Yuh gotta tell 'em it's all cool; that yuh didn't mean to encroach on thier turfs.  Yuh gotta tell 'em yuh made a slight mistake; theyll problally tax yuh alittle but dis witness relo type program aint workin for anybodies.  Look 'em in the eye when yuh make 'em an offa dey cant refuse.  

Im workin on sendin somma the boys up dere to get yuh out.


Message was edited by: Storm.Clarence a few spelling edits.

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We interrupt this normally scheduled derailment with a Special News Update


Hello Dwellers! I am out here Live at the Lagville Detention Facility where Keli K is no longer in her cell in what appears to be a desperate escape attempt that happen early this morning. To get more information on what happened we are talking to Prison Guard.

LiveReport: So Prison Guard I see that you have a two word name does that mean you have been around a while and have seen lots of things like this before?

Prison Guard: Yeah, I'ves beens arounds a whiles, go'n ons four's years now or I woulds says but I'ves an't nevers seens anythings like'a'tis. That Keli girl she's just gone off and gone wild. Shes'a Saying where's the red button, where Is the red button, gotta push it gotta push. Next things I's a knows she is rezzing a cake on her hand, I's figures she'a outa hers mind, so's I'sa leave her alone. Wells there's got'ta be's a file in that's cakes or something because when I'sa look''a backs she'a making a run for it with the Facility's Labtop, a jar of Nutella, and a half eaten piece of cake. That's the last I's sees of hers.

LiveReport: Authorities caught up with Keli K at MacHappyClown's where she was seen eating a Bacon Egg and Cheese biscuit, dipping her hash-brown in Nutella and washing the whole thing down with an Ice Mocha. Authorities confirmed that she was trying to access SL using a different IP address with MacHappyClown's free WiFi. Unsuccessful she realized the True Lindens had outsmarted her so she turned to the only weapon she had... PhotoShop! She quickly made pictures of the authorities wearing togas at a rave and threatened to post them on the internet unless she could talk to her Lawyer. Fearing what Keli might come up with they gave into her demand. After meeting with her attorney at a exclusive Beverly Hills Hotspot she made arrangements to surrender to authorities this afternoon here at the Lagville Detention Facility.

Here she is now, with her Lawyer!

(snap, click, flash, zoom)


(snap, click, flash, zoom)

RumorDude: Is there anything going on with you and your Lawyer?

SLPR: Where did you sleep last night is it true you slept on the streets?

(snap, click, flash, zoom)

NewsChick: What were you and Ms. I doing on that beach in the first place?

(snap, click, flash, zoom)

Pervert: Is it true you are going to have Ms. I's love child?

(snap, click, flash, zoom)

TodaysNews: Why did you escape and what did you do once you were free?

(snap, click, flash, zoom)

Keli K: He is cute isn't he? But No! And No, I stayed up. We were just taking pictures. Prev! I escaped because I was going crazy and all this RL money keeps piling up because I can't spend it in SL. I also wanted to test things, not meaning any harm of course. So here is what I found out, it seems that every computer I have ever used, even the ones without Second Life installed on them, the ones I just used to check my dashboard are now denied access to Second Life. I am guessing even my mom's, who lives 600 miles away, is denied access too. There is no way W.E. would, could or can make it In-World, Second Life's security measures are too good. There is one way I did not try but it would take a lot of time and a lot of Lindens, $L 250,000 for a nice round number. If they want me out that bad I will stay out until they give me permission to enter again. Sometimes a girl's just got to push against the walls to make sure that they are not going to fall over on her. Oh btw I managed to use my niece's Droid to send out a Top Secret Message while I was out.

Help me Wa-ter-or-mel-Ka-no-pi you're my only hope!


Well there you have it, Keli K is back in the Lagville Detention Facility and we still don't have any official word on Keli I. She is still on life support for now.

That is it for this News update now back to your derailment.

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GDN interrupts your normally scheduled derailments with this Special Report.


Hello Dwellers! As the Administrative Hold continues on Keli K I was able to sit down for a one on one interview to answer some of the days pressing questions.


LiveReport: So Keli how was your first night back in the Big House and what happens from here.

Keli K: Well Live I did a lot of thinking about how childish I was about the whole thing and I deeply regret my mistake. I just hope the Lindens can find it in their heart to forgive me and one day take me off hold. They have my ticket I'll just have to sit it out and wait my turn in line and see what happens.

LiveReport: The New CEO came to town yesterday what do you think about his arrival?

Keli K: I hope he enjoys his time here I am happy to see that he is spending time in world. I wonder if he realizes I was the first to welcome him on the first announcement. I hate to be the first to leave now that he is here.

LiveReport: Any thoughts on "Women in Second Life?"

Keli K: I think women in SL need to be strong independent thinkers or they will just get washed away with the tide. It is so easy to change things in SL it is sometimes hard to stand up for who you are, for example: I remember the first time a guy said "here put this shape on for me" or the one I love is "Man your avi is almost perfect if you would just adjust your boobs a little." After thinking about it for a minute I said No this is who I am, this is who I want to be. Take it or leave it. This is who I am.

LiveReport: What is your favorite SL hair?

Keli K: I would have to say the one I am wearing. This is what my RL hair looked like when I started SL. I really enjoy bringing little bits of me into SL, not all of me of coarse just the parts of my choosing.

LiveReport: Snarrky Comments?

Keli K: The Cornfield seems like such a nice place after all this.

LiveReport: What do you think about Taking 'the Other" to lunch?

Keli K: Before SL I don't think I ever tried very hard to take "the Other" to lunch but Second Life has changed that for me. I have meet people from all over the world here with totally different views then I have but something about Second Life makes me feel safe about going to lunch with them.

LiveReport: Do you have a favorite funny person on the forums?

Keli K: I think everyone is my favorite, I mean the group as a whole. All these different personalities from all over the world trying to communicate their different points of have made for some very funny moments. Some intentional and not so intentional but funny all the same. I think seeing all the different personalities all in one place is what makes the forum so enjoyable to me.

LiveReport: Where did you shop more? In-World or the Marketplace?

Keli K: I had just started to enjoy shopping In-World when all this happen. Being new to Second Life and wanting to see everything I would shop On-Line at work and have the stuff delivered so that when I got home and logged in I could quickly rez and go out and see the world.

LiveReport: Any Advice?

Keli K: Yes! Whatever you do, DON'T make your Capital "i" look like a small "L".


That is all for this Special Report we now send you happily on your way.

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