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Breaking News! 2 Avatars in custody after using Display Names


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I know that, but isn't that what you were saying in the following:

This thought occurred to me last night - if you've been banned from posting here, you probably should resist the urge to post under a different account. I know Daria/Amethyst is getting away with it for some reason, but generally speaking, posting while banned is likely to get you a perma-ban. Same with going in-world.

That she post under a different account?  Maybe I'm confused

Also, when Pep & I were banned, he had an administrative hold on his account, I didn't...and we could still both post.  LL has some screwy ways of doing things...nothing is by rhyme or reason.

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Well, first of all ... I love Keli Kyrie, her humor has been much needed and appreciated here and inworld. However, when I first saw kelilinden appear it was kind of like someone saying "Hey lookie everybody, I'm gonna push this button that we all know we shouldn't push!" At the same time, it exposed a flaw in the system that we all knew was there. So in a small way I applaud her for taking one for the team so to speak, but of course the outcome was most predictable.

I'm pretty sure Keli will be back in some form, she seemed to like it here and made many friends.

Any news LiveReport?

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Venus Petrov wrote:


Jolene Benoir wrote:

Now that you mention it, it is odd that she CANNOT post in here as Keli Kyrie.  Obviously Keli Iinden would be a mistake, but don't we frequently have posters here who are banned in-world, but can still post in the forums?

ETA:  Maybe the difference lies between an administrative hold (still able to post) vs a permaban (not able to)?

Neither Keli appears in search inworld.


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Gypsy Quixote wrote:

Well, first of all ... I love Keli Kyrie, her humor has been much needed and appreciated here and inworld. However, when I first saw kelilinden appear it was kind of like someone saying "Hey lookie everybody, I'm gonna push this button that we all know we shouldn't push!" At the same time, it exposed a flaw in the system that we all knew was there. So in a small way I applaud her for taking one for the team so to speak, but of course the outcome was most predictable.

I'm pretty sure Keli will be back in some form, she seemed to like it here and made many friends.

Any news LiveReport?

I don't like it when people just reply to a post with "This!" but .. ummm ...


(P.S. Never press the big red button that says "do not press" no matter how tempting it is!)


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She was clearly doing something a bit stupid but banning her seems rather over the top , LL have allways been very trigger happy with the ban gun though , often for quite trivial stuff like this ,in RL it is illegal to impersonate a police officer but you see plenty of slappers dressing up as slutty police women in their droves on a Saturday night , they don't get arrested because common sense prevails , something the people with LLs ban hammer don't seem to have .

I have known people get banned because someone walked in to their shield (he hit them with a scripted object) and another that got banned because her friend used copybot , I really do worry about this as both of those people were consumers in SL that contributed to the economy , of course they don't any more thanks to LL , I wonder how much money merchants and LL actually lose out on because of irresponible admin.

Also I don't see much wrong with chatting on forums if you are suspended/banned as LL do not give a good description of why the action was taken , it is usually little more than a word , "assault" , "harrassment" , "impeding movement" ,after that they will cut you off , refuse to speak to you ,ignore appeals and if you send them documents they pretend not to get them , how else can you get information about what you may of done wrong if you can't even ask other residents ?

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Suella Ember wrote:


Nathaniel Scorpio wrote:

I've always enjoyed pushing red buttons...

I'm soooooo not even going to give you an opening to take that any further ....

Oh wait ... 'Give you an opening' ... you are gonna run with that ain't you?!

I may walk with it for a bit, so I can think more about it more thoroughly...

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Spankmy Boucher wrote:


She was clearly doing something a bit stupid but banning her seems rather over the top , LL have allways been very trigger happy with the ban gun though , often for quite trivial stuff like this ,in RL it is illegal to impersonate a police officer but you see plenty of slappers dressing up as slutty police women in their droves on a Saturday night , they don't get arrested because common sense prevails , something the people with LLs ban hammer don't seem to have .

I have known people get banned because someone walked in to their shield (he hit them with a scripted object) and another that got banned because her friend used copybot , I really do worry about this as both of those people were consumers in SL that contributed to the economy , of course they don't any more thanks to LL , I wonder how much money merchants and LL actually lose out on because of irresponible admin.

Also I don't see much wrong with chatting on forums if you are suspended/banned as LL do not give a good description of why the action was taken , it is usually little more than a word , "assault" , "harrassment" , "impeding movement" ,after that they will cut you off , refuse to speak to you ,ignore appeals and if you send them documents they pretend not to get them , how else can you get information about what you may of done wrong if you can't even ask other residents ?

Thanks ...and I agree with your assessment.

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When the problem is the account name itself is a violation I don't see what alternative they have BUT to hold the account. So it's not over the top, it's a logical response to a unique problem. Even if they suspect the person isn't *really* trying to impersonate anyone the fact is other people could do the same thing who are. Common sense would say they have to treat all instances of people making names that a reasonable person could confuse as Linden equally. Nobody is going to mistake a slutty police woman for an actual cop. If she was dressed head to toe as a real cop and walking around in a manner that someone mistook her for a cop then yes, there is a possibility she could be reported, questioned, detained or even arrested depending on the circumstances.

No one has been permanently banned for doing nothing but having someone walk into their shield. If they were banned it was because they had a ton of previous warnings and suspensions and used up all their chances. If someone is mistakenly banned because their friend was stealing content then they should be able to dispute it with LL. If they can prove to LL satisfaction they had nothing to do with it and they aren't the same person as the one doing the copying then they should get their account back. I'm also suspicious of anyone who says, "It wasn't me! It was my friend! Honest!"

LL is going to be reasonably certain someone is guilty before pulling the trigger and terminating someone's account. If they make a mistake all the person has to do is contact them and appeal it.

The difference between this case and Wasted is Wasted ran through all his warnings and they aren't going to let him have any accounts anymore because he just does the same thing again. If Keli makes a new account they won't close it. They just want her to know that picking "____linden" (with an upper case I) as a name for any reason is a no-no.

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Nathaniel Scorpio wrote:


I meant that she shouldn't post under a different account. Tough as it might be, she should just wait until she hears from LL.

It's possible that she isn't posting at all. That might be splitting hairs but in fact there have been only two posts from LiveReport--no followup to comments. A reasonable explanation is that a friend created the alt to post them (does read like Keli's work, though). And I think it's a little different from what Wasted was doing--he just kept hammering away at the same or similar subjects, and in a very abusive fashion, for which he was banned. LiveReport is really only a little bit of news to let us know Keli is keeping her spirits up. There is no repetition of the original offense as there was with Wasted.

Just the same I'd feel better if I was positive this isn't making things worse. Don't see how it could but one never knows.

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We interrupt this derailment with a News Update.


Hi Dwellers I am here live at the Lagville Detention Facility where Keli K is out on the exercise court trying to rez some cakes she received. Oh she is saying something let's listen in.

Keli K: No rez!, No scripts! Man this would be very upsetting if it was not pizza night tonight! Who cares if the crust is rubbery cardboard, IT IS PIZZA, WITH CHEESE!

LiveReport: Camera Man see if you can get a better shot...

Camera Man: Okay but we really aren't suppose to...

LiveReport: Keli K any update? What's going to happen? Are you going to get a hearing?

Keli K: No word yet. I am still feeling a little wasted after the whole Shock and Awe thingy but I was able to take care of two things today.

LiveReport: Yes, and...

Keli K: I filled out that ticket thing they talk about so much. Thank goodness Torley's Wiki articles are available even in the prison library or I would have no idea what I was doing with that.

LiveReport: That is a good start...

Keli K: Oh ya I used my one phone call to call the Lab! The person I talk to confirm that I am on Administrative Hold. She started to suggest that if I was having problems logging into the website I might use an alt, but upon my asking I found she had no details of my case... I did not have the courage to ask about Keli I. I tried looking AM up in the documents we have here in the library but I could not find any details. So just to be safe I won't be using an alt (vo). Well there is the dinner buzzer gtg Pizza Night remember.

LiveReport: Well there you have it. For more on this story we would like to show the interview we shot with Keli I's Doctor shot earlier today.

Doctor: I am afraid Keli I is taking a turn for the worst. Last night she hardly slept and today she won't eat a thing. Not even the mention of Pizza will bring a smile to this girl's face. She just seems down in the dumps. The nurse even filled out her ticket for her but she refused to sign it. We think she is losing the will to live.

LiveReport: Soob, soob.  I'm so very sorry. How un-reporter like of me. (/me pulls herself together) Well there you have it Dwellers. Thanks to surveillance cameras we have one thing we would like to end the NewsCast with this evening but it comes with a warning:




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Gypsy Quixote wrote:


Well, first of all ... I love Keli Kyrie, her humor has been much needed and appreciated here and inworld. However, when I first saw kelilinden appear it was kind of like someone saying "Hey lookie everybody, I'm gonna push this button that we all know we shouldn't push!" At the same time, it exposed a flaw in the system that we all knew was there. So in a small way I applaud her for taking one for the team so to speak, but of course the outcome was most predictable.

I'm pretty sure Keli will be back in some form, she seemed to like it here and made many friends.

Any news LiveReport?

Seems to me that should have been a foreseen flaw.  Way back in 2007, I came across an anarchist. I kid you not..no exaggerations whatsoever.  A real true to life anarchist. He made that clear when he posted his anarchist posters all over a no-build area later.

He took a disliking to me, cuz go figure I said something to him about his umpteen bots that he was using, and his foul language.

He made an account. JoIene Benoir. See the difference?  My friends didn't either, until he came in nekkid wearing appendages and asking to um...give the gentlemen um, well..um...just figure it out.it rhymes with giving the po' jobs.  All while going where I was, or frequented.  He did the very same thing, capital I.

He then went on to make that avatar a female escort, albeit a hideous one.  But on he lived. I DO realize, it's not the same as using the capital I as an L in Linden..but surely I cannot have been the first that happened to?  That is the ONLY time I have ever filed an AR in-world.  I probably wouldn't nowadays, but back then, I was new, and was like wtf?

Keli's intentions were nothing like anarchy man's.  I doubt she tried to portray herself as a Linden in-world.

/me chants.....Free Keli Kyrie...Free Keli Kyrie.

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I don't think it was an actual account name , you can't have Linden in your account name , also I would of expected LL to have the foresight to actually block many possible variations of the name so that things like this are less likey to occur , if it is just a display name then they can easily just remove it and send a warning or whatever .

What makes you so confident of this statement ? "No one has been permanently banned for doing nothing but having someone walk into their shield." , though in that case I believe they probably got back eventually you have no reason to be so sure of it , as for the person that got banned because of her friends copybotting well it was her that actuallly reported it to the creator , she reported her friend for something that she felt was wrong which to my way of thinking is quite a moral hurdle and should void her of any involvement , she is still banned to this day (over two years later) ,and I don't think she plans on returning which given what she contributed to SL and how much she loved it is very sad indeed.

"LL is going to be reasonably certain someone is guilty before pulling  the trigger and terminating someone's account. If they make a mistake  all the person has to do is contact them and appeal it." not at all , I have heard several cases where LL have denied recieving documents (proof of age etc) and I have had personal experience with LLs ticket process as both a free and premium account holder , I can safley say that filing a ticket with a premium can be a slow task (I allways use live chat now) and with a free account it is pretty much pointless as they just don't answer if they don't feel like it, as for appeals I don't believe they even look at them , certainly not for free accounts.

I do  think it is a case of exactly who deals with an abuse report as I know for a fact there are some very good eggs in the g team , it only takes one rotten one though to make a stink.

I can just imagine this girl is banging her head against a brick wall right now trying to get some answers.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I think you're right. But I sure would hate to have to give up on Keli K. Am I the only one who thinks the forum has been way less entertaining the last couple of days?

Nope, you're not......i seem to be going around in circles, looking for something lively/interesting, but there only seem to be 2 types of threads running at the moment...long, complex ones full of 'technical speak', "blech", or tiny little "why do i?/how do i?/why does?" ones.


And Wasteds, of course.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:


Yeah, well it might not have helped that I and others in a thread that will have to remain nameless insisted upon spelling her last name incorrectly, with a capital L. I didn't get the gag until after I'd done way to many posts. Yikes.

As soon as I saw this thread title on my dashboard I had a terrible feeling I knew who it was about. I'm only on page 1, I think, so there's still a chance it will all get better but in fact I've not seen KK in the forum since Saturday.


ETA: Having gotten to the end of the thread I'm feeling no better. Something that was so much fun wound up screwing up somebody's slife. That really does bite. I'm down for the jailbreak.

ETA 2: So I just went and edited a couple of posts in a thread, forgetting that that will of course make it pop up on everyone's dashboard and besides wouldn't help anyway. I go from maybe my best week ever in SL to my stupidest.

Same here, saw the title, read it once, looked away, looked back....got a sinking feeling...

Re 'the' thread....yeah, she got called keli Linden, Ms Linden, Keli l (lower case L) etc.....and i am as guilty as most, if not more. I know what you mean Dillon, bout feeling bad....*sighs and hangs head*.

I too, went back to it, looked at it and came away without doing anything...but if you think it would help i will go back and edit every single one of my posts.

Put me down for the jailbreak too.

I don't understand why Keli K is banned though....just ...guilty by association is it??


Joins in the chant with Jolene...."FREE KELI KYRIE! FREE KELI KYRIE!"

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Jaen Albatros wrote:

I don't understand why Keli K is banned though....just ...guilty by association is it??

She's not banned, she's on administrative hold. The distinction is important.

I, for one, am glad that LL block other accounts from the same user when they take action against a particular account. Yes, in this particular case it's unfortunate, but as a general rule its exactly the right thing to do (what's the point of banning a griefer, for example, if they can just go and use one of their alts straight away?)

In that respect it's not so much "guilty by association" as "guilty by being the exact same person".

Anyway - Keli K is only on administrative hold and I'm relatively confident it will all be sorted out and she'll be back soon. If I were Keli what I would do is this. Contact LL again and say something to the effect of "I was stupid I know. I created the Keli LInden account just for a giggle and I even put in my forum profile that I was not really a Linden . I never created it with any intention to cause grief. I shouldn't have done it though and I apologise. Now please can I have my 'normal' account back from administrative hold. "

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