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Male Avatars Come On.....


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Many overlooked number 11 of what I guess was my OP rant, but reading the replies I think there is a little misunderstanding too. YES guys who look bad can have their personalities shine through, HOWEVER it isn't going to happen by being "unappealing" and IMing with " hi.....how r u?....you know what comes next.....


Yes there are a lot of cool people here who don't put much effort into their avatars but they typically are a bit more well rounded in SL.


Also, don't confuse my rant as being unkind to newbie avatars. The learning curve is a bit steep in SL.


Also, the person that replied and provided a link for the guys....way to go, that kind of stuff is awesome.



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Ty Tinkatoi for the lovely and to the point post. Personally I do not like noob-like avis specially if they have been in sl forever. Yes the avi shows one's personality, style, taste. It shows willingness to improve, explore themselves and their virtual world. If these traits does not show personality, what does? It is no excuse for someone who has an old avi looking shaggy and with no details, not knowing the viewer, how to edit clothes, etc. They should to sit down and learn.

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I've been following and thinking about this thread a bit.

I've also been asking myself if I'm not just being contrarian.

I know I have my own likes and dislikes.

I know there are some things (role play) in SL I disagree strongly with.

I know I have my own preferences.

But I find myself asking, "Who the heck am I (or you) to tell someone else how to live their Second Life?"

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Perrie Juran wrote:

I know I have my own likes and dislikes.

I know there are some things (role play) in SL I disagree strongly with.

I know I have my own preferences.

But I find myself asking, "Who the heck am I (or you) to tell someone else how to live their Second Life?"


It can be hard to separate out these two:

  1. Here is what you must or should do to be better.
  2. Here is how you must or should master the tools and information to better achieve what you are trying to achieve.

- The first is invasive advice, the second is very useful, teaching people how to use tools to better reach the goals they have, even when those goals are not inline with one's own goals.


And just as it is hard to separate them out when speaking/writing, less savvy people will read the second as if it was the first.

 (And at other times, the mere conveyance of own's own preferences can be seen by some less savvy person's as an attack on their preferences. And I'm not saying a preference like "I hate blue" but a preference like "not everyone prefers blue, I like pink" to which someone will respond with "you blue hater!")



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Perrie Juran wrote:


But I find myself asking, "Who the heck am I (or you) to tell someone else how to live their Second Life?"

Some girl trying to change her guy or even guys in general?  I'm appalled.  I'm kidding but just sayin.  I thnk thats been going on since time began.  Said tongue and cheek :)  :matte-motes-big-grin:

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"I have nothing against how a person looks or dress tehre avie, but the problem I do have are those trying to approach one that is entirely out of their league. I know I might get a lot of bad mouthing about this...but I am not one to hold my tongue...if its the truth its the truth. If you don't want to put effort into your avie, don't expect people to be into on a realationship level."


Golly, it must be so cool to be one of the popular kids like you!

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

"I have nothing against how a person looks or dress tehre avie, but the problem I do have are those trying to approach one that is entirely out of their league. I know I might get a lot of bad mouthing about this...but I am not one to hold my tongue...if its the truth its the truth. If you don't want to put effort into your avie, don't expect people to be into on a realationship level."


Golly, it must be so cool to be one of the popular kids like you!


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Dillon Levenque wrote:

If you don't want to put effort into your avie, don't expect people to be into on a realationship level."


Golly, it must be so cool to be one of the popular kids like you!

Snipped this down to the part that I think communicates the intent. You can tell when someone has put effort into an AV, even one of a style you care nothing for. And that matters to some. Show your personality in your AV, or expect people to see you as not having much of one or at least not being willing to engage - and then respond accordingly.

And while I do see more than enough female avatars that look like a pack of random things thrown together partway - its common enough among male avatars to be a rememberable demographic.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

If you don't want to put effort into your avie, don't expect people to be into on a realationship level."



Snipped this down to the part that I think communicates the intent. You can tell when someone has put effort into an AV, even one of a style you care nothing for. And that matters to some. Show your personality in your AV, or expect people to see you as not having much of one or at least not being willing to engage - and then respond accordingly.

And while I do see more than enough female avatars that look like a pack of random things thrown together partway - its common enough among male avatars to be a rememberable demographic.



Yes, I also think that part communicates [most of] the intent and I responded accordingly. It's an attitude I think somewhat shallow and I'm not one to hold my tongue.

I am pleased with the way my avatar looks and I took some pains to get the look I wanted. I'm not motivated to change. I've gotten used to who I am. I of course buy clothes, shoes, and now and then hair, but I haven't changed skin nor shape for, literally, years and have no intention of doing so.

Several friends are of similar style. One is still wearing not just the same shape but even the same hair she was wearing the first time I saw her (late 2009). I've seen her in one other hair style in all that time (wait, three: she had a dark hairdo she wore with her sari costume). She was gorgeous then, she's gorgeous now. Fabulous dresser, clothes and shoes always fit perfectly, etc. She likes the way she looks (and who could blame her?).

I don't have a problem with people who can't be happy without the latest look. But I don't have a problem with people who are still looking like they stepped out of 2007 either.

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Male shapes are not that easy to do, especially since people obviously make the same mistakes.

Ice cream cone with the cherry on top look....rolls her eyes.

Broad shoulder, narrow waist and tiny head are really bad. Unfortunately, a lot of freebie avis are built on this principle. Also, they try to look more muscular by pumping up the avatar arms, legs and pecs. All that does is make you look like you have fat arms, legs and chest. The avatar is the muscle and bones that support your skin.

For muscle detail you HAVE to invest in the skin. The skin is probably the largest expense for any avater. Coca and Wolf as well as Prodigal probably do the best job. Male skins, however, because there aren't as many designers doing them, tend to cost more. But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. WoW and 7 Deadly Skins now have male skins. WoW, if you join the group (300L), has a male skin as the monthly VIP gift group. It's the same skin that's for sale, not a quicky for the gift.

Yes, I make shapes. They are realistically proportioned and have gotten many compliments on them. Many of the skins come with a good avi as well.

As for clothes, I found some really nice ones on the MP relatively inexpensive. There is also the Menstuff hunt that starts March 1. 50L to join the group, but there are quite a few gifts in the lounge that you can get for free from many of the top designers in SL.

For hair, a lot of "male" hair is just bad. Don't be aftaid to look in the "ladies" sections. I have a lot of hair that I can use for male or female. If you don't want to be bothered with hair, look for hair bases. There are quite a few that look like a close crop. You can also find many with designs "cut" into them that can look quite impressive.

Males do take a bit more effort to outfit, but are well worth the effort to get a good look.

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I pay more attention to the way I look and less to the tirades of people telling me how I should look.

I am 6'5" (short, by most standards) and I change my outfit pretty much every time I log in. But I don't look like the "classic" good looking dark-haired tanned muscular guys you see all over the grid. And that is entirely intentional.  The entire outfit below is a free group gift from To Be Unique.


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Here's the thing to consider.

It's SL. When it comes to fashion, 90% of it is made for women, 9% is made "unisex" (which is just a word for women without boobs), and maybe 1% is for men.

Of that 1%, you either have the option of skinny iPad using hipster punk, or dark greasy refridgerator shouldered thug with t-rex arms. It's very hard to find anything in the middle. Those of us that do, we really have to search for it. A lot.

When I'm human and in clothes instead of some sort of tech armor, I have maybe 3 pairs of pants and the same amount of shirts. Luckily I buy everything mod and can change their colors, so that allows me to alternate things a little.



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