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SL, Cory Ondrejka, and the NSA. Anyone surprised?

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:


Yes, but I always thought -- evidently incorrectly -- that Rosedale was an "old fashioned" libertarian, rather than a neoliberal. Which is to say, a libertarian with at least some semblance of ethics.

I heard someone once comment that the two main political parties in the U.S. are a two-card Monte being played against the American people.  Not being much of a card player I don't fully understand the "Monte" reference but the underlying meaning comes through.  I dropped identifying (and supporting) individual political parties years ago.

Libertarian can of course be used to describe a political philosophy as well as one of the alternate established U.S. political parties but I would concur with Qie on his rationale.

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

Storm, I am increasingly convinced you are right. It's the reason, I suppose, for my outrage fatigue.

Increasingly I'm giving up on the "global" part, and thinking locally, I guess.

Nah, just use TOR. The combined might of the NSA and GCHQ can't crack it. Their success with the Silk Road depended on the owner being stupid enough to ask how he could hide drug deals on the internet in some public forums!


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RudolphFarquhar wrote:

Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

Storm, I am increasingly convinced you are right. It's the reason, I suppose, for my outrage fatigue.

Increasingly I'm giving up on the "global" part, and thinking locally, I guess.

Nah, just use TOR. The combined might of the NSA and GCHQ can't crack it. Their success with the Silk Road depended on the owner being stupid enough to ask how he could hide drug deals on the internet in some public forums!


So a handful or two use TOR -- the other billions are at risk.  It's too big to stop and everyone (ok, 99.8%) is playing along whether they want to or not.  



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i jest perfer to pertend im a reel dum blond. *giggle*

It may not get 'em off my tail, but at least I can take satisfaction in knowing that, somewhere, some idiot who thought that working for the NSA meant being James Bond will think he's found his perfect girl.

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Storm Clarence wrote:


So a handful or two use TOR -- the other billions are at risk.  It's too big to stop and everyone (ok, 99.8%) is playing along whether they want to or not.  


But that's how the espionage trade politics the advertising industry supermarkets business everything works.


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/me waves back at her favourite Martian.

The existence of Barry (the John the Baptist of crack-smoking mayors, who merely prepared the way for the Greater One) is grounds for commiseration rather than consolation. :)

ETA. Edited because I'm not REALLY a dumb blonde. I'm just drawn that way.

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

/me waves back at her favourite Martian.

The existence of Barry (the John the Baptist of crack-smoking mayors, who merely prepared the way for the Greater One) is grounds for
rather than

Have you been ******* drinking?

I know you can ******* spell, so you must be having ******* trouble finding the right keys.


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A world without trustworthy erotic manga, or clean tissues, is nowhere I want to be.

This has been waaaaaaaaaay too much excitement for me! I'm outta here for . . . well, probably a very long while. I have to go write up that debriefing report on forum alts now.

Hugs and kisses. It's been really lovely seeing some old avatars. Take care all. :-)

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(I'm sort of kicking myself that I didn't do this as a parody thread. I seriously think I've lost my touch. I might have even dragged Richard out of mothballs, kicking and screaming. You know, "Stunning Revelations as Online Tarsks Revealed to Be in Employ of Insect Lords." Or maybe even something clever. Oh well. Next time . . .)

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

You can expect me to disappear again shortly, Pep . . . I mean, Rudy. This is just a brief excursion. :-)


I ran across this story in the Guardian this morning, and found it interesting. It's not, as I note, very surprising, but I'm interested in the connections between the corporate internet and surveillance, so . . .



The entirety of American 'web 2,0 / social media' has been in cahoots with the NSA for years now. Its not news.

What is news is that they claim they were unwilling partners, and yet have actively denied being in cahoots until Snowden outed them.

And it looks like Cory is one of the few who ever admitted his dog was being wagged by that tail.

So we can call him a scumbag for being in cahoots with them - or an 'honest man' for having been open about it since the beginning.

That said... I do love the irony in seeing companies like Google and Facebook complain in massive public open letters about the NSA invading privacy when they invade it even more... I'm a lot more fearful of 'Big Corp' than 'Big Brother' when it comes to the actual damage either is likely to do to people.


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Hey Scylla, always a pleasure to read you.

it would have surprised me if the NSA would not have an interest in new forms of communications, any form of communication can potentially have a threat against them, and they can not give themselves the luxury of not knowing how everything works. they need to be monitoring everything, I expect that some forums regulars are from the NSA.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

What IS a bit surprising is that this occurred under Rosedale's watch. Rosedale was supposed to be the great libertarian, remember? How the hell did HE reconcile this with what SL supposedly stood for?

No contradiction there at all. The NSA thing was just another attempt to lure money from government and enterprise, and there's just nothing more smoking jacket Libertarian than a company's God-given right to wrest every dime it can scam from others, free market ftw, eh wot?

I prefer to think of it as a kind of government farm subsidy only for flailing MMO tech companies.

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

A world without trustworthy erotic manga, or clean tissues, is nowhere I want to be.

This has been waaaaaaaaaay too much excitement for me! I'm outta here for . . . well, probably a very long while. I have to go write up that debriefing report on forum alts now.

Hugs and kisses. It's been really lovely seeing some old avatars. Take care all. :-)

That was quick... I didn't even have time to put together a cheese tray.

...Dres *waves hello, then sings, "happy trails to you"*

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