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Find Avatar Hud???

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In passing a few days ago, someone mentioned there is such a thing as a find Avatar hud?  A friend I asked confirmed that she had such a hud to discover if her BF was playing around and not showing status when actually on SL.  However she decided she didn't really want to know, so deleted the hud a long time ago.

Is there such a hud?

Can people know your location, if you have not given them permission?

How can I find someone who has status turned off?  Another friend , said that she saw me online, when I turned off her status by looking at the map.  Is that possible?

I also hear from long time SL people, that it is offense to them if a friend turns off their online status, that is a serious breech of SL etiquette.  Personally I don't agree, I have several friends that when I am with them, (non romantic), I don't want to be disturbed and want to focus my attention on them and what is being discussed, learned or whatever.  In fact a long time SL person got so upset, it influenced them in an important business decision, which really had nothing to do with only line status.  In fact, if I choose to only allow a few close friends to know my online status, the proper ettiquette in RL is, that is my business and if I decide to include you or not include you in that list, so be it.



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walterwhiteSr wrote:

In passing a few days ago, someone mentioned there is such a thing as a find Avatar hud?  A friend I asked confirmed that she had such a hud to discover if her BF was playing around and not showing status when actually on SL.  However she decided she didn't really want to know, so deleted the hud a long time ago.


Is there such a hud?






Can people know your location, if you have not given them permission?



Simple answer, no. 

Complex answer is they could set up a scripted object at places you frequented to let them now when you were there.  Bu the object would need to be set ahead of time.  The other way would be to get you to wear a scripted object that they gave you.




How can I find someone who has status turned off? 


With a script.  Can also check true online status in any mutual groups.


Another friend , said that she saw me online, when I turned off her status by looking at the map.  Is that possible?



Well if she opened the map and saw a dot in your home she might assume it is you.  But that would be an assumption.  Otherwise the answer is 'no.'



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Manage your online status as you see fit however I would suggest that one of the points of having friends on your list is so that you can communicate with them. 

I never hide my online status from anyone.  Ever.  I can manage my interactions well enough.  Perhaps I have the right friends.

I would not trust one of those HUDs as far as I can toss em.  Someone told me a long while ago that I was online an entire weekend (when I was not).  This told me two things:  1) the HUD was wrong and 2) someone distrusted my online status.  They are no longer on my list.

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Venus, we are not all the same, some are more adept at managing friends and those relationships.  I can honestly say, it is offensive to me if I am giving 100% of my attention to someone, concentrating on whatever we are doing, and then discover that that my total focus is not shared, that pauses are answers to other IMs or whatever.  If in RL I can turn off my cell phone, not check my emails, and spend concentrated time watching a movie, spending time with a lover, etc, or whatever I choose, why doesn't that translate to SL. 

I am developing business contacts in SL, and would like to confine communication to specific hours.  I can say that, one special friend gets irrated that I pause our IM and the associated train of thoughts while I take time to respond to the business contact.  It easily can ruin a mood or more.

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stop the fear mongering,  only way to track is to have an object made by them with a script in it that will tell them exactly where you are,  YOU have to be wearing it, no client even the naughty ones have the ability to do that, if it was the case LL would of patched it,  it's a security exploit and they do tend to fix them rather quickly. 



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You seem to have a few different problems. I'm unsure about the IM one, is it you or her who are taking other IM's at 'intimate' moments? It looks like that may be happening both sides.

You cannot control her side of that, but you can put up your busy sign which will alert anyone trying to contact you that you are otherwise engaged.

As for tracking someone across the grid, if you don't trust people enough to be faithful to you then what is the point in trying to spy on them? You find out they're having fun behind your back, then what? Without trust the relationship is already doomed.

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As Venus said, you can manage your Friends list as you see fit and if your circle of friends operates a system whereby turning off online status indicates you don't want to be disturbed, so be it. Just don't expect it to apply to the SL world in general as it is considered poor SL etiquette. If you lose friends or cause ripples over it, you've only yourself to blame. 

It's really very simple to reply to an IM saying "Sorry, I'm busy right now, will get back to you" without anyone with you even knowing and if you're not able to do that, practice your typing skills. It just takes a few seconds. If friends persist in trying to establish a conversation after that, perhaps you should reconsider their 'friend' status.

What I find amusing though is your belief that you're actually hiding your online status. If I was a friend of yours and I wanted to check if you were hiding your online status from me, I could tell within seconds if I so wished and it wouldn't be by sending an IM or checking Groups.

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As someone who has gone to bed and forgotten to log out, any status can be plain wrong.


Being as I also use an RLV enabled viewer, on the odd occasion when I have gone to sleep and failed to logout, I have been taken "on tour" by my partner for giggles. Quite funny to wake up, cone back to the PC to find myself surrounded by pictures of my apparent exploits :)



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walterwhiteSr wrote:

Venus, we are not all the same, some are more adept at managing friends and those relationships.  I can honestly say,
it is offensive to me if I am giving 100% of my attention to someone, concentrating on whatever we are doing, and then discover that that my total focus is not shared,
that pauses are answers to other IMs or whatever.  If in RL I can turn off my cell phone, not check my emails, and spend concentrated time watching a movie, spending time with a lover, etc, or whatever I choose, why doesn't that translate to SL. 

I am developing business contacts in SL, and would like to confine communication to specific hours.  I can say that,
one special friend gets irrated that I pause our IM and the associated train of thoughts while I take time to respond
to the business contact.  It easily can ruin a mood or more.

So, you dislike when she does it and wonder why she gets annoyed when you do it.  Sounds like you are made for each other.

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Leslie Trihey wrote:

There is ways to track avatars across the grid unfortunatly, my friend used to track me down all the time and he didn't have my map rights, might be an inworld thing might be a bad SL client.

This used to be possible. The IM message format has location information built in, and until a few years ago, it used to be correctly filled in for both avatars and objects. After some viewers began to exploit it, LL removed the location information on the server side for avatar messages. (It is still present for objects, that's how offline IMs can report an object's SLurl.)

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walterwhiteSr wrote:



I also hear from long time SL people, that it is offense to them if a friend turns off their online status, that is a serious breech of SL etiquette.  Personally I don't agree, I have several friends that when I am with them, (non romantic), I don't want to be disturbed and want to focus my attention on them and what is being discussed, learned or whatever.  In fact a long time SL person got so upset, it influenced them in an important business decision, which really had nothing to do with only line status.  In fact, if I choose to only allow a few close friends to know my online status, the proper ettiquette in RL is, that is my business and if I decide to include you or not include you in that list, so be it.




Some people don't like it if you hide your online status from them.  If you hide your status from time to time, they might not be SL compatable with you.


Do people who are not habitual drama mongers get offended because someone's privacy settings don't reveal enough information about them?  I don't know; it's conceivable I suppose.


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walterwhiteSr wrote:

Venus, we are not all the same, some are more adept at managing friends and those relationships.  I can honestly say, it is offensive to me if I am giving 100% of my attention to someone, concentrating on whatever we are doing, and then discover that that my total focus is not shared, that pauses are answers to other IMs or whatever.  If in RL I can turn off my cell phone, not check my emails, and spend concentrated time watching a movie, spending time with a lover, etc, or whatever I choose, why doesn't that translate to SL. 

I am developing business contacts in SL, and would like to confine communication to specific hours.  I can say that, one special friend gets irrated that I pause our IM and the associated train of thoughts while I take time to respond to the business contact.  It easily can ruin a mood or more.

As others have commented, imo one of the best solutions to not being disturbed when you are giving your attention to someone special is to click on "Busy" which will give a message to people who IM you that you are not able to answer IMs atm.  Many viewers come with a standard "The Resident is busy" type of message but others, like Singularity, need the user to add a message or those who IM will get a bunch of %%%  ### of symbols, which allow you to personalize the Busy message, but that's another subject.

I was partnered for a long time years ago and the Busy method worked fine for both of us.  Using the RL analogy from your OP, to me that is like having my phone voice mail set so I don't have to answer the phone when it's inconvenient.

Re: turning your online status off - I recently noticed that on Singularity the friends list actually shows if one's friends have their online status checked on or off.  Except in rare circumstances and especially in social situations, imo, turning off the ability for those on your friends list to see your online status is very rude.

Edit: Clarification

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  • 2 years later...

Yes there is. Look up Thomas Conover in Secondlife, look at his picks and go to his gadget place. Buy the, "Avatar Online HUD". it has instructions in the box and costs around 350L.

Basically, you put in the uuid of the person in the config notecard. Then there name will be green on the hud if online, red if offline and white if online in the same sim as you. You can enter up to 40 uuids and track 40 per hud. it is copy so you can have several huds if you need to trackk that many, but omg hahaha

Conover has made this hud for years and it is totally NOT against TOS. Mr. Conover is not in SL any more, but the store remains. He is also on Marketplace but that hud is only available in his inworld store.

Good Luck and happy hunting!

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