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Leslie Trihey

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Everything posted by Leslie Trihey

  1. Voice chat will kill SL Windlight will kill SL Sculpties will kill SL Mesh will kill SL EEP will kill SL PBR will kill SL
  2. After a little tweaking (like reinstalling firestorm to my ssd fixing most of the issues I had for some reason) I am quite enjoying PBR. Congrats on graduating 2009 graphics second life. 🥳
  3. Second life mobile app is an interesting idea but the appstore limitations are gonna kneepcap it a little bit. Personally if I wanted second life portable that bad I'd just install firestorm on a steamdeck like this guy did: (though would be entirely wifi dependent)
  4. Final fantasy 14 is pretty welcoming of queer culture. Lot's of LGBT+ nightclubs in the housing area's lol. But yeah it is rare outside of second life.
  5. /me buys outfit advertised in pastel colours and immediately hits black on the colour hud.
  6. POV: Your eight hours into your fourteen hour shift working the Zindra adult content Border checkpoint:
  7. The TOS is also influenced by modern standards.
  8. First person shooter styled with a scripted combat system with blood splatter that also exploded avatars in certain situations, with giblets and everything.
  9. Eh, back in the day I used to frequent this combat sim called "Carnage island" as a kid avatar. Nobody cared. Only complaint I ever really got is that I was to small to hit/see. 😛
  10. Oooo. That's epic. I'd love to go about the mainland in my various vehicles with a controller. I will also pray that this goes well. 💖
  11. These are characters from the game "Grounded" and it's a lot more violent then most SL violence (though still cartoony), and it's rated pegi-12. Think moderate sims will be fine with violence.
  12. Most second life combat is barely pg, it's like beating each other with foam or using pellet guns until a combat meter/RP meter decide's someone falls over and a ketchup packet explodes.
  13. I had to come back and re-visit this. Second life is very much apart of my personal life. Has been for 17 years and 8 months. It allows me to be my real self while in the real world it's incredibly dangerous and sometimes even can be fatal to be a person like me. I am closeted transgender in real life and may never *ever* be able to be my real self. In second life I can at least obtain a small piece of feeling what it's like to be free. For you second life is a "Quirky little game" For others it's an escape from an incredibly harsh reality. Eroding the "Reasonable Expectation of Privacy" that most people have in regards to the virtual world/internet and their virtual identity is not only a good way to lose customers, but also sets a dangerous precedent. I don't expect sympathy, in fact I expect you'll laugh react to this because you seem to get a kick out of being sadistic to people. Just telling it how it is.
  14. Yeah we have these little thing called "Consumer rights" and "Privacy rights" in my country. I have every right to be concerned and be vocal about my privacy in regards in any and all products I choose to use/consume. 😀
  15. Lmao real. I couldn't imagine having such a casual attitude towards corporations and governments slowing creeping more and more into a personal lives otherwise.
  16. @Kathlen Onyx @Ineffable Mote Want to explain what's exactly supposed to be funny about what I said? We have a right not to be spied on without probable cause.
  17. "If you got nothing to hide you got nothing to fear" Famous last words before being crushed under authoritarian boots.
  18. If SL got turned into a "surveillance state" I'd be out so fast it's unreal.
  19. Nah, washing out their mouths with soap should be enough.
  20. If I recall correctly they put in a "Why won't somebody pleeeeasssee think of the children?" anti naughty word system that was auto-banning people even on their own privately owned servers.
  21. Sounds like rebirth will have to make a TOS variant to go along with its "one body fits" all package to accommodate the new TOS. And I can't speak for LL obviously but I think they are more concerned about child avatars specifically. I really doubt teen AV's have that much to worry about in the grand scheme of things. LL has been fairly reasonable about this whole thing, I think they will continue to do so.
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