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I'm NOT a wabbit, I'm not!!!!


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Hey all,

Please help! I have some visibility issues. Yesterday I had like seven IM's to cater for, and some were (to put it politely) ... eeeky. One of them wanted to lick me...go figure.

How can I make myself invisible? And, can my friends see my friend list? If so, how do I remedy that?

Please help, I had to practically beg a friend to TP me to safety, then I had to log of...

I dont get any time for myself...

Thanks for helping me out...



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Hey all,

Please help! I have some visibility issues. Yesterday I had like seven IM's to cater for, and some were (to put it politely) ... eeeky. One of them wanted to lick me...go figure.

How can I make myself invisible? And, can my friends see my friend list? If so, how do I remedy that?

Please help, I had to practically beg a friend to TP me to safety, then I had to log of...

I dont get any time for myself...

Thanks for helping me out...



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You can make it so only your friends can see you online, in preferences. Or you can uncheck the box by their name that allows them to see you online if it is your friends bugging you.

Ignore ims you get that you dont want to answer. There is nothing unsafe about being im'd. Creepy perhaps, but they can't harm you. They can't do anything to you. You can mute/ignore anyone you don't want to hear from again.

No one can see your friendslist.

You can have plenty of time to yourself if you just ignore the people you don't want to pay attention to. They won't stop you from doing that, or having time to yourself.

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The first steps would be to...

1. Not go to strange places where your expections colide in such extreme way with the expections of the crowd there.

2. Don't take every friendrequest you get. It will help avoiding people, who doesn't macht well with you. Clean your friendlist from people you don't like. Mute constantly offending people.

3. Maybe ask yourself what else could cause seven weird IMs (I mean, thats kind of a high number).


You can turn yourself not invisible as a person. When you are in a certain area everyone else who is there will see you. You can only hide your onlinestatus in search and on your friendlist and chose there who can see you online. Last but not least, IMs can't harm you. You where in no danger at any point of that evening. Decline what ever they ask or want and if they continue to push, mute them.

But I wonder...where have you been on that day? :smileysurprised:

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@ Syo Emerald - thanks, some (all in fact) makes sense, but due to the "mature" nature of some of the stuff I do, I get into these "places" at times...

And, what I've been on? Dunnow, there were seven IM's, some (not all luckily) were somewhat unpleasant...actually...I dont really look that bizar online...just appropriately dressed... =^^=



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I was just wondering, because even at adult places, this rarely happens to me. Sometimes I could stand around at one of those places and the only IM (if any) is from a friend or someone asking where I got that outfit from. :smileyembarrassed:

And maybe one adult place isn't like the other...so could be that there are specific ones worth to avoid.

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Really? Just one IM? I envy you. Yesterday, I did'nt have any time for the ones that matter: my friends. If any one of them reads this: sorry I was'nt around yesterday, would have loved to go to the dance...

So, this is what I'd look like on a normal night...come on, okay, it's not a nun's outfit, but to want to lick me...

(picture deleted...maybe not for every one...)

Mell xxx

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I think I got an idea why you may get some of these pretty direct and unappealing IMs. Its just a wild guess and I could be wrong, but my own experiances would at least match my theory.

I agree what you said about your outfit. (Its from KaruKaru, right? I got some from their outfits too). And I agree that your outfit is unlikly to cause some extra special nasty IM-attention. I assume others around you are far less covered. :cattongue:

But from your picture....I may be wrong, but do you wear the starteravatar hair and a free skin? Cause I think that may cause some of the IMs, as funny as it sounds. My personal experiance with that is, that the IMs I got from men where far more direct, when my avatars was still new and looked pretty new. The more I looked like an experianced user (and even more: a person who invested time and passion in SL) they less men seem to think they had an easy game.

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SweetLadyMell wrote:

Really? Just one IM? I envy you. Yesterday, I did'nt have any time for the ones that matter:
my friends
. If any one of them reads this: sorry I was'nt around yesterday, would have loved to go to the dance...

So, this is what I'd look like on a normal night...come on, okay, it's not a nun's outfit, but to want to lick me...

(picture deleted...maybe not for every one...)

Mell xxx

Why would ims stop you from going to a club or enjoying yourself?

I just ignore people, lol. I don't even use the mute/ignore features, I just do it, mentally. If I don't want to answer ims, I don't. The only ones I'll nearly always answer(unless something super pressing needs my attention right that second) are ones customers send. Otherwise, y'all can wait. That's my take on things.

I don't let others stop me from enjoying sl, there's no need to.

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Umm, yes, well, what you've given me as info is all the way right. And, (blush) I need to develop my more "defensive" side as well... I used to bn be far more naive than today...


It''s complicated... :)

But, on the brighter note, the outfits from KaruKaru are the max, would'nt you agree? ^^


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SweetLadyMell wrote:

Umm, yes, well, what you've given me as info is all the way right. And, (blush) I need to develop my more "defensive" side as well... I used to bn be far more naive than today...


It''s complicated...

But, on the brighter note, the outfits from KaruKaru are the max, would'nt you agree? ^^


Yes, KaruKaru has some really nice ones. But if I should vote for "the max" I'll go for Graves. There outfits are kind of expensive but leave me drooling on their shops floor. :matte-motes-little-laugh:

When ever you need a shopping-buddy or some protective wildcat, just IM me.

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SweetLadyMell wrote:

How can I make myself invisible?

This question is interesting in that it could be interpreted in different ways.  You could create a completely invisible avatar simply by waring a full body alpha, but people would still be able to see your name floating in mid air and you'd still show up on the radar and world map.

If you're wanting to know how to make yourself look offline when you really aren't, the simple answer is you can't.  There are steps you can take to lower your visibility as others have already described to you, but there are ways for someone determined to find out that you're online anyway (one example being that they could look you up in a group which you both belong to and see if you show up as online there).

If you truly want to be online without anyone knowing you are, you must create an alternate account and sign on with that account instead.  These are commonly referred to as alts and if you really want your privacy, I suggest that you in no way connect your alt account with your main account... some people are very good at sniffing out alts (even at times when an alt is not even there... lol).


SweetLadyMell wrote:

And, can my friends see my friend list? If so, how do I remedy that?

This one is easy... absolutely not.  No one can see your friend list but you... this is not Facebook.


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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

You may be on to something there. When I was new I was blown up by guys as time went on the IMs became less and less.I think some people love new people to mess with, toy with and the occasional help. They cant as easily fool someone who has beed around longer.

Yes, thats what I meand with "having an easy game". But what came also to my mind was the stereo-typical guy who usually sends this kind of direct unappealing IMs. They hangout nearly always at adult places, often not careing about their look and their main reason for SL seems to be to get laid - as quick and easy as possible.

Maybe they see her and mistake her for their female counterpart?

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SweetLadyMell wrote:

Hey all,

Please help! I have some visibility issues. Yesterday I had like seven IM's to cater for, and some were (to put it politely) ... eeeky. One of them wanted to lick me...go figure.

How can I make myself invisible? And, can my friends see my friend list? If so, how do I remedy that?

Please help, I had to practically beg a friend to TP me to safety, then I had to log of...

I dont get any time for myself...

Thanks for helping me out...



Dear SweetLadyMell

Things can seem very... frenetic ... at times.

But remember ... you do not have to answer anyone's message, just like you do not have to answer your own telephone in real life.  It does not mean you are a bad person; you are allowed to have control of your own life.


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if you have nothing else to do and you get explicit invitations you do not like, then make fun for yourself out of it: Have on a notecrad some standard answers prepared, which you can copy and paste in the IMs.

Such as:

"Oh yes I would love too, can my bisexual boyfriend join us? We always take up invitations for threesomes."

"Yes you may lick me, but without animations I am a text-emoting-freak, but dont be angry for me not to answer, I will be masturbating". After a while, if he actually made the effort to emote licking you , you write: "Sorry had to attend the phone, where have we been?"

"Sure I wanna **bleep**, I hope its not a problem for you, that I am male in real life".

"5000 LD per half hour"

"Only if you are really good at it, do you have references I can check?"

Then watch their reactions and have fun! Yes, its a bit trolling, but trust me ist great fun!

 I have an even better one, but that might not be for you:

Say yes and go with him to one of the appropiate places, then undress and let him start doing it (insist on licking), then emote this:

/me farts and says: "can you smell it baby?'"

If he sends a pic of his RL tool, send him back another one from another guy and say: "this is mine, you like it?"



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SweetLadyMell wrote:

@ Syo Emerald - thanks, some (all in fact) makes sense, but due to the "mature" nature of some of the stuff I do, I get into these "places" at times...

Well if you go to Rome, expect to find Romans...


That said, if you REALLY want to get unnoticed: adopt an African skin tone, but do not adopt a caricature 'ghetto' shape / fashion (the giant butt and bust thing with overdone makeup, used by... people who've likely never well/personally known a real person of African descent). Just look like a RL African person...

- You will be soundly treated as if you do not exist by most of SL. A few of those who do pay attention to you will do so only to shove you around or say randomly racist things in an offhand way... but most people will just suddenly seem to no longer 'know' you are there.

- Sadly... this is a great way to avoid attention in SL... (and because one of them always pops up when I say something like this: I've tested this on alts / new accounts. Its not 'me' that suddenly gets ignored, but looking African without being a joke).

I say avoid the caricature because its a flip of the dial and will get you attention by the same folks who seemed to not notice you before, as they will be 'in on the joke'... and the joke will get you the kinds of attention some seek, but which is somewhat like what you asking to avoid up thread.


Once again, when in Rome, expect Romans... and two constants seem to exist in SL: lots of people looking for XXX, and lots of racists.

(it can work in reverse too - you can find out people who you expected to have race issues don't... while not as common as I wish it was, it happens...)

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@Pussycat, this is a bit off on a tangent but i had to write to say how sorry I was to hear of your racist experiences in SL... Please don't take this the wrong way, but I don't know if you have a regular hangout but we have some Africans (from SA and mid Africa) and also black people from other continents at the commune utopia I run. Actually we pride ourselves on the diversity of the people that have made the sim their home and we like to collect countries - we have a theme party coming up where we are going to dress in national costume or themed colours of flags! I'd also like to recommend another place for welcoming Africans and that is Sunvibes which is an African music place run by my good friend Szavanna. I want to stress that not all of SL is as narrowminded and bigoted as you unfortunately have seemed to have found it and you are very welcome to come visit us for good times.

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