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Question about uninstalling the game


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Everything is stored on the LL servers, not your computer so yes, it'll all still be there.  Apart from the viewer program itself the only thing stored - and possibly lost - on your computer is your texture/sound/animation cache (so it will take longer than usual for things to rez as they are downloaded again) and chat-logs, if any (which will then be lost for good).

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So my save avatars with their different huds and Ao's and /whatever for different powers I got will all still be there and work wthout having to do anything besides clicking on one of my save avatars if I uninstall and delete the all of Second Life my computer and then download Second Life from the site and log back on? Right? 

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I've been in SL over 6 years; recently purchased a new PC and began fresh on this new hard drive.  I just downloaded my choice of viewer, logged on, and didn't lose a thing (at least that I'm aware of...lol).  If you've ever played WoW, EQ or a similar game, same situation - avatar and inventory are all stored on the servers of the individual game/virtual world.

No worries. :)

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Ok thanks everyone. I am only doing this to try to un deform all my avatars. Even the default ones the game comes with are deform. Everyone I tell this to in game say they cant tell. But I can. I dont have a long neck or body all twisted or anything like that but they are deform in away where I can tell but no one else seems too at all. I tried all un deform tools and the un deform tools work the way they are suppose to but every avatar is still de form. I tried messing with body shape and downloading other body shapes but still samething on all of them and on new shape. So hopefully by doing this all the avatars will be un deform. Thanks again btw.

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I tired that i tried every way there is and I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and it still like that on every avatar and default ones that game comes with but no one else can tell at all but I know what they all used to look like. But oh well. I tried everything. I'm just going to have to get used to it.

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Hiya, Kris.

No amount of uninstalling and reinstalling or even moving to another computer in another country is likely to undeform you, as all of that information is stored on Linden Lab's servers (as others have already said in this thread).

However, I am curious as to what your avatar is looking like. Are you able to make a screenshot or photograph and upload it to this thread?  Maybe seeing what your problem is will jog someone's memory on how to fix it.(Its on all your avatars?)

And did you do a character test? That should have taken your avatar back to a factory setting.

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Melita Magic wrote:

people save chat logs in such situations, if they wanted to?

Chat logs (if one chooses to save them, this is a choice in preferences but you probably already knew that) *are* stored on the individual's PC.  By default they are in some folder that is impossible to find (for me) so I make a folder on my hard drive and name it "SL Logs" and change the default to that folder.

There are a lot of different ways to back up data from the old CD method to tiny flash drives, external modems, etc.  There are also ways to back up data on exterior services.  There are also a lot of those.  The two I hear advertised on radio the most often are Carbonite and Mozy.  They each charge a yearly fee for backing up data but it comes down to something like $5.00 USD/month and can be set to back up as much or as little data as you want and does so automatically.  I personally use Mozy.  There is also Drop Box which is free for a limited amount of data.

I had been using Mozy for about two years prior to my new PC so all my data (including SL logs) were fully backed up.  The beauty of these type of back up systems is that after receiving my new PC, I just downloaded Mozy (the program) and it was very easy to restore all that backed up info to my PC PLUS it is still on Mozy's servers in case of issues like a HD crash, etc. which is why I subscribed to it in the first place, having had various HD's go belly up at the worst of times.


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I tried editing shape, making a new shape, downloaded other shapes, tried undeform tools, also tried ctrl + alt + r, tried Detaching everything from avatar, uninstalling, reinstalling the game, and yes it 's all my avatars and all the default ones that the game comes with. I know hot to defrom my avatars and use a undeform tool and it works. But I am still deformed.

It's mainly my shoulders. They are too wide  and up too high and my arms are like shirnked in and are fat. I am not 100% sure if it messed with my hipds or legs though. This is also even on mesh avatars and I have a human up right dragon that used to be normal looking and thin or skinny you would say that is now kinda stick or fat looking and on here you can actually see the defrom between his arms/elbows and the same between his knee caps after his thighs and above is knees. Those spots are no like round and pointy like half round and half triangle looking.


I'll go ahead and will upload 3 pictures. First one is my main avatar. Second one will be my dragon. And the third one will be one of the female vampire default one that comes with the game.

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Took more than 3 pics lol. Also if you think the default girl looks normal. Please someone... Go in the game and change to the same default vampire girl as mine and look again.







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KrisEpicness wrote:

Took more than 3 pics lol. Also if you think the default girl looks normal. Please someone... Go in the game and change to the same default vampire girl as mine and look again.







Your links don't work.  I fixed them for you below. :smileywink:








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could have some animation thing going on or just somewhere along the line the shape got changed..

did you try searching for the shape you used to have..

sometimes lag can mess a shape up..i've had that happen a long time ago..


really i don't see anything deformed like i was expecting..

did you do a search for the shape you may have had on before?


i'm just tossing out things to try..because i really don't see  anything out of the ordinary really..

nothing that would have me saying..omg that's deformed..

but it being your shape would notice that..


it can happen sometimes when you put on a folder..

i would say it would be a shape or some animation doing whatever it is..

but as i said before..it doesn't looked deformed to me.. but that's because i don't know what you looked like before..


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Thank you for providing photographs. I have had a good look through them, but really and truly am expecting Jeremy Beadle to jump out and shout something, as I cannot see deformation. You really look as normal as anyone else in SL.

We need Pussycat or someone else perhaps who has more of a fine-tuned eye for this kind of thing.

I did log in and my avatar looks exactly the same as yours does when I wear the default vampire avatar girl.

Sometimes with animation overriders you can get some strange temporary appearance, such as sharp shoulder blades, twisted torsos, but these are just how it is/has been so far with the avatars available.

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On a Macintosh, for those so inclined in their computing tastes... if you browse to your 'User' folder, then into the 'Llibrary,' there is a folder called 'Application Support'.  In that folder there is a 'Second Life' folder.  Inside that folder are all the records of your interaction with Second Life.  That means, your chats, the textures you've seen, the logs, the whole bit.  Theoretically, you can take the keys right out of that texture record and build a prim in SL and load those keys into it, and every texture your avatar has 'seen' will appear... etc.  These are how griefers and thieves get ahold of things that others have made.  Anyways, I regularly go to that folder and either delete it straight out, or save certain chat records and then delete it... my avatar is then made lighter, even though the servers keep copies of MY stuff... buffers getting flushed like that means lower immediate overhead and faster responses.  I do this before I log in to fly... my craft move faster, don't get locked up at sim borders as easily, and errors are often cleaned up.  When the viewer is instructed to flush the cache etc, it often does not.  I am going to assume PC computers do exactly the same thing, but probably into a slightly different hierarchy of folders.  Griefers use macro facilities such as 'framework' to organize those data files for such things as copybots, etc.

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