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New Payment System Questions?


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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Thanks for all the feedback. We’ve been following along and here’s where the noted issues stand:
  • Non-payment of a confirmed delivery of a product (Merchants not seeing orders in their secondlife.com transaction history)
    : we have been working on a fix for this issue and will be releasing it as soon as testing is completed. We’re working on a process to make payments to Merchants affected by this issue, which will happen once we have released the fix for this. If this has affected you,
    and let us know which orders were impacted, and we will make sure you get your payments.

I have better things to do than spend my time cross checking every Marketplace purchase, I expect the same is true for other merchants.  How about LL runs a query and fixes this itself?

It would be pretty damn easy to do from your side.  I haven't created a JIRA since LL hid them from public view, there's little point but in this instance maybe I should.

I'm sure you're aware of the phrase "to eat one's own dogfood" in the software industry?

How about:  "LL needs to clean up it's own dog poo."

Ok, that was harsh but seriously, it's really really simple for LL to run a query against its own databases in order to check for reconciliation issues and will involve less  time for Support in manually reconciling.  Any reason why LL won't do this?

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My deeply cynical take is that if you file a jira with the details then it will be forwarded straight onto the business side of the marketplace team.  To do things like create a job to identify failed payments would require a developer and they're too busy and precious to do something beneficial like this..  Whereas at least the business side of the team will eventually, possibly get around to sorting it out.

That's the Tao of Linden for you..  nothing changes.

and I've had one failure so far and it looks to be one where the customer had an overloaded basket (10 items!).  I'll give it a few more days before I raise the jira since it's still a toss up whether I keep to my normal behaviour of ignoring these failures or chance having my blood pressure raised by having to deal direct with LL..

ahh, decisions, decisions.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

I don't know anything about programming but certainly the same question has occurred to me. If LL can fix it, then they need to stop telling merchants to spend all this time cross checking and filing JIRAs.


If half the grid doesn`t file a jira for a fix, the Commercie Team is making more profit to justify the department existence.

It`s funny that it`s always on the merchant side and not the consumer or for that matter that the system doesn`t skips the 5% comission per sale



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How incredible is it that STILL these people cannot make any change in the marketplace without breaking something else? It happens over and over and over, and yet they still do not bother to adequately test before release. I had no idea that people could be this incompetent, this impervious to learning from experience, and keep their jobs. 

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Sassy Romano wrote:

Yes indeed Couldbe, equally cynical side says "We can't be bothered, we know it's not right but it's less effort if we can get away with doing nothing".

Onus is on merchant to make them spend support time, that is all.

very true.  I have to say I was surprised that they'd offered to reimburse us (after making us jump through their obligatory hoops) as usually their response is along the lines of "sucks to be you".

although no one has been reimbursed as far as I know, so this could be just another twist of their pathetic game.

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I know it's been a while since I was last here, and honestly I wouldn't post now either .. except for .. this issue really grinds my teeth.

CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Thanks for all the feedback. We’ve been following along and here’s where the noted issues stand:
  • The “
    Revise Your Item
    ” link on the product listing page has been fixed. Merchants should now see this on their listings.
  • Non-payment of a confirmed delivery of a product (Merchants not seeing orders in their secondlife.com transaction history)
    : we have been working on a fix for this issue and will be releasing it as soon as testing is completed. We’re working on a process to make payments to Merchants affected by this issue, which will happen once we have released the fix for this. If this has affected you,
    and let us know which orders were impacted, and we will make sure you get your payments.
  • Reports of slower payment processing
    : We’ve been tracking transaction duration and have already made one improvement. We’ll continue to monitor and make changes as needed. The purchase process may seem to take longer because delivery now occurs during the payment processing, whereas it used to take place after the order checkout was completed.
  • Duplicate orders/deliveries/charges
    : we have only seen a couple of reports of this. If you are seeing this,
    so we have more information to diagnose and address the issue.
  • Need a way to exit out of the payment processing portion of the purchase
    : we are looking at the options here.
  • Reports of delayed
    so we have more information to diagnose the issue.

As always, your feedback has proven very helpful as we make adjustments and improvement, Please keep the suggestions and questions coming.

ANS Transactions are showing up, even when payment from Commerce Linden to my Avatar account is not. For me, my level of sales is low enough that I can easily cross-check to see which sales have been credited and which have not. However I know there are Merchants that make many more sales per day than I do and their time is MUCH better spent doing profitable work and not spent cross-checking for failures in a system that WAS working properly.

Previously the ANS Transaction was sent when the payment was deducted from the Buyer's L$ Account. I could count on there being a guaranteed transaction completed when the ANS Transaction showed up. But now, with the new payment system, I cannot guarantee that to be true any more. But, assuming it IS still true, then I have a number of sales for which payment was made by the Buyer but were not subsequently paid to me.

Now, based on my knowledge of how commerce systems work, and more to the point, how database transaction systems work, it should be a very simple process for CommerceTeam Linden to craft a SQL Query that identifies purchases that WERE paid by the Buyer but were NOT paid to the Merchant. It doesn't require us filing JIRA's to find out who got cheated out of their money.

So they ask us to file JIRA Issues. That makes MORE work for them, having to wade through stacks and stacks of JIRA Reports .. when all they really need to do is run a single SQL Query and then PAY THE MERCHANTS for those purchases that were not paid properly.

Rodvik? Time to step in here and get CommerceTeam Linden the database expertise they need in order to fix this rapidly. Don't make them take the wasteful route of expending employee hours reading JIRA Reports. Get them a database Guru that can write the single SQL Query for them .. then PAY the toll for them having screwed up in the first place.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:


Rodvik? Time to step in here and get CommerceTeam Linden the database expertise they need in order to fix this rapidly. Don't make them take the wasteful route of expending employee hours reading JIRA Reports. Get them a database Guru that can write the single SQL Query for them .. then PAY the toll for them having screwed up in the first place.

Amen -- I have been wondering if Rod has the faintest idea what a mess the whole marketplace is, and that the devs have managed to make it even worse.


Either he has no idea, which is not a good sign, or he does and does not do the needed house cleaning, which is not a good sign.

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Hey there, missed you around these parts.

Agree on the points. No matter what their pipeline, they've got access to the same exact discrepancy data that merchants have.

Beside the fact that that any marketplace is the last place you'd use a "fix it as you go" methodology or that they should have had some way to immediately roll back a release with transaction errors, there's no indication whatsoever of rigorous testing

There's still the little issue that they can indeed track all of this data on their own and figure it out for themselves. At any error point, they could roll back and use that snapshot before the rollback as their debugging data.

No Jira issues needed, or support requests that end up pointing you to file a bug report in order to get a refund.

No one "needs" to file bug reports and no one needs to go without a refund.

There are small banks in Podunk that can manage this.

On the other hand, Rod is claiming that to date there have been 2.5 billion dollars worth of transaction, BUT now we're all of a sudden up to half a billion a year in transactions. This kind of claim would make any auditor drool with glee.

I'm wondering if Rod has the stat handy on how much in transactions is lost due to SL buggery. Land revenue continues to shrink, while user transaction errors increase. Sorry Rod, looks like skimming to me, and that's not what you want. Only because the level of incompetence needed to pull this off is that much harder to believe. Or that after making these mistakes, there's no immediate rollback, correction and that these mistakes, like the enhancement overbilling seem to continue for quite some time. And that only the people that specifically jump through hoops to document and ask via bug reports actually get refunds.

Not to mention that this new payment system which has been in use for two for two years without obvious problems suddenly grows substantial bugs when applied to the marketplace.

At any rate, great to see you again, Darrius.


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Since July 1, I have a big problem on market place, I sell items, the money must be returned in two avatars that serve banks, so I configured in the commission box to partner 100%, I proceed like this for months, since July 1, when you changed payment systems I think I get more money from my sales or my partner ... I want to know where my money's gone, it's outrageous, I work for nothing for a week. is a lot of work, where's my money? M Neither they nor I receive money from my sales. I want my money back.


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Just adding my name to this growing list of Merchants who are receiving emails to confirm a sale, their customers have paid for the items but the payments are not being added to the Merchant's wallet.

I did submit Support Tickets to list the items where I had not been paid and was given the reply today that the Market Place Team is aware of this issue and are working to resolve the problem and get the Merchants credited.


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Yay me too, not been paid, I was beginning to feel left out!

Here's an idea, since LL is reproducing and giving away MY intellectual property, I consider that copyright infringment.  How about a legal case instead of a JIRA and Support Ticket?


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Thanks, Sassy, now you have reminded me I am supposed to write a Jira as well and that is one of those bottomless pits, an abyss of unthinkable darkness, that we just hate entering :)

Sadly, over the weekend it seems quite a few of our number have not been paid for some sold items (even not being paid for some but paid for others on the same basket order) and there is no set reason behind any of it so no finger can be pointed to one fault.

Another tax mess to sort out with one page showing sold items and another showing gaps in payments :)


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Last week I have a problem with getting  money for the purchase .

In transaction history on Marketplace  I see that people buy my product, purchase paid and delivered,but the money does not come into the game. I also do not see transaction on the site of Second Life.But I know that the purchase was.

Not all sales so,for some of the money comes and some are not.  I hope you help me with my problem.

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CommerceTeam Linden wrote:

Hello Merchants!


With the launch of the new payment system on the Marketplace, we will be joining the conversation in the Merchant’s forum to help with questions as they come. We’ll be around for the next couple of weeks responding to questions on a regular basis.


Please let us know if you have any and we’ll do our best to answer them!


CommerceTeam Linden




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