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So, there I was, minding my business, working on a script, when I get this incoming IM alert.

My autoresponse goes off, and there's a long pause.

Then I get the IM. Apparently this person didn't like one of my forum posts (what else is new?), and they decided it bothered them so much, they would look me up in-world and IM me in order to tell me how furious they are and how rude I am and yadda yadda, blah blah blah.

I didn't really pay attention- I was working on a script.

But how crazy are people that they have to actually take the time to look someone up in-world, and go on a rant in IMs over a forum post?

Maybe it's my gaming background, but where I come from, general discussion nonsense and trolling never carried into the game. The two mediums didn't overlap except on realm/group recruitment forums. Why does that seem to happen here in SL?

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Fennal Ferryhill wrote:

Because you took the time to hear or else you would not be ranting now yourself about the IM?  How crazy are people to rant about an IM you got? (only you know that answer as you did likewise)  Works both ways. Maybe if you choose to be polite, then these things wouldn't come back and bite you in the ??? Now you took the time to post your feelings. I think you are bothered. You choose to go public instead of handle something private. WEll you got it! I could care less about your gaming background. Try to be nicer like I suggested. Gaming comments "like you die" aren't the place for replying to a forum. Leave that for your so-called games.

LOL omg he can't come here and tell what happened to him? I am sorry what ARE the forum posting subject rules?? I agree for someone to look up another in world to whine about a post is not only ignorant but kinda aggressive. There is a PM button if you want to discuss your hurt feelings about forum posts. It's so funny reading posts that people think they can decide what is appropriate things to talk about in here. So your response would be classified as...?

Just like they say... what happens in the forums .. should stay in the forums..

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Fennal Ferryhill wrote:

The man was rude to me in the forums. IF someone wants to answer a forum. There is no need to use "you die" Very rude.
If you agree with his rudeness than you too need an attitude adjustment
I treat others with respect
. But I don't tolerate ignorance and rudeness ..I don't need your in put. Go join the devil and be happy.

You don't need my input so now I am not allowed to post to threads? Please, a lot of people can be rude, people take things wrong or maybe someone just doesn't like you, it's human nature and following someone in world to IM  them about you having thin skin in a public forum to me is a form of harassment. BTW I don't need your permission to post and telling me to join the devil, are you a bit hypocritical?

Enjoy your times on the forums and move on from posts you feel are rude and pass over posters you don't like. Simple.

See the bolded text? You treat others with respect, but your post to me wasn't very respectful. I don't receive attitude adjustments by strangers in a forum, but hey thanks ! Don't bother responding to me I am scrollin on past ya. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

edit - I have had many rude replies to posts but I don't stalk a person in world and I don't hold a grudge I move on, it's a forum big deal. I don't cry over a rude reply.

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some people have so little else in their lives that they invest a lot into SL, and some like to appoint themselves as head moral compass....posting about it in the forums was good enough, it seems you have been polite enough and if someone wants to track you down inworld, then they have a bit of a problem. Ignore it and it will go away. Afterall they have the right to post a forum about it, but I think they knew what responce they would get and decided to make it more personal instead. I think SL should be like gambling and provide a self exclusion for those that get tooooo involved.

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well put, if someone is rude, move on. the best form of revenge is to live a happy life...........I ignore rude people, if you give them your time your are only legitimizing it, if you stalk them inworld to relay your hurt feelings, you have a real problem. I agree with you Malanya

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Thank you. If someone wants to talk private then use the PM option here in the forum. To go in world about a forum post is really harassing. We have all been guilty of coming across rude, no one is perfect. To get that upset about a post rude or not isn't healthy. Yes move on and maybe happy, you said it! :)

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Fennal Ferryhill wrote:

I treat others with respect.

If you IMd him inworld to moan about a forum post... no, no you don't. People usually have better things to do inworld.

I rather feel taking it private is far less aggressive than doing it here as you all seem to prefer.

Then take it to Forum PM. Inworld should be off limits. I don't care what the Community Guidelines say.

Now if you had a rude remark to a post you made..perhaps you'd feel differently.

I've had plenty of rude replies to my forum posts, but never took it inworld. I have been on the receiving end, though. That's the height of rudeness.

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I'd say because they are drama queens or people without the courage to post their counter arguments on the forums where they could be scrutinized by other people too, or both. 

I am not a gamer but I could see where the game itself would give them an outlet for their aggressive drama, whereas in SL there are people that just thrive on stirring things up just for the drama because they don't have anything more exiting to do in their SL. 

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Fennal Ferryhill wrote:

Everyone is free to voice their opinion. You stating I have no right to confront his rudeness is non of your business. I merely answered him because he choose to air it public. You are not being respectful. You are targeting me for asking him to be kind. I went to him in private. I was nice about it and even complimented the guy and suggested it might be best if he choose a better way to reply. I don't feel that is harassment at ALL. Taking it private is the mature way. IMing someone does not constitute harassment. I didn't threaten the guy. I merely shared with him my personal feelings about how he is replying to others. IF you can see, it isn't the first time he has had a run in with someone. Point made! Respect by the way is earned when you give it! Did you choose to respect me? Then in all means I had the human right to stand my honor. That is not equal to respect. Next time, don't stir the pot. Never tell me I am forced to show respect to a non respectful person. Earn it and then we can talk.

Something tells me you take things a little too personally. Although I'm a little flattered that you stalked me in world, and then stalked my forum posts to come reply in this one. I haven't demanded respect from you, or even demanded that you be polite to me.

For the record, by the way, at no point did I intend for this thread to become about a specific person. At no point have I ever violated the forum rules, or even taken a specific discussion out of its thread. "Rude" is against no rules, and is easy to ignore.

This thread was posted with the intent to discuss why people might take the forums into the grid, instead of leaving the forums on the forums.

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Fennal Ferryhill wrote:

IM inworld is open as is the forums. Who is to say you can't IM someone.

Oh, you're free to IM people, but Gadget's also free to vent here if he likes, appropriate since a post to the forum was the source of this drama in the first place. You don't like it? Oh, well. You could have skipped on by. Or at least not have outed yourself. But you did. So... congratulations. You will now be forever branded as one of those people.

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Fennal Ferryhill wrote:

Everyone is free to voice their opinion. You stating I have no right to confront his rudeness is non of your business. I merely answered him because he choose to air it public. You are not being respectful. You are targeting me for asking him to be kind. I went to him in private. I was nice about it and even complimented the guy and suggested it might be best if he choose a better way to reply. I don't feel that is harassment at ALL. Taking it private is the mature way. IMing someone does not constitute harassment. I didn't threaten the guy. I merely shared with him my personal feelings about how he is replying to others. IF you can see, it isn't the first time he has had a run in with someone. Point made! Respect by the way is earned when you give it! Did you choose to respect me? Then in all means I had the human right to stand my honor. That is not equal to respect. Next time, don't stir the pot. Never tell me I am forced to show respect to a non respectful person. Earn it and then we can talk.


The forum is where people can speak their minds within the boundaries established by the rules.  If you post in the forum be prepared for people to disagree and be disagreeable. Lively debate can be that way

No one forced you to reply to Gadget's post here.  His post gave no clue as to who he was talking about.  You outed yourself.  Then when you did and people voiced their opinions, which is their right, you showed little respect for them. Your reply to Malanya telling her it was none of her business was rude.  You post publicly and it is anyone's right to reply.  I see no difference between 'you die' and "go to the devil and be happy" so I think you are being hypocritical.

Believe me, I have disagreed with Gadget many times on this forum and sometimes found his posts a bit much.  But I respect that he has a right to voice his opinion in the manner of his choosing.  If I have something to say to him in disagreement with his posts, I say it here.  I don't contact him in world. 


For the record, Gadget and I have spoken recently in world.  I found him to be reasonable and respectful, but then I didn't treat him like a child and try to give him lessons on comportment.  That is what it boils down to.  No matter how nicely you put it you felt like you had the right to correct his social skills, like you were his parent.  What gives you the right to correct anyone, especially when you are as guilty as they are?

My advice to you is if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.  If you disagree with a post, put on your big girl panties and post your reply here realizing if you do you have no right to tell other people not to post their opinion.  Alternatively, take it to PM if you feel you have to get personal with someone.


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I understand your frustration. Forums can be aggravating oh yeah. I've ranted in a forum that backfired with many negative replies and judgments, but it doesn't mean they try to target me for bullying. You gotta understand ppl won't take your side all the time. Some ppl can be very insensitive, blurt things out, make you feel like a bad guy but that's forum, just a place to rant to each other or help each other for stuff. Try not to take it too personally bro. Let alone take it to your inworld. 

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Gadget Portal wrote:


But how crazy are people that they have to actually take the time to look someone up in-world, and go on a rant in IMs over a forum post?


Actually, it's not crazy at all according to the community guidelines...


Interpersonal Disputes or Personal Negative Commentary: If you have a personal disagreement, do not post about it on the Second Life community pages. Residents who have personal differences have other channels of communication available to them — private messaging in the forums, IM within Second Life, or chatting within Second Life.


Then again, some people never read the CG or TOS.


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It's not the first time LL has been wrong. What happens on the forums stays on the forums. Every other online community respects that, this one should too.


That said, there has been no personal dispute or disagreement. That would require the situation be personal. This was harassment over a non-personal forum post.

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Gadget Portal wrote:

It's not the first time LL has been wrong. What happens on the forums stays on the forums. Every other online community respects that, this one should too.


That said, there has been no personal dispute or disagreement. That would require the situation be personal. This was harassment over a non-personal forum post.

From your point of view, but you didn't initiate the communication. It takes two to tango.

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Gadget Portal wrote:

It's not the first time LL has been wrong. What happens on the forums stays on the forums. Every other online community respects that, this one should too.


That said, there has been no personal dispute or disagreement. That would require the situation be personal. This was harassment over a non-personal forum post.

Well, not really. I've seen blogs which were partly written about whats going on in different forums and often included the opinion of the person writing the blog, like "discussing topic X is senseless". Also while most people don't take the time to IM a person inworld, it still happens and even if it doesn't happen, the opinion one has about a certain forumposter is carried over into other spaces.

SL might be to wide to easily run into each other, but I noticed this on smaller communities. I see what people post there and came to the conclusion that I wouldn't play together with some of them based on what they write in the forum.

I've also seen the other side: People who actually take the time and go inworld or on your feed to tell you something nice because of your forumpost or share their agreement with you.

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Gadget Portal wrote: [...] What happens on the forums stays on the forums [...]

Says you. Actually, I see no particular reason why in-world's Gadget Portal should be considered a different person than forum's Gadget Portal; unless it's one of those 'forum is forum and in-world is in-world and SL is SL and RL is RL and my alt X is not the same person as my alt Y and I can have different wives on each and... and...' philosophy... but you gotta understand, not everyone adheres or, for that matter, understands that kind of compartmentalizing. Think, for example, of all the people in here who want to look for friends and says 'hit me up in-world' or similar things; how could anyone do that if, according to you, 'what happens on the forums stay on the forums'? :smileyvery-happy:

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I love it when people take antagonistic feelings from a public, policed and relatively civilised environment (eg SLF) into an arena where there are no rules and no interfering supervisory busybodies (eg inworld IM) because I don't have to restrict myself to the diluted allusionary comments regarding another's inadequacies, and I can say directly and unequivocally  to them the things they don't want to hear in a manner which is of a low enough literary quality - ie I get down to their animalistic level - that they can not fail to understand their inferiority.

Awe . . . they tend not to come back for second helpings.



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Suspiria Finucane wrote:

Gadget Portal wrote:


But how crazy are people that they have to actually take the time to look someone up in-world, and go on a rant in IMs over a forum post?


Actually, it's not crazy at all according to the


Interpersonal Disputes or Personal Negative Commentary
: If you have a personal disagreement, do not post about it on the Second Life community pages. Residents who have personal differences have other channels of communication available to them — private messaging in the forums, IM within Second Life, or chatting within Second Life.


Then again, some people never read the CG or TOS.


I have read the TOS and CS and completely understand it. Interpersonal Disputes, covers Residents that are acquainted with each other as well as Residents who have had an encounter, an Issue with a merchant I could go on and on. Community Pages = Feeds too. I am sure you know how much "drama" and mud slinging can happened between people that were friends, partners, etc. If you had a disagreement with your landlord, YES IM in world, or a friend you have a dispute with or a merchant. WHY is there a PM option in the forum? It is for just that, if you have a personal dispute PM them, not stalk them in world or,as many do, use the community pages, the feeds to harass people.

@Syo Why do you think people write on Blogs about issues with other residents? They can be as nasty as they want to start problems posting outside of sl. LL does not encourage people to play games with others on blogs. The saying "what happens in the forum, stays in the forum" I made that remark meaning if you have a problem with a poster USE the PM button deal with it that way.

@Ren, why should someone be followed in world aand whine about a forum post? If someone did that to me I would mute that person right after I saw their IM was a complaint. PM if you have an issue and heck yes there is a difference between the forums and in world I am sure most people don't want to be harassed by a sore butt forum poster they don't know.

Thank you Amethyst, people are often hypocritical and talk with oxymorons and no matter what someone points out, as we can all learn from anothers view at times, they will never see how they could have been wrong.

Anyone can read what they want into the OP's post but IMO he didn't' give details, didn't name names, didn't start the post to whine he posted to discuss when a person from the forum follows you in world to complain about a post when they can privately contact you in the forum. The forum is for discussion, In world is for what you chose to do and should not be bothered by a forum poster. The person that responded to the OP is the one who brought the drama and then got very defensive when the replies didn't coincide with his reasoning and started inserting words that were never typed. My posts never said all the things that person said I did. Read them again.

edit: I wonder what the PM option and also the blocking another user option is for on the forums


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I think you didn't got my point, Malanya

I mentioned only that there are quite a few blogs that feature articles about whats going on in forum X,Y,Z. I never said anything about any specific content, nor did I mentioned any details. Don't assume you can extract any real situation from what I said. Its not possible. I didn't even make clear about how and what any blog could have been. And LL has nothing to do with blogs outside of SL (obvious that they doesn't make a statement or encourage anything...).

But if you want to read it like "bulling others with blogs is fine" then....

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Syo Emerald wrote:

I think you didn't got my point, Malanya

I mentioned only that there are quite a few blogs that feature articles about whats going on in forum X,Y,Z. I never said anything about any specific content, nor did I mentioned any details. Don't assume you can extract any real situation from what I said. Its not possible. I didn't even make clear about how and what any blog could have been. And LL has nothing to do with blogs outside of SL (obvious that they doesn't make a statement or encourage anything...).

But if you want to read it like "bulling others with blogs is fine" then....

I don't assume anything. It is a real situation however that people do use blogs to post things they can't in sl. My response was my view using text from your message in response to how you quoted gadget. My post wasn't to come across rude to you and I used your post to point out the blogs. I could have worded it different, but people will still take 5 different views on what I write as we all do when we read. I didn't read it as bullying others with blogs, I said people use them sometimes to harass others outside of sl. I know LL has nothing to do with blogs outside of sl, that's what I said.

I replied to everyone I wanted to in one post as to not have 5 posts, sorry if you took it wrong. I may have not got your whole point.

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