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Stop whining about the ads please

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It's hard to believe the number of threads that are being started to complain about the ads, but some people have started threads and some other people have joined in with agreement. To all of those people...

The ads are nobody's business but LL's. They are not your business and they are nothing to do with you, so get over it.

If you don't like seeing them, you don't have to see them, so stop being so self-centred. Stop whining about them, and mind your own business.




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That is my idea too. Ok, I'm one of those LOL But at a certain point all was said. Some later it crossed my mind I'd never actually seen one so far, so I disabled AdBlocker. And now, LOL, I just realize I never switched it back on. That can only mean they do not bother that much. And to tell the truth, I actually like it in a way to see banners pop up related to stuff in my RL area. 

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yeh i use adblocker too :catembarrassed:

yet thinking of others i don't like these ads since many people don't use adblocker & it makes SL look really smarmy & weak. real bad for SL since many people (thinking of new signups) hate spammy ads so much they will bounce. ads have their function, but i hate an overuse of ads. sorry to be such a bigtime ad hater :(

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No. The best solution is for people to mind their own business and not whine like little children about what other people (LL) do when it's entirely the people's (LL's) business. They whine as if it's something to do with them when, in fact, it's absolutely none of their business or concern.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

No. The best solution is for people to mind their own business and not whine like little children about what other people (LL) do when it's entirely the people's (LL's) business.

Why do you think it's only LL's 'business'?

I don't see anything in Community Standards saying we can only talk about things that are 'our business'. In fact I'm pretty sure I'm free to choose the scope of my business.

It may not be your business, that's fine. Feel free to keep scrolling.

I find it hilariously ironic that an advocate of selective-views is unable to selectively view.

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Wrong, Freya, so very wrong. Actually you have to be a LL manager, tasked with that kinda stuff, to make it your business.Oh, you aren't? Too bad. Not your business then.

Your argumentation reminds me on the arguments of anti-abortionists. Mostly men themselves, they never have anything to do with pregnacy but make it their business to tell women they cannot have an abortion. Hilarious.

I'm not advocating LL's choice, in fact I don't like it either. But I have my adblocker up and wouldn't even know LL have ads on their site if nobody would complain about it. And besides it's none of my business to tell LL how they have to conduct their business.

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Orca Flotta wrote:

Your argumentation reminds me on the arguments of anti-abortionists. Mostly men themselves, they never have anything to do with pregnacy but make it their business to tell women they cannot have an abortion. Hilarious.

This analogy is flawed. Your statements are unsupported and do not stand up to reality (Users have expectations, opinions and rights WRT the service operator).

I don't think responding to your post any further will prove worthwhile.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

It's hard to believe the number of threads that are being started to complain about the ads, but some people have started threads and some other people have joined in with agreement. To all of those people...

The ads are nobody's business but LL's. They are not your business and they are nothing to do with you, so get over it.

If you don't like seeing them, you don't have to see them, so stop being so self-centred. Stop whining about them, and mind your own business.




I disagree, it is my business what I look at. However it is none of my business what they put on the page I look at, that much is true. But I have taken care of my business by running ad block. And about whining about something, look around, that is what happens a lot on the Forum, get over it if you don't like whining because there is a lot of it going on around here. And I for one am very good at it, so don't take my fun away, not to mention when I am whining about something someone will offer a solution, whining helps.

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Hahaha, thanks Teagan. And Maryanne too, I can agree with.

Sure LL can put ads on their pages, and users can react to these ads, based on their opinions.

Stating that LL can do whatever they like is incorrect (statutory rights exist, companies can't trample their users), as is the idea that only those with responsibility can talk about it.

This is General Discussion; provided all rules of the platform are being followed, users can talk about (and persue interest in) anything they choose. Hopefully without being compared to people who trample all over basic human rights, lol?


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Most websites I visit have ads of this sort, which is far better than pop up ads. I never bother to block them, heck, occasionally I see one of interest and click on it. It's a fairly standard business practice nowadays online.  People speculate about the loss of sims, of LL losing revenue, gloom and doom. Then when they institute something that could bring in revenue, people complain about it. If ads had been there all along, from the beginning, no one would be complaining about them.

As usual, when something new is instituted, people have a difficult time adjusting. When viewer 2 came out, I switched over immediately and hated it for the first week, until I got used to it. Now, I would never want to go back to that old interface. Yet there are still people complaining about not having that familiar interface. Two years from now, people will still be complaining about the ads.

The argument of "I'm this or that, why should I be subjected to ads" seems a bit silly, it's not like anyone is say, shoving sharpened ads under your fingernails and torturuing you, they're just ads, once the eye grows accustomed to them, they're barely noticed.

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Another thought about the ads, before I blocked the ads I found it interesting that when on the MP I looked for a corset for my avi, an ad came up for RL corsets. I thought for a second and looked for shoes, an ad for shoes came up, then I looked at gowns, and ad for formal ware came up, very interesting, google is looking at what your are looking at and keeping track of that and giving you ads for your interests. Now think a little harder on that one, this is SL not RL, well now google and the ads are making SL pertinent to RL. Now when you explore something on SL that you would never explore in RL, well you are now exploring it in RL, like it or not. Is that a problem, thats up to you.

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

No. The best solution is for people to mind their own business and not whine like little children about what other people (LL) do when it's entirely the people's (LL's) business.

Why do you think it's only LL's 'business'?

I don't see anything in Community Standards saying we can only talk about things that are 'our business'. In fact I'm pretty sure I'm free to choose the scope of my business.

It may not be
business, that's fine. Feel free to keep scrolling.

I find it hilariously ironic that an advocate of selective-views is unable to selectively view.

Whether or not LL put ads on their website is solely the business of LL, and nobody else's. That's what I wrote and that's what you should have understood from what I wrote. Anyone can talk about it, of course, but nobody has any reason at all to whine and complain about the ads. Doing so is very self-centred.

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Here is another thought, it took me a minute to type it out, laughing to hard. What about all the men who have female avatars, all their shopping on the MP for high heels, lingerie, dresses and all the things needed to keep their female avatar looking good. Well now google thinks they, well, you know, are into that. Maybe google will give them ads on how a man can dress properly as a woman in RL.

I don't care who you are, now thats funny :)

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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Orca Flotta wrote:

Your argumentation reminds me on the arguments of anti-abortionists. Mostly men themselves, they never have anything to do with pregnacy but make it their business to tell women they cannot have an abortion. Hilarious.

This analogy is flawed. Your statements are unsupported and do not stand up to reality (
Users have
, opinions and rights WRT the service operator

Wrong. Users have no rights in this matter - except the right to go elsewhere, of course. We also have the right to stop seeing the ads, but we have no rights at all as to whether a website owner puts ads on his/her/its website.

We can expect anything we feel like expecting but it doesn't mean that we have to be provided with our expectations.

And we are free to dislike the ads even though they are not our business. Whining and complaining about them, when we are able to choose not to see them (by not using the site or by using an ad-blocker) is very self-centred.

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madman626 Fall wrote:

I see what you saying phil but has for some one like me that pays to enjoy SL much has I can,, I don't see why I could have to have a blocker turn on when I log in SL webpage it could just be gone and I don't have to see them,, look bad like they begging for money ..

I also have a premium account, so, just like you, I pay LL. But the ads are still none of my business. I don't pay them so that the ads are not delivered to me, so I have no complaint at all. I pay LL for certain extras within SL that have nothing to do with the website, or even the use of SL.

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I was just chatting with Grandpa Linden. some people say he is a madeup person. but is true. like almost

anyways he said was his cunning plan. like he get brought out of the Home for Old Age Retired Lindens to rescue the whole world. he said is his the cunning plan. that nobody is buying islands anymore and paying tiers. so he going to put teach them. them like us. am going to spam them to death. he said

and they will go nuuuuu!!! and go rushing back and buy some islands and pay tiers again like they suppose to

I say that I don't think anyone gunna get sucked in by that cunning plan. and he say wrooonnngg!!! bc last month we not lost any sims. we actual get like 31 more than we had the month before

I went ooowaaahhh! and he went thats right !!! can double that ooowahhh!!! and put a tail on it and call it a ferret

I say wut !!! and he say that as well. I say what as well??? and he say don't be cute. you know what I mean. and I say no I don't. and he say if I not shut up he gunna mute me. and I say go on  then. and he did

so i came on here to whine about it. like the muting part. is not fair that. bc he is batty (:



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Teagan Tobias wrote:

I disagree, it is my business what I look at. However it is none of my business what they put on the page I look at, that much is true. But I have taken care of my business by running ad block. And about whining about something, look around, that is what happens a lot on the Forum, get over it if you don't like whining because there is a lot of it going on around here. And I for one am very good at it, so don't take my fun away, not to mention when I am whining about something someone will offer a solution, whining helps.

:) I'm good at it too, but I only do it when LL does something that IS my business; i.e. when they do something against their own paying customers. The ads don't fall into that category.


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Freya Mokusei wrote:

Stating that LL can do whatever they like is incorrect (statutory rights exist, companies can't trample their users), as is the idea that only those with responsibility can talk about it. 

Nobody stated that LL can do whatever they like. That can, however, put all the ads they want on the website. Users have no statutory rights concerning that.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

Another thought about the ads, before I blocked the ads I found it interesting that when on the MP I looked for a corset for my avi, an ad came up for RL corsets. I thought for a second and looked for shoes, an ad for shoes came up, then I looked at gowns, and ad for formal ware came up, very interesting, google is looking at what your are looking at and keeping track of that and giving you ads for your interests. Now think a little harder on that one, this is SL not RL, well now google and the ads are making SL pertinent to RL. Now when you explore something on SL that you would never explore in RL, well you are now exploring it in RL, like it or not. Is that a problem, thats up to you.

You've described how contextual ads are actually very good, but you've mistaken the website for SL - it is not. It is RL. Second Life (inworld) is SL - the website is in RL. None of it is a problem to anyone.

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Teagan Tobias wrote:

Here is another thought, it took me a minute to type it out, laughing to hard. What about all the men who have female avatars, all their shopping on the MP for high heels, lingerie, dresses and all the things needed to keep their female avatar looking good. Well now google thinks they, well, you know, are into that. Maybe google will give them ads on how a man can dress properly as a woman in RL.

I don't care who you are, now thats funny

It could tickle a few funny bones :)

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