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Banned for a ridiculous reason?


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CAPAL wrote:

Hello everyone, some days ago, I have been banned from a certain sim (I do not want to specify which one) and I would like to hear your opinion on this topic.

Okay, this is what has happened:

There is this sim I had been visiting regularly, it was a nice place, it has a good design and you can have some great conversations with some people there. All in all a nice place to hang around.

This place has a large sitting area where the people are meeting, but the sim has one rule that says, that only a specific type of people is allowed to sit on the chairs.

Well, I didn't take this rule too serious, and because I had been sitting on one of their chairs, the sim owner simply banned from that place.

My opinion:

I personally think, that this is a really ridiculous reason to get banned for. I didn't insult anyone there, I didn't harass anyone there (which are the real reasons to ban people for) and I didn't harm anyone there in any other way, besides of sitting on a chair :matte-motes-smile:

In my opinion, it is a childish behaviour to ban people because of this.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to hear you thoughts on this incident.

Their SIM, THEIR rules. 

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Linda Brynner wrote:


Another sim you want to avoid is 'Berlin 1920' Owners and staff are like "Halt Polizei"... yak !! Very, very unfriendly.




I'm assuming this is ironic? It is a roleplay zone and some of the staff literally are police on the sim. That's why they shout "Stop! Police!" in German - because it's Berlin in 1920.

So what did you do, show up in a mini skirt? :P

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Czari Zenovka wrote:

CAPAL wrote:



Nyll Bergbahn: 
I did apologize, but the owner didn't even react or answer to his. I can ban all redheads from my own place? I did not know that it is allowed to discriminate people in Second Life.

Yes you can ban all redheads from your own sim or parcel. 
However, if you know anything at all about redheads, this probably wouldn't be a good idea. :matte-motes-wink:


Speaking as another redhead, it's definitely NOT a good idea! LOL.

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I love 1920s Berlin.  Back in the day I chatted with the owner and found her and everyone else very friendly.  They have a dress code to match their theme (which is amazingly detailed and historically accurate), ask visitors to please dress for the era, and provide free outfits.  I don't think that is in the least unreasonable in order to keep the ambiance of the sim.

Just like an anthro-dragon is not permitted in Avilion's rp area.  (There was a really funny thread on that years ago began by said anthro-dragon who complained about being ejected from the sim after being asked politely by Avilion staff to change, and stating he was the only "real dragon on SL."  After knowing the sim's rules and having been asked nicely to change, this dude decided to run through the entrance anyway and found himself "escorted out."  Then came to the forums to complain.)

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As an owner of a region with some (some say strict) rules, we often are confronted with people who don't follow our rules.

But I feel that in most cases these people at least deserve a friendly warning or reminder before banning them.

They may have missed the 4(!) warning notes and messages they encounter on their way into the sim after all.

So we always say hello and friendly yet firmly remind them that we have a dresscode and that they should change if they want to stay.

The only people we ban on sight are the ones who arrive clearly to just cause trouble or those who break the SL TOS.

Even when it is pretty obvious that guests are simply too lazy to follow our rules or when they just don't care, we give them the benevit of the doubt and confont them as if they may not know about our rules.

It's just the polite thing to do.

But I can understand that if you're hosting an event or have a much busier sim then I do and there are people teleporting in and out, you don't have time to talk to every single person and eventually get sick and tired of it.

Sim rules are there for a reason, follow them.

If you're lucky, the sim owner or managers are patient and have time to explain the problem to you.

But if they don't, don't blame them.

If you get banned without any warning, ask why, always remain polite (whatever you do) and perhaps when there is a big event, ask again a few days later.

If you have never managed a (busy) sim, it is hard to even imagine how much work can get into that.

Try and keep that in mind.

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Alicia Sautereau wrote:

Awkward, i haven`t banned you yet in all my years here, i`m sorry :matte-motes-silly:

jejejejeje (:

maybe your pest control not working very well. or maybe you not have one. like maybe you don't care even that you haven't got one !!! o.m.g !! that be it. you don't care !!! is a sin that you know in the New SL. not caring. like you suppose to care enough to baww. at least a little bit

I think maybe is something wrong with you. not caring maybe was ok in the Old SL. not these days. don't you know q: (:


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16 wrote:

Alicia Sautereau wrote:

Awkward, i haven`t banned you yet in all my years here, i`m sorry :matte-motes-silly:

jejejejeje (:

maybe your pest control not working very well. or maybe you not have one. like maybe you don't care even that you haven't got one !!! o.m.g !! that be it. you don't care !!! is a sin that you know in the New SL. not caring. like you suppose to care enough to baww. at least a little bit

I think maybe is something wrong with you. not caring maybe was ok in the Old SL. not these days. don't you know q: (:


Ohnoes! new trend :matte-motes-shocked:

No wonder it`s hard making friends, they`re all carebears! :matte-motes-sour:

I want my Chaos toy back, now i really start to miss him :matte-motes-crying:

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A sim owner can make any rule s/he wants and enforce it as s/he sees fit. If you break a rule, silly or not, and the consequence of breaking a rule is to be banned, it doesn't matter if it is a dumb or silly to you rule.


I have a friend who is a DJ. he DJs at a place that allows adult male avatars only. Now, there is no rule about furries or nekos or non humans, merely that they be adult and male. If I want to hear my friend DJ, I dress like a guy - male shape, skin, the works. Still looking for good shoes btw. Now, my RL pic is in my profile, and my name is Lucretia, its pretty obvious to everyone around that I say I'm a woman in RL (I am, actually, not that that really matters). However, the rules state adult male avatar, and I do not disrespect the sim owner or fellow patrons by showing up in female form, which would be bad form, as its against the rules. Some of the guys have a problem with it and leave in a huff, I tip my friend extra to make up for the people who left and have a good time. By the way, some male avatar only places can be a bit gung ho and ask a supposedly RL woman to leave, even if she is in a male look. Conversely, some RL guys get upset when they are in a female avatar and are banned from male avatar only places. Stick to the letter of the rules and there shouldn't be any trouble, and if there is, politely suggest that the rule is unclear and it be changed to avoid further confusion for others.



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Just have to reply on that :)

As i guy using a female avatar, for reasons i`ve stated many times already, i have not been banned yet for this sort of reason.
This has been awhile ago, but i went to some guys only place for the same reason, follow a dj.

As some know me a tiny bit, i just went as alicia, not the alt nor a makeover avatar but tp in and walk in straight past them, as tbh, i don`t give a damn :)
I did have some angry looks and an IM from the host but i just went straight to the owner and simply told him the truth:

"I am here for the dj, i tip him, i tip the host and some times i tip the donation box. You want to have a successfull venue? you need need attendies and not a bad name, so if it`s a problem that a female walks in here once every few months and you have a problem with it, then i feel sorry for you, but if you ban me for just being a female and prevent me from attending a dj i follow for some time. i will name your place and nail it to the wall so high you need an extra attachement to get it off"

No ban, no happy manager but the owner actually was ok with it, ofcourse, don`t try it at home, i keep getting away with this sort of things for some reason :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

Wouldn`t hold to much to it Lucretia, just talk to the owner beforhand and ask if it`s ok, if not, got enough bans under my name to recieve another one to point this stupid thing out, you both want the same in the end, successfull event

Male/female only bs with public events, still ticks me off...

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Hi Alicia,

It's an adult gay male venue, and pretty raunchy, the guys tend to let it all hang out and play with each others' junk so the air is full of that chat spam from private parts. The owner and hosts are always respectful about it, there are signs everywhere, they're never nasty or give attitude, so I'm fine with it. I have a retail shop in another area of the estate, they've told me since I rent there, I don't need to dress as a guy, but its no big deal to change. Before I rented there, the DJ would clear it with the owner, and once I went as my usual self, but  Its more that it makes a lot of the patrons uncomfortable to have female avatars around when they (the male patrons)  have  their naughty bits flopping around. Oddly enough, it makes a few uncomfortable to know I'm a woman dressed as a male avatar. Most get a kick out of it. The ones that don't, they could lighten up some I think.

But since I don't mind, and since I manage an estate where I've had to ask people to obey the rules or leave and been greeted with all sorts of rude responses (Hi, I'm sorry, you're on someone's private property and he'd prefer not to have naked strangers on his lawn, and we do have a policy regarding public nudity ... now if you don't stop playing with yourself and humping my leg, I am going to have to ask you to leave ... ok, well I tried, have a nice day, I'm banning you now) I have no issue with following rules, unlike during my wilder younger days in SL ; )

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Linda Brynner wrote:

Well, i'm an oldie. My thoughts are that sl is just full of this kind of ridiculity and unempathism. I've seen it so often. One day i even had a ban for a question to the hostess of 'Blackhearts' me asking what she had voted rl. Instant ban... Isn't that just too rediculous. She made a game out of it. I've seen her ban everybody for noting. Long time ago i had a ban because i gave somebody a notecard, really silly... but...

Some sim owners or staff play 'i am god here' and make a game of ejecting and banning. Why? I've never understood. However i just think they lack emphaty in rl actually. There are so many ways of saying something, why would anybody think the worst immediately and disgrace somebody.

And somehow there is a difference between rl grace and sl bluntness over nothing and short disdain replies. Why? I suppose sl is just too full of social inadequate and unemphatic people at the keyboard... sl is filled with those... most unfortunate.


Another sim you want to avoid is 'Berlin 1920' Owners and staff are like "Halt Polizei"... yak !! Very, very unfriendly.


Rules are ruls, but we people should have the capacity to actually think as humans, not as apes.

And why should we make a 'hell' in sl as well... Most Sim owners do... unfortunate... Welcome to sl.


Well this you'll have a lot of times in sl. Mind you, most sim owners also blog here, so they will hardly agree... lol


(uhuh i did mention names, against the Tos? Nop...)


Sim owners play God? Once again, another person who doesn't foot the bill, actually goes into the thousands of USD and you complain about following rules. You are not being treated like an ape, you obviously have no respect for the people that PAY for the sims you get to go to on top of the costly objects to do a whole sim. You are right, i don't agree with a person like you who feels they can put their hand in my pocket and dictate if my rules are fitting to your liking. People like you are the reason one of my sims is not open to the public ATM. I could care less about what you or anyone else thinks while I am paying $295 USD every month so you have a nice place for free to visit and do things. Get over yourself. The comment about the sim you mentioned is quite rude and her rules are  understandable. I went there I asked the sim owner if I was dressed proper to explore the sim, that's called respect and she was respectful back. I can't even imagine the work and money she put into creating that sim. I swear most people don't care one bit how sim owners have made the sl for them to be in. You have a shop in your signature? Give your stuff away free or real cheap (assuming it's not dollarbarbie or freebies could be wrong, won't look to confirm) That makes sense, right?

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Linda Brynner wrote:

they lack emphaty
in rl actually. 



 I suppose sl is just too full of social inadequate and
people at the keyboard... 


So they just aren't emphatic enough for you?  Maybe if they typed in ALL CAPS?

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Yeah I'm an oldbie too, older than you even, blah blah blah.  Doesn't mean your special or have a license to do what you want.

While I agree that sometimes people let the power go to their head will eject and ban unfairly, that is not the case with this OP.  He knew the rule and deliberately broke it.

1920's Berlin is a wonderful place,  I've been there and when I went I dressed in appropriate 1920's dress and followed the rules. You certainly are informed of them before entering, so if you got banned you probably deserved it. 

Breaking the rules, no matter what you think of them, is showing disrespect for someone that pays a lot of money every month and then is generous enough to allow you to come there for free.  Most rules that sim owners have are there for a reason.  Just because you don't understand them doesn't give you license to do what you want.  Being disrespectful is what you expect out of apes, not humans.

There is no reason you should expect to have your hand held.  While it is a nice thing to do to give a warning, if you get the rules on entering and then ignore them and it certainly is not necessary. We are all supposed to be adults (and older teens) here not little kids that have to be told time and time again.  Once should be enough. Disrespectful people don't deserve empathy

I bet you have never owned a sim that is a public venue.  If you did you could have no rules if that is what you like.  But I also bet if you did, you'd feel a lot differently.

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

16 wrote:

Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

so, who was allowed in the chairs?

redheads and lap dancers so far seems like


are redheads 's friends allowed to sit too, or will i have to keep standing up ? :smileywink:

is not clear yet but seems if you a lap dancer then can have any color hair. just have to make sure is a redhead sitting first. don't think you allowed to lap dance without any redhead tho

is some people saying that is maybe ok to sit on the chair if a redhead sit on you. but I dunno about that. sounds a bit dodgy to me. also I think maybe is more wishful thinking that than anything really. that part

is maybe some red heads just go round sitting on any old body sitting on a chair. but I never met any like that yet


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