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Nudity in G areas


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In a G rated area is there anything that automatically detects if you are nude - specifically if your "private parts" are uncovered?

I don't run around exposing my self, but I was wondering about such things as changing or trying clothes in a place label G but where you are in a private place such as a changing room or a room occupied only by myself. If enforcement of G is by complaint, there should be no problem because no one else would see you. However, if there was some kind of automatic device it could detect your lack of coverage without knowing that you were really in a private area.

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If there's some kind of nudity detector I've never heard of it (given there are probably in the thousands of things here I've not heard of that isn't worth much) but you DO realize people can see you even in a closed room, right? If not, ask someone you know in SL about camming.

Someone who sees you nude in a General area can and might report you, and you would be at fault according to the rules for those areas. Probably best to leave your undies on when trying on clothes. I don't believe lingerie shops are permitted in G areas anyway, so you'd only be trying on outerwear.

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There are lingerie stores in G areas. There are dressing rooms in G areas. As far as I know, there is no automatic dectection of exposed "parts"; it would be up to someone to report it. I have been nude in dressing rooms or private places in G areas while making shape adjustments or checking half made lingerie (I sometimes try a bra with only one side, or perhaps only the edge made, before I complete it). That does not seem to be a problem.

In RL, if you were in a G area, for example, an elementary school, and exposed yourself you could certainly be arrested and maybe labeled a sex offender. However, if you were in a teacher or staff restroom in an elementary school, appropriate for your gender, and someone had a hidden camera or hole in the wall, saw you, and reported you, that person would be the one with a free ride to the police station and perhaps free room and board for a while.

I would assume the same applies in SL. If you are somewhere where you have a reasonable expectation of privacy such as a private room or dressing room, no one could complain that you were undressed.

Yes, someone could cam in and look at you. That has happened in RL; there have been people arrested for it. I don't know if anything can be done in SL to prevent it. Same with RL.



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Interesting about the lingerie shops. I based my comment on the Maturity Ratings article in the Knowledge Base, but I remembered it incorrectly. The line I was thinking of had to do with the Moderate definition and says, "Stores that sell a range of content that includes some "sexy" clothing or objects can generally reside in Moderate rather than Adult regions." That just made me assume they were dis-allowed in General; in fact the description of General really doesn't say much about clothing at all.  The A-word strikes again.

While I fully agree with the point that someone in a closed room should not have to worry about being seen undressed, there are enough people whe seem to get all lathered up about that sort of thing that I personally would not take a chance on being AR'd for nudity in a G sim. I fear it might be up to the person being reported to prove the screencap was cammed through a wall.


ETA the final sentence to better explain my reasoning.

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Years ago my origional land was in a G rated sim. I too wondered about this question so I asked a Linden (yeah you could IM them back then).


What I got told was that nudity was NOT allowed in G rated sims. Period the end done. Always wear undies and you will be fine.  As he put it even someone upskirting you can report you if they don't find undies.


The caveate though is someone has to report you. There is no automatic OMG you are not wearing clothes insta report without another residents intervention.

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is ok to be naked if you changing your clothes on G land

linden just expect that we apply commonsense. we should/do expect this off others as well


is ok on G bc

if you a under 18 account then cant actual go to a M or A sim. so if buy a skin and wants to look at it to see if you like it then by necessity need be naked to do that (or at least mostly)


interesting thing

in the days when <18 first came to maingrid.  then for a short time linden made it so that if you took off all your clothes layers on a G parcel and only wear skin then the sim would force/put the last underwear layer back on you

was only for a few weeks the sim did that. then linden stopped it. dunno why exactly. but was not a very good idea. was actual annoying 




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This morning I was in a room clearly labeled "Ladies Dressing Room" in a G area when I tried on some partially made panties with only the outline around the legs and waist to check that they line up correctly. In other works, I was just about naked below the waist. I know that someone could have camed in to stare at me. Naturally, I would not like it, but I take that risk. After work (in RL) I went to an indoor pool for some exercise. and then took a nice warm shower. Some pervert could have had a hidden camera or peep hole to get his jollies. I would like that even less, but I take the risk. Then I drove home (again in RL). Some drunk could have crossed the center line, hitting my car. That I would really disliked. But I took the chance.

There are perverts out there, just as there are drunk drivers. I do not like the idea of someone looking at my naked avi in SL when I think that I am in a private place. I think that it is very rude. But I think even less of RL perverts and drunk drivers.

However, apparently there is nothing wrong with being naked in a private place such as a dressing room in a G rated area any more than in a shower at the local health club. As far as I know, there is no such thing as an automatic nudity detector, and if (in SL) someone reports me for taking off my clothes in a dressing room they would have to explain how they knew. Just like RL.




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Jadeclaw Denfu wrote:

Does a nudity detector even exist?

If you do your changing in a closed room, I see no problem. Linden Lab sees only, what gets reported.


first: nudity detector can't exist as nothing can detect what you're wearing in clothes layers and attachments (at least without rlv, with rlv there's limited capability).

second: technically you'd be in violation of the TOS, in reality indeed nobody'd care.


As to the idiocy of the entire rule:

There's skin stores in PG regions that show more than lifesize images of their products, but by the TOS they can't allow customers to try product demos.

And of course, the 16 year old who's not seen more realistic nudity than even the best SL avatars hasn't been born yet. Prime time television and Disney Channel are more explicit :)

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Amie Kaestner wrote:

Sometimes people like to rez naked in welcome areas with enormous flexi dicks attached to them. There's a few comments initally and then people stop giving a toss.

as an admin in an A rated welcome area, we comment on them and people tend to take notice and detach the things. Those that don't are usually griefers who quickly meet the banhammer because of other (mostly unrelated) behaviour.

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"There's skin stores in PG regions that show more than lifesize images of their products, but by the TOS they can't allow customers to try product demos."

I would think that stores selling skins, and other stores as well, can provide private dressing rooms where people can try demo skins. After all, in RL I can go to the store, pick out a bra, and try it on in a dressing room, but not by the rack in the "public" part of the store.

We need some common sense here. Of course, no one should appear "in public" in a G area naked. However, is should be OK for dressing rooms or other private area in G areas where nakedness is OK.

That is how it is in RL. My brother (not involved with Second Life but very involved with on-line forums) is a RL principal at a middle school (definitely a G area). He saw this thread and commented that any adult male walking down the hall with certain parts hanging out of his pants would be arrested, even though most kids have seen such things before (most little girls have brothers and fathers). He also pointed out that every school has a men's room where it is normal for those parts to hang out of pants. That should be obvious.

G areas in SL should be the same. People should not be allowed to expose themselves, that should be considered griefing. However, private areas such as dressing rooms should exist and should be able to be used for their intended purpose.

And yes, I am one of those whose avatar is an extension of myself and I would be upset if someone cammed into a dressing area and saw me exposed. But, as someone pointed out, the same thing has been known to happen in RL. That does not prevent me from taking a shower at my local tennis club.

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The way a Linden once explained it to me was that it was NEVER acceptable to be naked in G areas. The reason being "A dressing room" is only an illusion of privacy. The reality is anyone can cam into anywhere. There is NO real privacyc in SL.

We may not like it. We may not think it makes sense. It is just how it is.

Now the reality of the grid is, you have to get reported for anything to be done about it. But yeah, someone could report you for being nakie in a G sim if they wanted to.

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Tina Teplicki wrote:

The way a Linden once explained it to me was that it was NEVER acceptable to be naked in G areas. The reason being "A dressing room" is only an illusion of privacy. The reality is anyone can cam into anywhere. There is NO real privacyc in SL.

We may not like it. We may not think it makes sense. It is just how it is.

Now the reality of the grid is, you have to get reported for anything to be done about it. But yeah, someone could report you for being nakie in a G sim if they wanted to.

Parcel privacy can be set up for a dressing room.  In that case you would have to enter the dressing room also in order to 'perv.'  I believe if I recall correctly, a dressing room can be set up to eject a second Ava trying to enter it when it is occupied.  Been to long since I needed to use one so my memory on this is fuzzy.

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"But yeah, someone could report you for being nakie in a G sim if they wanted to."

I think anyone reporting someone for being naked in a dressing room in a G area would get about as far as someone in RL who reporting me to the police for being naked in the ladie's shower room (individual showers behind curtains) at health club.



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Perrie Juran wrote:

Parcel privacy can be set up for a dressing room.  In that case you would have to enter the dressing room also in order to 'perv.'  I believe if I recall correctly, a dressing room can be set up to eject a second Ava trying to enter it when it is occupied.  Been to long since I needed to use one so my memory on this is fuzzy.

yes. this the way to setup. parcel visibility is a good thing. I be worried if a public changing room on a G sim wasn't set up this way. like cut a 8x8 or 12x12 parcel for each one

can put a script/orb/guard in it as well. like if is empty then click open door. click close. guard then knows who in the room. have a timer that just checks periodical for the avatar. if not found (like they TP away or log out) then reset the door/room

can set guard to automagic eject anyone in changing room who is not the occupant. this the easy way to do so that occupant not have to worry or do anything to eject intruder themselves



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I recently check a couple of G rated dressing rooms with a friend. She went in, staying fully clothed, and I was able to cam in from outside. Then I went in. I could cam in and go in. I heard that some time ago there was a group of "Dressing Rooms in the Sky" or something like that where you went to one place, and when a dressing room was available you were TPed there. One person to a room and too far away for anyone to cam in. But that doesn't seem to exist anymore.

Yes, I would not like for someone to cam in to a dressing room to see me without proper clothes on. I know it can happen and I take that chance. I would like it even less for some pervert in RL to hide a camera in the shower at my tennis club, but I still take showers after tennis, even though I know it can happen. (In RL I need a shower after tennis - one advantage to SL is no such need :) )

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vickiadams wrote:

I recently check a couple of G rated dressing rooms with a friend. She went in, staying fully clothed, and I was able to cam in from outside. Then I went in. I could cam in and go in.

See 16's commenst above about dressing room set up.  Obviously these were not optimised for privacy.


vickiadams wrote:

 I heard that some time ago there was a group of "Dressing Rooms in the Sky" or something like that where you went to one place, and when a dressing room was available you were TPed there. One person to a room and too far away for anyone to cam in. But that doesn't seem to exist anymore.

I just did a test to double check.  I could Cam to someone on the ground from a 4096 meters in the sky.

Horizontally, I could Cam to somene about 800 meters away (three SIMs over). 

That appears to be according to my test about the limit. 

So "Dressing Room In The Sky" would not really help.


vickiadams wrote:

 (In RL I need a shower after tennis - one advantage to SL is no such need

Well, RL or SL usually I do like to shower after sex.

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AnnAdams wrote:

In a G rated area is there anything that automatically detects if you are nude - specifically if your "private parts" are uncovered?

I don't run around exposing my self, but I was wondering about such things as changing or trying clothes in a place label G but where you are in a private place such as a changing room or a room occupied only by myself. If enforcement of G is by complaint, there should be no problem because no one else would see you. However, if there was some kind of automatic device it could detect your lack of coverage without knowing that you were really in a private area.

just keep an eye out for this guy..he'll tattle on you faster than a 5 legged jack rabbit on speeders..



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I get the clear impression that, while technically it might violate the TOS to expose private parts in a dressing room in a G rated area, it would be considered OK and that acting like RL is OK. I also fully understand that, even in dressing roms you are not private with the ability to cam in, and that can and does happen in RL also (although probably not as much as in SL).

Is there any way (such as a "perv alert") to know if someone is watching you when you are in a closed room?

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