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SL driver - Hugsy Penguin and then umm! \o/ (:


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is this gold cup you can try to win at Sistiana (215, 84, 26) if you a good SL driver

i am the winner so far (:


if you not good like me q; then you can win the silver or bronze cup. i got the bronze cup as well. so you can have that one if you want. q; (:



is still lots of main channel sims by there which not have the new crossing thread code yet. so is still really hard to do and not crash

under the cup is a igloo shed. you clikc on it and it rez a bumper/hover craft. you have to drive on that to win


i been playing on the new thread code on the Magnum and the other test channels. is so good. still get lag a bit on the crossings but the recovery is really good now. way better than before anyways

on Blake Sea can really motor now and not crash at all. except when you slam into a sim where is lots of avatars and scripts on it. then it gets a bit iffy still. same if you got passengers

but can just keep going and after a bit your vehicle will catch up to you. not like before when it got lost and you end up stuck and have to relog. can go on my board from Spyglass to  Indian in about 1 minute. brrmmmm !!!! (:

is still same old probs with parcel No Object entry and Banlines tho. but if linden can make so that vehicles just bounce off them parcels. same like avatars do off banlines. then be pretty much perfect i think



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1. You are such a bragger! Bronze AND Gold? Sheesh.

2. You can't really call it racing in a hovercraft. Racing involves vehicles with four wheels (overlooking the tiny minority who consider two-wheeled vehicles worthy of racing) like this:

Black Lion E.jpg


3: What the heck is the 'new thread code' on Magnum or anywhere else  and how does someone try that?


Image edited for prurience.


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Dillon Levenque wrote:

1. You are such a bragger! Bronze AND Gold? Sheesh.

2. You can't really call it racing in a hovercraft.
involves vehicles with four wheels (overlooking the tiny minority who consider two-wheeled vehicles worthy of racing) like this:

3: What the heck is the 'new thread code' on Magnum or anywhere else  and how does someone try that?


i cant help it. bc i am like way awesome. jejejejjeje (:


is not a race the cup. is a test of your driving skills. how far can you go before you crash and kill yourself. on my winning drive i end up get killed when i try to do a diagonal sim crossing to avoid banlines. got a lag and kaboom! so sadface about that. oh! well


is only since the 9th (like 2 days) the new server code. is on all the sim servers except main channel  so far. edit: you dont have to do anything. just ride/drive on your vehicle like normal

it dont seem is much difference until you go fast. fast used to be the main killer. now bc is threaded then the transfer/handoff finish sooner so is better bc of that way



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So I tried it.

First attempt: I ended up in the middle of some water, the vehicle was nowhere to be seen, and I couldn't move or teleport anywhere. Results: relogged.

Second attempt: I ended up at the bottom of some water, the vehicle was nowhere to be seen, but I could teleport so I TPed home. Results: stuck in the 'sit in vehicle' animation and had to relog.

Third attempt: I stayed at home. Result: no need to relog.

In the process of the two attempts I sometimes flipped to what looked like first person view and soared into the sky and underwater, rotating all the way.

And that's supposed to be fun? SL, or the vehicle, isn't up to it.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

So I tried it.

First attempt:
[i got killed]

Second attempt:
[i kill myself]

Third attempt: I stayed at home. [and had a lie down instead. jejeje (:]

In the process of the two attempts I sometimes flipped to what looked like first person view and soared into the sky and underwater, rotating all the way.

And that's supposed to be fun? SL, or the vehicle, isn't up to it.


the zooming off into the sky is caused by the viewer. menu: Develop \ Network \ Velocity Interpolate Objects

it smooths the motion when you move. like when you walk or fly or ride while the viewer waiting for the server

the rubberband effect is what you saw. which you get bc the server is in charge of your inworld position and not the viewer

the viewer lets you keep moving but if your position gets out of sync with the server bc of network delay/lag then the viewer snaps you back to the server position

if turn off that setting then you never get any rubberband/snap. but you dont get smoothing either so you get a stutter effect on your screen when you move. which is not really good when is network lagging bad

it gets worse when is long delay when server is doing the handoff to next sim


is really bad for vehicles bc avatar and vehicle are 2 separate objects. so they not go over as one object/packet. the go as two separate objects/packets and then the receiving sim has to match you back together

where/how you end up crashing is that when you go to fast then the sim servers lose track of you. like can go zooming off and be on the next sim over one more before the handoff on the starting sim has even finished. so your vehicle end up on the next sim. but your avatar on the next next sim. or vice versa

so it gets all confused and you end up stuck in the void. so have to relog. Andrew Linden and them said way back bc there are two objects to handoff then is a race condition that occurs sometimes. when it not resolve in time then kaboom!


is really hard to drive/ride vehicles in SL when this happens bc it happens a lot. is why we been moaning about it since forever

the new threading code on the non-main channels is suppose to make it all kinda parallel now. and not sequential/linear like you experienced on those sims. idea is to reduce the time for the handoff to complete. so hopefully will be better

I always thought should be like a transaction codewise. dunno if is or not


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16 wrote:

the new threading code on the non-main channels is suppose to make it all kinda parallel now. and not sequential/linear like you experienced on those sims. idea is to reduce the time for the handoff to complete. so hopefully will be better

Today I tried sailing in Blake Sea with my mesh boat which often handles sim crossings well.

Few months ago, my personal experience is that the crossings were a lot better.

I hardly ever crashed in sim crossings. Not with sail boat, not with fast motor boat.


[06:49] Second Life: The region you have entered is running a different simulator version.

Current simulator: Second Life Server

Previous simulator: Second Life RC Magnum

[06:49] whispers: Entering Murat heading SE


And bang!  "You have been logged out...."  :smileysurprised:



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I had a few more goes and managed 5398, which is more than 16's gold cup score. I was stopped by yellow line. But...

Others have been at it since the thread was started and 16 isn't in the first 3 now. The last I looked, Hugsy was on top with an astonishing 9000+.

The current top 3 are:- Hugsy with 9098, followed by 2 from Devyn Chant - 5490 and 5451. Those yellow lines stopped me getting onto the podium :(

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is still lots of main channel sims by there which not have the new crossing thread code yet. so is still really hard to do and not crash


i been playing on the new thread code on the Magnum and the other test channels. is so good. still get lag a bit on the crossings but the recovery is really good now. way better than before anyways

Note that, before noon yesterday, they'd already turned off the threaded region-crossing code on the RC channels, per Maestro in the Server forum:

Regarding the region crossing performance on the RCs, it should be the same as what you see on the main channel at this point, since we disabled the new code via live config update yesterday afternoon, due to a sim crasher.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

is still lots of main channel sims by there which not have the new crossing thread code yet. so is still really hard to do and not crash


i been playing on the new thread code on the Magnum and the other test channels. is so good. still get lag a bit on the crossings but the recovery is really good now. way better than before anyways

Note that, before noon yesterday, they'd already turned off the threaded region-crossing code on the RC channels, per

Regarding the region crossing performance on the RCs, it should be the same as what you see on the main channel at this point, since we disabled the new code via live config update yesterday afternoon, due to a sim crasher.

/me sighs

death by normal again then

oh! well


just say to Anybody Linden. the crossing dont have to be fast. just has to be safe. we dont mind waiting for it to resolve. is the unsit and cant recover that is killing us. am pretty sure that we all be happy with slow but safe

bc nobody much goes really fast anyways. I like to go fast but is quite meaningless for most users of a normal vehicle. like sailboats, aeroplanes, helicopters, cars, bikes, buggies, horses, etc

is kinda a waste of time on them vehicles is super fast. or even just over fast. like what is the point in being able to cross a sim at 30m a second or more. when you think about

what is the use case. rocket ship? ballistic missile? phalanx wep? how many people want to do that? hardly any

so slow and steady sim crossing for vehicles be way better overall I think



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Phil Deakins wrote:

I had a few more goes and managed 5398, which is more than 16's gold cup score. I was stopped by yellow line. But...

Others have been at it since the thread was started and 16 isn't in the first 3 now. The last I looked, Hugsy was on top with an astonishing 9000+.

The current top 3 are:- Hugsy with 9098, followed by 2 from Devyn Chant - 5490 and 5451. Those yellow lines stopped me getting onto the podium

pics or it didnt happen q; (:


except for Hugsy. I seen him inworld last night (and Phil). Hugsy 9098. wooo! legend!

we work out the winner winner in the end is whoever can get to Dali sim. we kinda worked that is the farthest you could go. but is landmine sim country that way

if want a good score to start out with then go straight in the river and go north and see if can get up past Moth. is lots of more easy water and oceans that way


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Coby Foden wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

That inspires me to have another go.

I tried it a bit.  The hover thing is not very easy to steer.  Too fast steering, impossible to turn slowly and smoothly. :smileyfrustrated:

is a oldschool vehicle script in it I think. is really delicate to control bc it turns so fast. have to be really gentle with it or like you say can easy spin out of control and kaboom! 

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death by normal again then


just say to Anybody Linden. the crossing dont have to be fast. just has to be safe. we dont mind waiting for it to resolve. is the unsit and cant recover that is killing us. am pretty sure that we all be happy with slow but safe 

I think I confused myself with timezones, but if I understand Maestro's post correctly, I think you never actually got much chance to experience the threaded region crossings because they were turned off within a few hours of the RC roll. The thing is, this is just so typical of everyone's experience with region crossings: For no apparent reason, they'll seem to be much improved for a day or a week, and then much worse, again for no apparent reason. I occasionally mutter about the need for a standard region-crossing test that every release has to run so that maybe over time we collect some quantitative information about whether things are improving or gradually getting worse.

Regarding speed of region crossing, I agree that it's not so much that we need vehicles to move super-fast, but I suspect that the speed that the sim handles crossings has a lot to do with the likelihood of success.

There's also the problem of "corner crossings" where only a very short stretch of one sim separates two others. (The SLRR has a bunch of these.) It adds complexity to scripts and makes the ride very "jumpy" to detect and pause on those little sim corners. The faster sims process the handoffs, the less clunky all that needs to be.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

death by normal again then


just say to Anybody Linden. the crossing dont have to be fast. just has to be safe. we dont mind waiting for it to resolve. is the unsit and cant recover that is killing us. am pretty sure that we all be happy with slow but safe 

I think I confused myself with timezones, but
if I understand Maestro's post correctly
, I think you never actually got much chance to experience the threaded region crossings because they were turned off within a few hours of the RC roll. The thing is, this is just so typical of everyone's experience with region crossings: For no apparent reason, they'll seem to be much improved for a day or a week, and then much worse, again for no apparent reason. I occasionally mutter about the need for a standard region-crossing test that every release has to run so that maybe over time we collect some quantitative information about whether things are improving or gradually getting worse.

Regarding speed of region crossing, I agree that it's not so much that we need vehicles to move super-fast, but I suspect that the speed
that the sim handles
crossings has a lot to do with the likelihood of success.

There's also the problem of "corner crossings" where only a very short stretch of one sim separates two others. (The SLRR has a bunch of these.) It adds complexity to scripts and makes the ride very "jumpy" to detect and pause on those little sim corners. The faster sims process the handoffs, the less clunky all that needs to be.

yes seems like it. i been waiting for it for quite a while. as soon as they roll then i was on the Blake to see how it went. i done the monster schoom from Spyglass to Indian and then back. like i say earlier. was amazing

then i have to go do stuff RL and when came back later on then it wasnt quite the same after that. i did wonder why. i thought was maybe just me. so thanks for the link to what happen. now i not worry about it anymore


can know what you mean about making the sim handle things faster all together so to try make safer. if that their only option then ok. can accept that

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

2. You can't really call it racing in a hovercraft.
involves vehicles with four wheels (overlooking the tiny minority who consider two-wheeled vehicles worthy of racing) like this:

You might want to take that image into Photoshop and cut off the top half... :P


Hovercars though... darn. I've got too many of my own vehicles to want to use someone else's. :)


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dear my dear StoneEars,

is me your honeybunch k

i am write to you and let you know that the neigbours children what look like you for some strange reason are doing fine

hope you not getting killed by any of them other shoe sales people at the conference. them ones you always go to and keeps you away from home lots. is ok bc i understand that you have to do that so can make some money so we can feed the kittens and the puppies

i don't like to complain about anyone or anything. like you know. just moan and whine. but only a little bit

the flashy yellow regulator thingy you made for the car is not very good. i understand that you put on bc you wants to save petrol or something. but as can see it burns up lots of petrol and dont go anywhere. so i been having to walk to the supermarket now and bring the groceries home in the rain and the snow. is also quite bad for all our puppies and kittens. bc i have to stuff them in my bag so they dont get wet and cold like me

when you get home then hope you can see if you can fix the car k

yours ever so wanting,


ps. i have good news and i cant wait until you get  home to tell you. i am going to have a baby. the doctor says is all fine. so dont worry k. doctor also said is not going to look like you. dunno why

pps. i made a pic of the car

ppps. xoxoxoxoxoxxxoox (:




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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

2. You can't really call it racing in a hovercraft.
involves vehicles with four wheels (overlooking the tiny minority who consider two-wheeled vehicles worthy of racing) like this:

You might want to take that image into Photoshop and cut off the top half...


Oops. All I looked at was whether I got the whole car in the shot. Oddly enough I used that image in an earlier thread months ago and it is still there. But you're right: it's agin the rules.

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16 wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

I had a few more goes and managed 5398, which is more than 16's gold cup score. I was stopped by yellow line. But...

Others have been at it since the thread was started and 16 isn't in the first 3 now. The last I looked, Hugsy was on top with an astonishing 9000+.

The current top 3 are:- Hugsy with 9098, followed by 2 from Devyn Chant - 5490 and 5451. Those yellow lines stopped me getting onto the podium

pics or it didnt happen q; (: 

It doesn't need pics because I didn't get on the podium. And if I do get on the podium, you'll be able to see it there :)

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Phil Deakins wrote:

16 wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

I had a few more goes and managed 5398, which is more than 16's gold cup score. I was stopped by yellow line. But...

Others have been at it since the thread was started and 16 isn't in the first 3 now. The last I looked, Hugsy was on top with an astonishing 9000+.

The current top 3 are:- Hugsy with 9098, followed by 2 from Devyn Chant - 5490 and 5451. Those yellow lines stopped me getting onto the podium

pics or it didnt happen q; (: 

It doesn't need pics because I didn't get on the podium. And if I do get on the podium, you'll be able to see it there

q; (:

Devyn been pushed off the podium as well now. Jasmin now 2 and 3. Hugsy is still number 1


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