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SL driver - Hugsy Penguin and then umm! \o/ (:


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LOL thanks. I finally found a rez zone after an hour or so walking and teleporting lol. It should be easier fo the end user.

But I was actually able to drive and do many region croossings but it was horrible lol. Then I crashed after floating out in no mans land because a region must have been down or sleeping lol. Lost my rider 2 times hahahaha

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Hugsy Penguin wrote:

I picked up a hitch-hiker along the way but lost him on a semi-botched region crossing that also fouled up my camera and sit position. 

That was almost certainly caused by crossing into or out of a parcel that was set to "Private" while crossing a sim border. That will mess up your camera and sit animation every time.

Be sure you have the option turned on in your ban line HUD that shows where those private areas near sim borders are(they show as purple). They need to be avoided almost as much as ban lines.


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16 wrote:


in the olden days there was this guy. his name is Hugsy Penguin. and he is legend. and those of us who remember will go yeah! Hugsy (:

is way cool \o/ 

But, but... can we accept Hugsy's championship?


He used aiding device to help him to avoid the pitfalls. :smileysurprised:

Well, anyway, he did great!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

pokaali.jpg<--- Hugsy Penguin

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Coby Foden wrote:

But, but... can we accept Hugsy's championship?


He used aiding device to help him to avoid the pitfalls. :smileysurprised:

Good for him :) It saved him crashing too many times.

Today, I started using the map - full screen on a seperate monitor (a static alt) as well as the map on my own screen. It helps a little but nowhere near as much as Hugsy's stuff if they indicate yellow peril and other such things. If it's a freebie, I want it. I've also considered using the alt to walk ahead of me in the latter part :)

Btw, ty for the tip on acquiring another magic carpet. I'll see about getting one when I'm finally finished with this little game. I've stopped for now because there's a particular sim that's usually fine but I've been dumped on entering it 3 consecutive times. According to the mesage I got each time, the handover doesn't occur "in a timely fashion" so the sim is having problems.

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Coby Foden wrote:

16 wrote:


in the olden days there was this guy. his name is Hugsy Penguin. and he is legend. and those of us who remember will go yeah! Hugsy (:

is way cool \o/ 

But, but... can we accept Hugsy's championship?


He used aiding device to help him to avoid the pitfalls. :smileysurprised:

Well, anyway, he did great!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

Hugsy Penguin


yes I think so. Hugsy deserve to get the platinum cup you made for him. he get full honours for his achievement (:


is ok to use things like radars and maps. same like is ok to do scouting trips beforehand to make notes about possible pathways. you allowed to do that in RL rally car races

only things I would consider a cheat would be:

- use a towing script. like put a follower on one of them pods that whizz on the roads.or get towed by an alt/bot the same way

- use a starlifter. like a plane. drive into it. box/lock it in. then fly the starlifter direct thru the sky

- use a scripted booster HUD/attachment that add more/different engine and or automated navigation cruise control system

so that you dont have to actual drive it


basically is about being able to drive that particular vehicle to the destination


I can actual go from Sistiana to Dali on my simboard pretty easy. bc is way more maneuverable. like it got a jump booster in it as well as all kinds of other stunt tricks and turns. so can just jump over obstacles. whole parcels even. no script land no problem. just power jump/blast straight thru it. same banlines. up and over

but this challenge cup not about that. like use/ride/drive any vehicle

is only about that vehicle and who can drive it to Dali. Hugsy do that first before anyone. so he is the champion (:


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Triple Peccable wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

He used aiding device to help him to avoid the pitfalls. :smileysurprised:

Oh no! I just realized since this is a contest he might have been trying to keep his aids a secret! :smileysurprised:

I did notice he hasn't told Phil what his aids are...

Sorry Hugsy! :smileywink:

Hugsy been quite open about them

we have a chat about it inworld when we seen each other at the start line. I say was ok to him

also he show his nav map huds in his pic. so he being honest to everyone else as well. is good he do that

so everyone can know and can use same yourself if you want


I made another post on this thread about what i think are cheats

and and and annnnd

 i am the boss marshal of the Sistiana to Dali rally

bc i said so (: 


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Phil Deakins wrote:


If it's a freebie, I want it.


I've also considered using the alt to walk ahead of me in the latter part

Ah, out of luck, not a freebie.  The HUD what Hugsy has appears to cost hundreds.



Hey, transform your alt into a sniff dog.  They serve as excellent detectors of various stuff. :matte-motes-big-grin:

sniff-dog.jpg... sniff, sniff, sniff ...



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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

LOL thanks. I finally found a rez zone after an hour or so walking and teleporting lol. It should be easier fo the end user.

But I was actually able to drive and do many region croossings but it was horrible lol. Then I crashed after floating out in no mans land because a region must have been down or sleeping lol. Lost my rider 2 times hahahaha

horrible ??? really ??? is character building !!! can ask anyone

jejejejee (:


yes lol about lost your vehicle

is hea[ps of mine lost in the wilderness and jungles of SL. i have no idea where they ended up after a big crash. i try to find them after relog but sometimes cant find anywhere

i dont get some of them back for weeks or ever. until when the poor landowner login in eventually one day and see my vehicle spinning madly spewing particle exhausts all over their sitting room floor. bc auto-return is not on

i only use self-delete vehicles now for that reason. but if is no-script parcel then it cant delete itself

sometimes i get a IM from a neighbour who see it stuck near their parcel. so i go and get 

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16 wrote:

yes lol about lost your vehicle

is hea[ps of mine lost in the wilderness and jungles of SL. i have no idea where they ended up after a big crash. i try to find them after relog but sometimes cant find anywhere

You should try looking along the roads I drive on in the Dali rally. There are plenty of dead vehicles there - and stacks of live auto-vehicles too. I never knew that SL roads were so busy with auto-vehicles.

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16 wrote:


you the champion!

and you a official legend now. bc you now and forever after you are the undisputed best rally car driver in SL ever (:

well done!. is way cool you managed this bc is so hard. and I am not even jealous. is so good you done it

when/if SL ever fix the sim crossings and make easy for everyone then we will say:

in the olden days there was this guy. his name is Hugsy Penguin. and he is legend. and those of us who remember will go yeah! Hugsy (:

is way cool \o/ 

That's funny!  :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:  You are too kind.  I really doubt that will happen.  :matte-motes-silly:

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Phil Deakins wrote:


What are those disc displays on the left of your screen? The middle one is obviously a compas but what are the other two?

The top and bottom displays are huds for detecting ban lines.  You can find them by searching the marketplace.  Basically, you just stay away from the red areas.

The middle one is my own creation.  When subdividing land, you can only do so along 4m x 4m blocks.  Each block on that hud represents a 4x4 block in-world.  My position is always shown in the bottom middle block.  It scans my position, two blocks to the left, two blocks to the right, and four rows of five blocks ahead.  For example, if I'm facing between 45 degrees and 135 degrees, then east will be considered ahead.  Therefore, my position, two blocks north, two blocks south, and four rows of five blocks east are scanned.  Green is Linden owned land.  Yellow is non-Linden owned land.  Gray is outside the sim.  The position of the arrow shows where I am within the 4x4 block.

It was designed specifically for very slow travel through narrow Linden waterways to avoid other people's land which may contain ban lines or security orbs.

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Triple Peccable wrote:

Hugsy Penguin wrote:

I picked up a hitch-hiker along the way but lost him on a semi-botched region crossing that also fouled up my camera and sit position. 

That was almost certainly caused by crossing into or out of a parcel that was set to "Private" while crossing a sim border. That will mess up your camera and sit animation every time.

Be sure you have the option turned on in your ban line HUD that shows where those private areas near sim borders are(they show as purple). They need to be avoided almost as much as ban lines.


Yeah, I should be more careful about that.  Even though I have the tools, I should be more careful to actually pay attention to them!  :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:


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Hugsy Penguin wrote:

16 wrote:

when/if SL ever fix the sim crossings and make easy for everyone then we will say:

in the olden days there was this guy. his name is Hugsy Penguin. and he is legend. and those of us who remember will go yeah! Hugsy (:


That's funny!  :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:  You are too kind.  I really doubt that will happen.  :matte-motes-silly:

yes it will happen. i will tell them (:

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Coby Foden wrote:

16 wrote:


in the olden days there was this guy. his name is Hugsy Penguin. and he is legend. and those of us who remember will go yeah! Hugsy (:

is way cool \o/ 

But, but... can we accept Hugsy's championship?


He used aiding device to help him to avoid the pitfalls. :smileysurprised:

Well, anyway, he did great!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

Hugsy Penguin

hehe.  Thanks for the trophy!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

I don't think the aids should be disallowed though.  They're like a time saver.  The alternative would be to go very slow checking each and every parcel's about land properties.


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Triple Peccable wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:

He used aiding device to help him to avoid the pitfalls. :smileysurprised:

Oh no! I just realized since this is a contest he might have been trying to keep his aids a secret! :smileysurprised:

I did notice he hasn't told Phil what his aids are...

Sorry Hugsy! :smileywink:

No problem! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:  No secret at all.  Your hud is pretty much standard equipment anytime I go on long driving, flying, or sailing excursions.


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I may be able to clear up some of your screen area for you.

In any area where there are both ban lines and open areas (the yellow squares), you can click on them to zoom in, which gives you the 4 x 4 resolution you need to see where the clear path(s) are. And, if you want to know where the Linden land is, there is an option you can turn on to show that also.

Same thing for rez zones (blue squares) and privacy areas (purple squares), you can zoom into those also to help find clear paths.

Next, if you have the HUD set to rotate instead of fixed, then it's outer circle becomes your compass. The arrow inside it shows your current position in the sim.

If you haven't played with those options please do so, you might be able to free up one or both of those other HUD attachment points.


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16 wrote:

yes I think so. Hugsy deserve to get the platinum cup you made for him. he get full honours for his achievement (:


is ok to use things like radars and maps. same like is ok to do scouting trips beforehand to make notes about possible pathways. you allowed to do that in RL rally car races

basically is about being able to drive that particular vehicle to the destination

but this challenge cup not about that. like use/ride/drive any vehicle

is only about that vehicle and who can drive it to Dali. Hugsy do that first before anyone. so he is the champion (:



Absolutely right. Racing (this isn't really racing, as you pointed out earlier, but it's very much the same idea) allows all the pre-race knowledge and gadgetry you can find. The only rules have to do with vehicle type, engine size, etc. Hugsy making use of all that stuff just makes Hugsy a good racer, and congratulations to him.

The great thing about having seen his post is that my original idea of spending a few days looking at the course and then having a go (back when you guys were hovering in the 5000's) is now totally out the window. I can move along and live my slife as usual.

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