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Maturity, ratings and stuff?

Tamara Artis

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First, I didn't know where to post this, and hope this is the right place..

Today I heard one account got suspended for a day because a person had nude photo in profile pics. Well I had 2 lol, and removed both just in case but.. I have seen some profiles have G and some have M rating, when you do a search. Where is the difference? 

Also, I have a gallery on mainland and we have some nude photos there, behind the doors and there is a sign that says 18+. Is that allowed or I need to remove all nude photos? 

I'm really not sure about all that... Help please:)

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Nude photos in your profile/picks is not allowed, that is correct. That account was suspended for CS/ToS violation.

Secondly if the sim that houses your gallery is Moderate/Mature you are ok as long as the art/pictures not of a sexual nature. If they are of a sexual nature, you will need to move said pictures to an adult region as open sexual things are not allowed on Moderate regions or simply remove them from the gallery. The underage kids, 16/17 year olds are locked to PG/G regions so no worry there.

My guess is the G you are seeing is how their preferences are set. G as being able to access G regions only. M being able to access General and Moderate sims. Then you have the A which can access adult with the previous two.


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The very last part.

I'd like to see how LL will ban everyone who has A rated content in their profiles though. At least in places where I usually spend my time in SL, it's about 99% of people, last 1% just doesn't have any pics in their profiles.


Also to the post above.. It's not true, my profile ( the main one, this account to just post on forum and check how my main looks from another client =)  ) and my friends profiles have a G rating if check in search, while all of us are much older than 18|21 and adult sims is where we're "playing" all the time.

But indeed I've seen some profles that had M and A rating, maybe it's a feature that premium members can get from LL or something like that. I'd like to know too. :)

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Tamara Artis wrote:

Also, I have a gallery on mainland and we have some nude photos there, behind the doors and there is a sign that says 18+. Is that allowed or I need to remove all nude photos? 


Not sure what good the sign does as you can easily cam through the wall and see the pictures.

Nice gallery btw.   I was going to pet Rutter, but he looked a little scary.  :)

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Usually bans for profile misuse are done because someone reported it. LL hardly has the time, or desire, to actually police them on their own. So, most likely, someone AR'd the profile. I doubt most people AR profiles, but I've seen people do it for all kinds of reasons. I don't have the time, or desire, to police profiles either. Though, I do profile perv, a lot, I can say I've never once reported one :D

However I have to say that just because some, even 99% if that's what you want to think(though I believe the % is a huge miscalculation), people break TOS in their profiles, does not make it ok for everyone else to do it, lol. That's got to be one of the stupidest reasons to do something. "everyone else did it" didn't fly with my parents growing up, doesn't fly with my kids, and flies even less with grown adults who know better..imo anyway.


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Nude photos are, I am sorry to say, automatically adult content:   According to the KB Article


The Adult designation applies to Second Life regions that host, conduct, or display content that is sexually explicit, intensely violent, or depicts illicit drug use. A region must be designated Adult if it hosts, advertises, or publicly promotes:
  • Representations of intensely violent acts, for example depicting death, torture, dismemberment or other severe bodily harm, whether or not photo-realistic (meaning that images either are or cannot be distinguished from a photograph).
  • Photo-realistic nudity.
  • Expressly sexually themed content, spaces or activities, whether or not photo-realistic. We broadly define what is "sexually themed" to include any sexually oriented activities and conduct.

So while nude images of avatars are usually ok, because no one is normally going to mistake an image of an avatar, no matter how "photorealistic" the skin is said to be, for a real photograph, actual photos of nude people are Adult content.

I seem to remember someone complaining in the old forums that parts of her art collection -- copies of photographs that were on display in major galleries in RL -- had been returned shortly after the Adult Content policy was introduced.  

Certainly nude photos, if they are, in fact, photos, should be on A land.


ETA -- I once asked Viale about M and A rated profiles, because I'd always thought they were all supposed to be G.  According to him, they are supposed to be be G, and the M and A flags are an unwanted artefact of the content filter.   Basically, it means there's something in the text that would, if used in a classified ad, trigger a filter ("slave" and "Mistress" certainly do).   LL's not, apparently, normally too bothered about that, though I have known them tell people to clean up both the pictures and the language in their profiles.

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Innula Zenovka wrote:

Nude photos are, I am sorry to say, automatically adult content:   According to the


The Adult designation applies to Second Life regions that host, conduct, or display content that is sexually explicit, intensely violent, or depicts illicit drug use. A region must be designated Adult if it hosts, advertises, or publicly promotes:
  • Representations of intensely violent acts, for example depicting death, torture, dismemberment or other severe bodily harm, whether or not photo-realistic (meaning that images either are or cannot be distinguished from a photograph).
  • Photo-realistic nudity.
  • Expressly sexually themed content, spaces or activities, whether or not photo-realistic. We broadly define what is "sexually themed" to include any sexually oriented activities and conduct.

So while nude images of avatars are usually ok, because no one is normally going to mistake an image of an avatar, no matter how "photorealistic" the skin is said to be, for a real photograph, actual photos of nude people are Adult content.

I seem to remember someone complaining in the old forums that parts of her art collection -- copies of photographs that were on display in major galleries in RL -- had been returned shortly after the Adult Content policy was introduced.  

Certainly nude photos, if they are, in fact, photos, should be on A land.

I remember that and I'm pretty sure that person was on PG/G land, or the gallery was. I know a couple of other art spots got closed, or moved, when the changes took place for the same reason. To avoid having the items removed.


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Tari Landar wrote:

I remember that and I'm pretty sure that person was on PG/G land, or the gallery was. I know a couple of other art spots got closed, or moved, when the changes took place for the same reason. To avoid having the items removed.


 I'm pretty sure it was on PG/G land, too, which probably didn't help, but even if it had been on M land it would have been at risk of being returned.     Certainly way back when we were arguing with Blondin about it,  that was one of the few things he actually was sure about -- nude photos are adult content, whatever their artistic qualities, by virtue of being photographs of nude people -- and the wording of the KB article hasn't changed since, despite having been updated. 

While things may not be as rigorously enforced as they were a couple of years ago,  the rules are certainly still there.

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Under the TOS all profiles must be G in content.  No one picks their profiles rating.  Filters rate them based on words and content. 

LL doesn't go through profiles making sure they are G, it relies on people reporting them.   If the person who was suspended had an A profile and went on PG/G or maybe even on M Land, someone probably did report them.  I doubt someone on A land did unless they had a vendetta against them.

What is allowed on M land is a grey area that LL has yet to clarify, which I think is on purpose.  However the consensus appears to be you are OK with nudity if it is inside and not visible from outside and you don't actively promote the nudity in search etc.

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Nude photos may be A-rated.

But nude art is not.

SL screenshots are -NOT- Photos, no matter how many times screenshoters and digital artists in this community try to call themselves photographers, they are NOT such. They are digital artists, working with cartoon renders.

That same ToS says nudity is allowed on M land. And that you can have a strip club on M land. It ain't photos folks.


Profiles is another discussion...

What is curious is that a year after they wrote that line, they started rating profiles. They know full well who has an M or A profile. But they have still chosen not to ban 60% of the grid in one fell swoop. Instead, they've just removed from people from search if you're not logged in (to SL or the website) and have the right maturity levels enabled.


Try this: stock up on picks to locations in Zindra, and the Adult Hub (officially sanctioned Adult Hub I should ad). Now put into your interests all kinds of naughty stuff you want to do. Now join 5 XXX groups.

Wait a day.

Then look up your profile.

Note the rating, if its not yet A, get naughtier and wait another day. Once you finally hit A, log out, log out of the website too - and then search for yourself on this website:


Make sure you're not logged in.

Again: make the frigging heck sure you're not logged in.

Lastly, make sure you're not logged in.

(I repeat that so many times because people keep telling me, "but it still found the A stuff" and I ask, and invariably... they were logged in... either they did the search while inworld (despite me telling them to use the browser) and had A checked... or they were logged in via the browser...)

For a quiter method, just hit some sex clubs in Zindra, find the skaniest profile of a person, and search for them... if they're M or A in their profile, LLs is alreadly blocking them.

Yeah... 60% of the grid id violating a ToS. And in response, rather than ban them, LLs rewrote the search algorithm.

Would be nice if they'd clarify why this is the way it is...


Either re-state your ToS and knock everyone with an M or A profile off of SL, or fix your ToS.

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Under the TOS all profiles must be G in content.  No one picks their profiles rating.  Filters rate them based on words and content. 

LL doesn't go through profiles making sure they are G, it relies on people reporting them.   If the person who was suspended had an A profile and went on PG/G or maybe even on M Land, someone probably did report them.  I doubt someone on A land did unless they had a vendetta against them.

What is allowed on M land is a grey area that LL has yet to clarify, which I think is on purpose.  However the consensus appears to be you are OK with nudity if it is inside and not visible from outside and you don't actively promote the nudity in search etc.

"Inside and not visible from outside" may be a bit misleading unless you define 'inside' as being an entire private region rather than inside a building. There are a number of nudist beaches on Moderate land although they all seem to be on private regions not Mainland.so clearly the beaches are outside and allowed under the rules. The terms Nudist and Naturist are also allowed in a Moderate search. Obviously, sexually themed nudist beaches are Adult. However, I know of one nudist beach on Moderate land and appearing in Moderate search that has adult sex balls and includes sex in its search wording so not sure how it gets away with that.

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Anyone can see profiles so profiles must be G rated. Or maybe it's PG. Basically, no nakies.

Anyone under age 18 is only allowed to go on G land, in which the same rules apply.

Basically there are parents out there who don't want you to show your boobies to their kids, no matter how unintentional.

Hope that helps explain. That's how I understand those rules anyway. No one 'needs' to have nakie pix in their profiles anyway - you can always pass those out to verified adults individually if you wanted to.

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I admit I just skimmed your post, but no need to remonstrate me, since anyone else could read your post and figure the same thing out for themselves.

What did you say - that not all profiles are available in search? I wasn't only thinking of search, though. It seemed your post went into detail about using search.

If you are on G land and someone clicks on you, they can see your profile. That's why I specified that minors can only go onto G land, (but they can still see any profile.)

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

SL screenshots are -NOT- Photos, no matter how many times screenshoters and digital artists in this community try to call themselves photographers, they are NOT such. They are digital artists, working with cartoon renders.

I think you are mistaken. Photography is simply capturing an image. Literally it means Drawing with Light. It used to be done on film, now it is digital. In the real world, photographers capture screen shots of the real world. On a computer screen, persons capture photos of a virtual world. Many of the same techniques are used. The camera is different then what one uses on the real world. Real world photographers often work their magic in photoshop to get a more "real" look.

"Photography is the art, science and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film, or electronically by means of an image sensor." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photography

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An interesting article I just found, they are calling it In Game Photography.


Yes I do understand why you think it is just screen capture, because essentially that is what it is, a screen capture. However, I do not think calling it photography is incorrect or misleading either.

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Ok, one more and I will stop derailing this thread, this person calls them Virtual Photographers. I think that is fair. We don't really walk when we walk in SL, but when we say, walk this way, everyone knows what we mean. Easier then saying, cause your computer to display your avatar moving towards this place.


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Would be nice to see if LL could come up with a way to allow residents to flag their own profile ratings. It sure would clear up a lot of hassle and confusion.  Both on their end and on the residents end.  The Adult profiles can stay adult. And users who wish not to see that kind of thing due to their own search flags  it would be blocked from view... And everyone would be happy.


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Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Under the TOS all profiles must be G in content.  No one picks their profiles rating.  Filters rate them based on words and content. 

LL doesn't go through profiles making sure they are G, it relies on people reporting them.   If the person who was suspended had an A profile and went on PG/G or maybe even on M Land, someone probably did report them.  I doubt someone on A land did unless they had a vendetta against them.

What is allowed on M land is a grey area that LL has yet to clarify, which I think is on purpose.  However the consensus appears to be you are OK with nudity if it is inside and not visible from outside and you don't actively promote the nudity in search etc.

"Inside and not visible from outside" may be a bit misleading unless you define 'inside' as being an entire private region rather than inside a building. There are a number of nudist beaches on Moderate land although they all seem to be on private regions not Mainland.so clearly the beaches are outside and allowed under the rules. The terms Nudist and Naturist are also allowed in a Moderate search. Obviously, sexually themed nudist beaches are Adult. However, I know of one nudist beach on Moderate land and appearing in Moderate search that has adult sex balls and includes sex in its search wording so not sure how it gets away with that.

I was referring to situations where two or more sims are connected and you can see from one sim to another. This is mostly mainland, which the OP stated is where her gallery is located, although it would also apply to a private estate of connected sims with mixed ratings open to the public.

A private isolated island is different and is basically inside since you can't see anything on it unless you are on it yourself.  If I have a such an island then I can do what I please there, including having sex outside, if I restrict access. 

If I have a private isolated island open to the pubic than nudity in and of itself is OK, if it is not sexualized. So a simple nude beach is allowed.

LL may not have objected to your example of a nude beach with sex balls if the sim is restricted.  However if it is open to the public and people are having sex out in the open, I would imagine it is allowed to continue only because someone has not AR'd it.  LL doesn't go around inspecting the activities on private islands, they rely on AR's for that.

Note that I am basing this on  what the majority of people in these actual situations have reproted here or elsewhere..  As I said in my original post LL has not really clarified the gray areas of their policy about this, so you do have isolated examples that go counter to the above.  For example one person reported that she was told by a linden that she was not allowed to have a sex bed in her skybox on a mature sim and he returned it to her. Obviously this isn't true because otherwise huge numbers of the adult population would be on Zindra, on their own private island or on A rated estates.

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Perhaps Linden Lab deliberately retain grey areas so as to give itself some leeway in what action it chooses to take. Best to play safe on mainland.

The island I mentioned is open to the public and has sex balls in the open within a few metres of the landing point. The owner has probably been clever in that nudist and sex in themselves are permitted as search terms for Moderate and has avoided words together such as sex balls or sex animations which would probably have it red flagged by LL. I forgot about another island I go to for surfing which is Moderate and also has an adult sex animation lounger but in a discreet corner of the beach and no mention of nudity or sex in the search description. I daresay there are many other similar islands doing the same.

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Well my plot is moderate, but I'm really not sure where to draw the line and say one pic is sexual nature and other is not. There is one where 4 people are posing naked and some have bdsm stuff on their avis. 

If I have a naked girl in harness that could be removed but if the girl is wearing a bikini or she is in a pose that doesn't show any of her intimate parts, but still wearing harness for example, is that ok?

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I wanted the sign to stand as some kind of a warning, I dont really know if its useful or not...

And thank you for visiting! ;) Rutter is there in case we get some nasty picky clients with b*** attitude lol

my friend put it there and I remember I got scared first time I was there all alone and suddenly I heard some barking out of nowhere

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Honestly I thought nakie pics are allowed if they're in some other parts of my profile, besides the 2nd life one. I've seen many people have adult clubs photos in the pics section.

And now I'm wondering how does that work? If you're a person who visits an adult club and put it in your pics, or you own one, or you're an escort or whatever, and you put it in your profile, you're breaking the rules?

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

What is allowed on M land is a grey area that LL has yet to clarify, which I think is on purpose.  However the consensus appears to be you are OK with nudity if it is inside and not visible from outside and you don't actively promote the nudity in search etc.

So if I put it in a separate room behind the closed doors it should be inside and not visible from outside, but if a person cams inside then its still visible? Or inside of a sim/plot where only certain people can enter?

I don't promote nude photos but many people who come there asking for one do want us to make a naked pic and they want to see examples before booking. And we all know many people are either too lazy or simply won't bother to read the boards and notecards in order to open a website for example, and see some nude examples lol

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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Nude photos may be A-rated.

But nude art is not.

SL screenshots are -NOT- Photos, no matter how many times screenshoters and digital artists in this community try to call themselves photographers, they are NOT such. They are digital artists, working with cartoon renders.

That same ToS says nudity is allowed on M land. And that you can have a strip club on M land. It ain't photos folks.


Profiles is another discussion...

What is curious is that a year after they wrote that line, they started rating profiles. They know full well who has an M or A profile. But they have still chosen not to ban 60% of the grid in one fell swoop. Instead, they've just removed from people from search if you're not logged in (to SL or the website) and have the right maturity levels enabled.


Try this: stock up on picks to locations in Zindra, and the Adult Hub (officially sanctioned Adult Hub I should ad). Now put into your interests all kinds of naughty stuff you want to do. Now join 5 XXX groups.

Wait a day.

Then look up your profile.

Note the rating, if its not yet A, get naughtier and wait another day. Once you finally hit A, log out, log out of the website too - and then search for yourself on this website:

Make sure you're not logged in.

Again: make the frigging heck sure you're not logged in.

Lastly, make sure you're not logged in.

(I repeat that so many times because people keep telling me, "but it still found the A stuff" and I ask, and invariably... they were logged in... either they did the search while inworld (despite me telling them to use the browser) and had A checked... or they were logged in via the browser...)

For a quiter method, just hit some sex clubs in Zindra, find the skaniest profile of a person, and search for them... if they're M or A in their profile, LLs is alreadly blocking them.

Yeah... 60% of the grid id violating a ToS. And in response, rather than ban them, LLs rewrote the search algorithm.

Would be nice if they'd clarify why this is the way it is...


Either re-state your ToS and knock everyone with an M or A profile off of SL, or fix your ToS.

Fix your TOS :D 

And for that test you said, I believe it hides you from search, but I want to be in search and have no need to put naked pics in my profile. If its not allowed, remove it and go on do other stuff :)

I just wanted to know and be sure what is allowed and what is not!

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