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Wow, ty, that is the best post I have read, wow, I am lost for words, you have if you know it or not explained the very root of some problems, you have also exposed a reason as to why he may have posted there with board support, let me try to explain.


I came here in 2007, I got into the habit of reading profiles, with in a few weeks I started to see the most important thing in the profile was the date born, I can't help but look for reasons for every thing, I wanted to know why I felt different things with a date pre 2006, this vexed me, so as I interacted with people of these dates a modded what I said to read reactions, I soon found I could do on the web what I can do in real life meeting people face to face, I just had to imagine a face that had said similar words in the past, be honest, you didn't like us, you didn't like most because all you had waited for it to take off so you could at last make some money, but what happened is loads turned up with that intent and didn't care how they got there, that I knew within a month of me setting up my own business, the first sim I was banned from was because I sold items that this particular old resident didn't want me to sell, she even had her own sim in the beta grid so shows how old and important she was.

Also this was the time of the great explosion of griefing, be honest most of you were behind that and you used linden friends to help, I could give you some linden names and old residents, but you old ones are not reasonable for all the problems, the lindens started the down fall with the "added value" statement, a statement that when history is written will show how greed can kill the goose that lays their golden egg, well that's down to picking the wrong CEO, SL has to recover from that move, it started a destructive whisper campaign that is still running today and gets stronger over time, the only way he can kill that whisper is to make the people that felt robbed have closure, but if you can't see the king has no cloths then there can't be closure and the whisper grows even stronger.


Ok that is my view of our arrival here, all should read your post, it is honest and said from your point of view and confirms what I felt from you old ones, many times in this forum I have started threads and made post about old ones(some are red tops) being the root of some problems and should talk, the insults I have had to put up with, those av's I was left here, well at last some one has talked, ty.



oops forgot to put the reason, he wants you back.


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dont you see how LL exploited your time & effort? dont you see how you provided the content for their virtual world w/out being compensated for doing so? dont you see how LL duped you in2 creating the stuff they didnt hav2 pay an employee to create? what a scam !! what surprises me is that any1 in their rite mind fell for it


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Hmmmm well considering the fact that back in 2004 when I joined there was no such thing as a free account the argument that its stupid to pay for something free doesn't hold up for everyone in SL  ;)

Realistically as an adult, I don't mind paying for something that has given me over 8 years of entertainment. That is how I look at it anyways. 1 year of premium at $72 bucks is a far better deal for my entertainment money than going to a movie with my other half and dropping $30 or more in one night.

I am not exploited or brainwashed. I simply and rationally chose SL as better value for my entertainment money. Oh and given that I am and OLD account I get back MORE than my $72 premium in a year in my 500L a week stipend. So effectively I am MAKING money not spending it. But yeah I like a sheep shelled out $9.95 back in 2004 to get an account in SL.


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I am hardly used or explioted not in the sense you mean it since it was A) voluntary and B) enjoyable to me. I paid 10 bucks for 8 years of great fun nothing more and nothing less. You seem to want to read TONS more into anyones words than are actually there. There is no grand oldbie conspiracy if there was ever one no one ever let me in on it. I am simply one man who found an entertainment venue he enjoys playing witht he graphics software he loves.

Not everything in this world is some big revolution against expliotation. Sometimes we do things simply because they are fun.

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For the life of me I can't figure out how to reply with a quote so I am going to try and reply from memory of your post here.

I remember the griefer nightmares. I remember the grid getting shut down night after night for weeks because of self replicating attacks. I remember some pretty big wars between content creators.

Reality there is no grand conspiracy If there was no one invited me so kindly take me off your snark list. I shut down my last business in SL in 2009 and now just help family members get their stuff working.

Who cares who has a sim on the beta grid. Odds are they have one because they are specifically helping to test something with new sim software. Everything on beta is gone the next iteration of the software anyways. Who cares.

If you we unjustly accused of something and it messed up your business that is something on a personal level. I cannot and will not speak for the person you had issue with. I do not know enough about the situation on either side to make a valid judgement nor is it my place to judge. I will say you youngstes (folks that came later) are no better. I see tons of bad reivews popping up on folks marketplace listings and when you check who made the bad review it is a competitor. Age of the AV seems to have nothing to do with it.

In any case the thing to remember is just because we have a pre 2006 born on date does not mean we are all alike anymore than folks post 2006 are all alike. Broad generalizations like you make are never a good thing.

When you have the skills to dive into the SL viewer code and add features or debug it effectively then I am sure LL will be coming to you directly too. For me LL doesn't know or care that I exist anymore. I have no inside line. I am just one man who cares about SL and enjoys it.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

I have nothing against people enjoying SL without spending money or learning skills to use to contribute to the community...

i dont believe you .. i think that you resent very much anyone who points out how ridiculous it is to pay for something you can have for free .. i think that your bitter tone very much makes your resentment & annoyance plain .. i also think that its good for you to hav2 see the truth told in plain terms so that you can work all that resentment outuv your system .. maybe itll make you come to your senses about how seriously youve been taking a mere game .. maybe the fog will lift & youll see clearly how a corporation has been shamelessly exploiting you w/ your own collusion


Jeanne, are you on someone's payroll?  Is there a company, entity or person who pays you to troll here and perhaps other places, to deliberately and constantly badmouth SL and LL? 

You reek of being a shill for some agenda. 


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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

I have nothing against people enjoying SL without spending money or learning skills to use to contribute to the community...

i dont believe you .. i think that you resent very much anyone who points out how ridiculous it is to pay for something you can have for free .. i think that your bitter tone very much makes your resentment & annoyance plain .. i also think that its good for you to hav2 see the truth told in plain terms so that you can work all that resentment outuv your system .. maybe itll make you come to your senses about how seriously youve been taking a mere game .. maybe the fog will lift & youll see clearly how a corporation has been shamelessly exploiting you w/ your own collusion


Jeanne, are you on someone's payroll?  Is there a company, entity or person who pays you to troll here and perhaps other places, to deliberately and constantly badmouth SL and LL? 

You reek of being a shill for some agenda. 


see how you are CN? you seriously cant think outside your profit motive driven mindset !! your mind is so thoroly parasitized by the greed based ideal that you cant even imagine anything else .. i must be getting paid to waste my time posting on this forum huh? this would be hilarious .. if it wasnt so sad ..



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I on the other hand looked at the influx of players and said WONDERFUL new customers. LOL I guess its all a matter of perspective.

The value added statement really ticked of alot of foks oldbies included. As it worked out though it really ended up being a flash in the pan moment. The "Value Added" realy never amounted to much of anything and gave very little advantage as it was actually put in practice (and no I never benefited from it in any way). It was however very troubling at the time I give you that.

TY for the apology it is appreciated.

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Tiffy Vella wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Charolotte Caxton wrote:

He is not commited to Second Life, he hates it here and it is apparent by his posts and actions. When do we get a new leader?

we dont need a new "leader" !!!

we need to take SL over & run it as a non-profit user owned cooperative

this dom/sub mindset must be so deeply ingrained in the heads of people .. or are they sheep? .. that they cant even think beyond it




This is hilarious. As you so frequently point out virtual land is server space not land and if you don't pay your rent for your server space it gets shut down and the land goes poof.  Even if this were not the case, forcing a company to turn over their major asset through intimidation and blackmail or ruining them this way is illegal.  You are not an employee and LL provides a service that is strictly optional and not a life necessity.  If you don't like it you can leave as no one is forcing you to be here.  You have no basis for any sort of justification of this.

Why do you never put your money and effort where your mouth is and start such a Utopia since the software is available for free?  I'll tell you why.  You would have nothing to contribute to such a thing.  You have no skills  You would have to rely on other people putting time and money into it just so you can be entertained for free.

Even if such a thing was possible and SL became some communist utopia, you would still  be ranting against and insulting the people who do contribute time effort and money who do provide all the things you have for free, just as you do now in SL.

I have nothing against people enjoying SL without spending money or learning skills to use to contribute to the community as long as they are not hypocritical enough to turn around and bite the hand that feeds them at every opportunity like you do under the guise of some lala dream that all people have to do is think your way and all the problems would be solved.





Can I have your babies...this is what I tried to suggest  5 or so pages back, ineffectually, but I'm not good at this stuff. You do it way better. This person continues to **bleep** me off no end as she has no concept of community, or even endeavour. She invests nothing, and expects everything. She asks us to stop doing all the things we do to make SL what she wants it to be, and expects to continue to enjoy it for free. Hugggs to you, Amethyst.

I think of Amethyst as the forum "Voice of Reason."   *Adds to the hugs*


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JeanneAnne wrote:

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

I have nothing against people enjoying SL without spending money or learning skills to use to contribute to the community...

i dont believe you .. i think that you resent very much anyone who points out how ridiculous it is to pay for something you can have for free .. i think that your bitter tone very much makes your resentment & annoyance plain .. i also think that its good for you to hav2 see the truth told in plain terms so that you can work all that resentment outuv your system .. maybe itll make you come to your senses about how seriously youve been taking a mere game .. maybe the fog will lift & youll see clearly how a corporation has been shamelessly exploiting you w/ your own collusion

Jeanne, are you on someone's payroll?  Is there a company, entity or person who pays you to troll here and perhaps other places, to deliberately and constantly badmouth SL and LL? 

You reek of being a shill for some agenda. 

see how you are CN? you seriously cant think outside your profit motive driven mindset !! your mind is so thoroly parasitized by the greed based ideal that you cant even imagine anything else .. i
be getting paid to waste my time posting on this forum huh? this would be hilarious .. if it wasnt so sad ..   Jeanne

See, how you are Jeanne?  You seriously can't think outside your communism motive driven mindset!!  Your mind is so thoroughly devolved by the freebie based ideal that you can't even imagine anything else...I must be "parasitized" to waste my time creating in SL..huh?  This would be hilarious ...if it weren't so sad.

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16 wrote:

Kenbro Utu wrote:

The reason for Rod not posting here is clear to me.  Anything that he might post on the "official forum" would and should be taken as company policy.

^^ that

I do to a small degree understand this sentiment but for the most part disagree with it.

In the past things have been discussed with Torley and other Linden's and we all understood it was being discussed, not that it was "policy."

And while we may not have all liked the outcome of the discussion, for instance, bringing back last names, we all understood it wasn't policy until the point he said it was.

Regardless of where he posts, Rod is the CEO.  Part of his job description is "picking his words carefully" no matter where he speaks. 

There's an old saying, "The suggestion of a General is tantamount to an order."  Any one in management who doesn't understand this, well, needs to learn it fast.

Because Second Life's success is so dependent on it's users...that we 'create' the World we live in and the World that new users enter, it requires interaction with it's customers above and beyond what the CEO of what a pre planned MMMO would require.

Lastly, as a foot note, because it is the existing users who build the World that the new user enters, the imperative should be on retaining existing users, not attracting new ones.  Nothing equals the enthusiasm of a satisfied customer in bringing new business.  I know that's how I found Second Life.  I saw  someone else's enthusiasm for it.

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I had 31 sims when the added value statement was made, 5 full sims and 26 OS/homestead sims, I was paying 75 a month for the os/homestead ones and it shot up to 95, so I closed all 31 sims, was "needles estates", I lost a lot of money and have never forgiven the lindens, would never invest money in SL again, but I make things now, being a little land baron was a ego trip, I also had almost 200 mainland parcels when the new add rules came in, lol, they got me from every side, I was add person to, wow did lots of you hate us add land people, people use to lay in wait near the add land waiting for me to show, notice that since the add people were got rid of so mainland lost value and malls took a dive.

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Arkady Arkright wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:


the fantasy reality is in your head Charolotte .. how much did you get for your soul?

im not going away .. why dont you?



I think you'd fit right in on SLU...


i tried SLU .. there was a thread about child abuse .. ppl were defending the catholic church re: abusive priests .. i suggested that they must be child abusers themselves .. to be defending pedophile priests .. so the cliquishness set in & i got dogpiled .. so i didnt really care to participate in a forum where the regs defended pedophilia .. so i asked the boss Nazi dude to delete my account .. he said he couldnt do that cuz id posted & ppl had responded to my posts .. but he said he could ban me .. so i said please do & he did ...sooooo .. been there done that



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Echo Hermit wrote:

Occasionally, I have thought I must be missing something by not participating in the SLU forums, but whenever I've popped in, there have been more childish and counter-productive threads that have driven me back here, to the official Second Life forums. 

However, it is bad form that the CEO would rather tweet on Twitter than use the Second Life feeds, and it is bad form also that he would prefer to participate on SLU than here, even if SLU has been in existence for longer. 


I totally agree . I have seen how some of the SLU users try to turn these forums into their drama playground in the past.

I visited SLU one time and was turned off immediately.. It reminds of of "The R3al H0usewives of New jersey" . Constant bickering and negativity . Typical " I am better than you " posts, and direct attacks on users for extremely childish reasons. . I just can't be around all that kind of negative hateful bickering. Life is too short. Enjoy it. Second Life is an awesome place but not the place for bullying that's for sure. Everyone can get along if they wanted to but some chose not to LOL. But that is par for the course. I would rather lead than follow that's for sure.

As for the CE0 . Yea. All that has me scratching my head as well. Makes you wonder. I would imagine maybe he didn't want to give new players the impression that there was a problem with getting people to stay? LOL but I guess transparency is not in order.

But I wouldn't spend my time in here constantly accusing people of things they didn't do. Or constantly post negative things about LL,. Or post about users leaving here and going other places, and negative things about users in here. That in it self just breeds negative responses thus leading to a stack of haters. Second Life is an awesome place. It is what you make of it. Altho some of the recent changes are incredibly crazy. It still rocks....... :) I enjoy tying to help anyone who needs it here in the forums.  . Thats what the community should be all about. Users helping users. Everyone working towards a better community, instead of building a caddy, drama, cliqued, invironment. That's why I would rather be here @ Second Life forums than SLU.

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

see how you are CN? you seriously cant think outside your profit motive driven mindset !! your mind is so thoroly parasitized by the greed based ideal that you cant even imagine anything else .. i
be getting paid to waste my time posting on this forum huh? this would be hilarious .. if it wasnt so sad ..   Jeanne

See, how you are Jeanne?  You seriously can't think outside your communism motive driven mindset!!  Your mind is so thoroughly devolved by the freebie based ideal that you can't even imagine anything else...I must be "parasitized" to waste my time creating in SL..huh?  This would be hilarious ...if it weren't so sad.

LoL 'i know i am but what are you' ?? is that really the best you can do CN ?? parrot me?



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Kenbro Utu wrote:

Lest I come off sounding like I agree with the Linden's silence, I do not.  The lack of communication frustrates me also.  I just don't believe it is possible for them to "participate" in the forums.  Torley posts mutliple times on the feeds daily (whether or not you agree with/like the feeds) and he can get away with it because he is liked by most and not controversial.  Rod tried to particpate in the feeds and was very shortly inundated with remarks off topic to what he was trying to discuss.  It just did not work, the kids will not play nice.  They wouldn't play nice here either.  Nonetheless, there could easily be more official communications from the lab, heck, there could be any.... (hears a pin drop).  But at the same time I am glad that at least we hear something from Rod occasionally echoing from the hallway.  

I understand, sorry if I made it sound like I thought what you said was bs, I meant I thought it was bs that they can't speak here, but I understand what you are saying.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

see how you are CN? you seriously cant think outside your profit motive driven mindset !! your mind is so thoroly parasitized by the greed based ideal that you cant even imagine anything else .. i
be getting paid to waste my time posting on this forum huh? this would be hilarious .. if it wasnt so sad ..   Jeanne

See, how you are Jeanne?  You seriously can't think outside your communism motive driven mindset!!  Your mind is so thoroughly devolved by the freebie based ideal that you can't even imagine anything else...I must be "parasitized" to waste my time creating in SL..huh?  This would be hilarious ...if it weren't so sad.

LoL 'i know i am but what are you' ?? is that really the best you can do CN ?? parrot me?


Why bother?   You have shown that you are unable to think outside your own mindset.  Which is why I replayed back to you your own words.  The irony of what you wrote.

You'll just do the usual insults by telling me and the other's that we're suffering from parasites and stockholm syndrome.  So, no reason to engage you.  Once someone resorts to insults to wage their little battle, they've lost it. 

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