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Moving away from SL

Tamara Artis

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Jo Yardley wrote:

I don't know anyone who has bandwith limits on their internet, I guess that has to do with where you live in the world.

Quite common in the UK. My limit is 50Gb/month - not normally a problem, but with this bug I could use that in a week, and end up having to pay for all the extra Gb I've used at the end of the month (without knowing I'd used them until the bill arrived).


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((ETA: Sorry..i meant to respond with jo on the whole dying thing hehehe))


everything is dying hehehe


like they say with falling..the fall won't kill you..

it's the impact that gets ya..


who wouldn't enjoy the fall if you knew you could walk away unhurt hehehe


everything dies at some point..just enjoy the ride while it's here..who cares if someone says it's dying..

people say lots of things..until it happens we will never know..don't spend time being worried about the impact..

just enjoy the time we got until then *winks*


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For those of you who were in SL back when it started up, the first several years were an adventure.  You couldn't rezz in without wondering if your shoes would be on your feet, or if they would be on your butt or head.  Back then, we laughed.  Back then, we kept developing new things for use in SL and pushed forward.  Now, when people go to a new alternative world, they make fun of it or knock it because it isn't running exactly like SL.  My experience tells me that they are actually running far superior to SL when it started up.  Where is your sense of adventure?  Where is your desire to be in on the ground floor of something exciting?  Where is your common sense when it comes to the money going to LL? 

I will never leave SL.  But, I will also try to help Virtual Highway grow into something as good.  I got bored with the clubbing and hanging out in SL, and now only go there to kick back.  But, the real challenge and excitement of creation isn't there for me.  For those of you who still find that excitement, that's cool.  For any who are getting bored, give it some thought.

As far as the comment about the big creators, I have to agree.  They can control whether another grid succeeds, UNLESS there are creative people out there who want to cash in on their market and find the success that they have found in SL.

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For me personally, I did try the opensim grids, and not all are what they advertise. When choosing one must look at the technology in place. Does the new grid have what my business needs to grow. Does voice work, groups, search, classifieds etc. There are grids that don't have these in place making it impossible for you to establish your business. I have found a grid that has everything in place, and virtually no lag. It amazes me people would rather pay more for SIMS in SL. Virtual Highway offers, less lag, less expensive SIM costs, for less than the price of a SIM in SL, in Virtual Highway I have 11 SIMS for 200 USD, not all are full region but it is just an example of the opportunities available.

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Destiny Bieler wrote:

For those of you who were in SL back when it started up, the first several years were an adventure.  You couldn't rezz in without wondering if your shoes would be on your feet, or if they would be on your butt or head.  Back then, we laughed.  Back then, we kept developing new things for use in SL and pushed forward.  Now, when people go to a new alternative world, they make fun of it or knock it because it isn't running exactly like SL.  My experience tells me that they are actually running far superior to SL when it started up.  Where is your sense of adventure?  Where is your desire to be in on the ground floor of something exciting? 


That was my attitude when I was going to set up my shop in the virtual world I referenced.  We were all saying we were enjoying being "Pioneers."  My "Pioneering-spirit" died when the world's owner decided to accuse me of harrassment.

I never heard of Virtual Highway, but will have to check it out.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

 until the last light goes out.  Which it will for anyone with lower-end computers, as more and more we get graphically challenged. 

my old computer wasnt "lower-end" .. it was just .. old

so i got a new higher-end computer built & guess what?  it gets hot!!

i dont think the graphics are going to get any better than they are until hardware engineers find a better way of dissipating heat .. pcs are going to have to come w/ radiators or something .. be4 we see any more big changes in graphical realism



Graphical realism gets me in virtual worlds; I mean, the more realistic it all gets, the more I am reminded that there is a 3D world right outside my door.  Although my own personal graphics card is overheating (meaning, it's just a bloody hot day here in the UK, and I feel like I am going to conk out).

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I have avatars on some other worlds but there has never been much to do on them. But it has been some time since I have looked again. I saw Virtual Highway mentioned in the forums not long ago and went there and created an avatar, I was number 440 or something like that. I see that they now have 524 residents. I never logged in but did create an avatar to get my name there, Teagan is in several virtual worlds. But I will be here in SL to turn the lights out if LL closes the doors.

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I'm not a blogger, I'm a builder. I don't club, I create. I used to own sims in SL, the maximum at one time was 12 sims, and I bought my first two full sims at a setup cost of $1600 EACH and paid just shy of $300 a month for each one for about 4 years. Soon after I bought these sims to be used as rental property, SL reduced the setup cost to $1000, still outrageous to me now that I'm no longer gainfully employed, but ensuring that I would never be able to rent out parcels to make my tier, let alone recoup the setup price. For years, there were alternative grids that had virtually nothing. No animations, no decent vehicles or physics, no decent hair, no events, etc., so there was really no other place to go. That has changed.

I've since abandoned my beautiful beach sims rather than sell for the cost of a transfer to a new owner ($100) because (and pardon my bitter tone) I don't believe anybody ought to be able to get a sim for $100 that I paid $1600 for. Times have changed and LL continues to make global, sweeping changes at will, reversing policy changes (like not competing with the residents by offering free land, rental houses, free avatar clothing and skins, etc.).  Now they want to keep the JIRA at a private level so we can't see if someone else has had a similar problem (and see how long it's been a problem.. so they can ignore us less publicly.) 

As for alternative worlds, the current OpenSim version of 0.7 and up is totally workable. I have products in several grids now, and my favorite is the place that now feels most like home, Virtual Highway. I joined the enthusiastic residents there and I can build to my heart's delight with far less overhead and virtually unlimited prims. VH now has a global search, groups, solid permissions, classified advertising, physics, water sims, and of course, money. Is it as good as SL? There is really nothing I miss from SL, everything works here. I would invite other content creators, animators and scripters who are tired of the endless sea of competition for every L in SL to come bring their creations to VH and get that pioneer spirit back. Importing works, mesh works, use pretty much any viewer you like. 

What does VH have that SL does not? The OpenSim platform has the capability to set region WindLight defaults, a concept know as LightShare. VH is LightShare enabled (many other OpenSim grids are not.) - This means region owners and estate managers can set the windlight settings for sky and water, and make it the Region default so everyone entering the sim sees the same animated sky settings. Talk about setting the mood for your sim! There is a DEMO of this every Saturday at 2pm PDT on different sims in VH if you would like to see this in action.

I'm grateful to SL for allowing me to build and script and learn all about virtual worlds, it will always be my "roots" but it came at an unbelievably HUGE price. I will never buy more land in SL, they're priced totally out of consideration, and I really don't see how reducing their pricing at this point won't anger every current land owner in SL, so I don't see it getting less expensive any time soon. Virtual Highway and other OpenSim grids' memberships and sold regions are on the rise as people become more ALT-aware, and SL's stats are on the decline.  

When I win the lottery (any day now).. I won't invest more in SL... but I will have a few nice continents with my new family in Virtual Highway!  Thanks for reading :)

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Logger Sewell wrote:


Going into an alternative grid takes an adventurous attitude and the creative desires to make something better.  SL is by far the largest virtual world out there, that is obvious.  However, the prices for sims in SL are extremely high, and with the world economy as it is, money should matter to some.  Are the worlds like Virtual Highway up to par with SL?  In some areas, no.  In others yes.  And in still others, they offer things you can't get in SL.  The largest drawback is people not supporting the expansion of these alternatives.  If they are all satisfied with the performance and service of SL, and think the prices of sims are just fine, then they will stay there and support the Lindens.  If they feel $295 USD is a bit much to pay for a sim, they will look elsewhere.  However, it is the large content creators who control the success or failure of a grid.  As long as they refuse to take their products and creations outside of SL, they are helping SL to maintain their control of the industry.


 As far as crashing and outages, I experience them more in SL than in Virtual Highway.  Is it due to the small numbers?  Possibly.  However, it is also due to the size and power of servers, and the load on each of those servers.  It does make a difference.  Also, the personal interest shown by the owners of a grid affects how you feel if you do have a problem.

 The new alternatives are there.  And, for the age of them are far advanced from where SL was at their age.  And, the prices make them even more desirable.


Going back to the original post of "is SL dying", no it's not. And as you say, Logger, it is still the largest (and arguably the best) virtual world that's in existence.

I want to see what happens during the next few weeks, when we'll get to see the true depth of the recent problems with the bandwith issue. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Bandwidth-Usage-Warning/td-p/1640209

This has the potential to put some of the loyal customers who would normally be more than happy to support Second Life off.

People who use any virtual world do have to be open-minded and/or enthusiastic about something ( be it dancing, meeting, building, creating something, exploring ), and often do have the desire to bring in something positive, in the way of creativity, or sharing knowledge.

Money is a big factor; nothing in this life is free. The good thing about SL is that they don't force anyone to subscribe to premium membership, but having a computer that can run it sufficiently can be an expensive outlay, so it feels like a lot of money is spent up front for a lot of people.

Currently, I am finding it hard to see past the changes that are having a seemingly negative effect on a lot of residents, and yet, when I am replying to posts on the Answers section, I still find I want to encourage people to enjoy Second Life to it's fullest, and I believe, even if everyone who is currently a resident were to defect to other platforms, new residents would surely soon come along and take their place, be investors, embrace all the changes that won't have any effect on them, because they never knew SL to be any different.


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Echo Hermit wrote:

Money is a big factor; nothing in this life is free.


air is free .. sunshine is free .. friendship is free .. everything that has real value is free .. and .....

second life is free !! iv been playing sl for over a year & havent spent a cent on it besides what my computer cost & the electricity to run it .. and .....

second life may or may not be dying .. you dont know one way or another ... yet you state your opinion as if it were fact .. shame on you



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According to the residents, SL has been on the way out every time something is changed or something new comes out.     In the years I've been here the sky has fallen so many times I now duck and cover when a fish f4rts. Sculpts were the end of the world, so was voice. Viewer 2 was the spawn of the devil! Everything that Linded Lab says or does is out to destroy everything we have worked so hard for.  It's all b****cks.Things will carry on just as before.


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Webby Merlin wrote:

What does VH have that SL does not? The OpenSim platform has the capability to set region WindLight defaults, a concept know as LightShare. VH is LightShare enabled (many other OpenSim grids are not.) - This means region owners and estate managers can set the windlight settings for sky and water, and make it the Region default so everyone entering the sim sees the same animated sky settings. Talk about setting the mood for your sim! There is a DEMO of this every Saturday at 2pm PDT on different sims in VH if you would like to see this in action.



Theresa Tennyson whispers, "Psst! SL has had region Windlight settings for, what? A year?"

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I'm just replying to the last person who posted...

Its nice to see some of you tried other worlds and are still active here, means that SL still has its advantages:) and its nice to know some want to stay till the last light turns off:) 

In my 2 years I had a break every 4-6 months, for at least a moth, and now I'm feeling like there are too many issues every time I login, and I am out of everything (I try to keep myself out). Yesterday I logged in just to answer some notecards and was bombarded by group chats, people were complaining about being stuck or couldn't login/tp and they had sooo many important things to do and huh... lol 

Anyway, I am not long here, but in all that time I did follow blogs and read about whats going on and it seems like now there are too many bad comments about things that are happening and noone is asking residents. Basically, "if you don't like it, find another world to inhabit" attitude. I started to think, what if one day I realize there are far more annoying things here for me... then those good. 

And sry about my English, am bad at explaining myself in other languages:)


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JeanneAnne wrote:

Echo Hermit wrote:

Money is a big factor; nothing in this life is free.


air is free .. sunshine is free .. friendship is free .. everything that has real value is free .. and .....

second life is free !! iv been playing sl for over a year & havent spent a cent on it besides what my computer cost & the electricity to run it .. and .....

second life may or may not be dying .. you dont know one way or another ... yet you state your opinion as if it were fact .. shame on you



Yeah, ok. Shame on me. For being human and having an opinion.

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yesterday i spent the afternoon roaming sims .. i searched for 'garden' & 'nature' & 'elven' & visited mebbe 8 or 10 sims .. each one was gorgeous !! they were amazing .. & yet .. i met nobody .. i think that maybe 1 sim had someone else in it but they were outuv chat range & since they made no effort to come towards me i made none to go towards them ...

today i did the same thing .. only i searched for 'viking' themed sims .. most i ended up on were actually gorean but every single sim i tped to was deserted .. 1 sim made me wear a meter & said id be captured & collared if caught there .. they missed their chance! cuz i was the only 1 there .. LoL

what i hav2 wonder is why all these talented content creators pay real $$$ to maintain these sims that no1 frequents? is it really worth $295 per month to store the cartoons you make on a LL server .. just so you & your bros can go there now & then & rp being a viking or whatever ?!? it all just seems so dumb to me ...

i like seeing what others build .. & i enjoy the dances & parties when my sisters are DJing .. but i really see no rational reason for spending ANYthing on SL .. leta lone serious hundreds of US dollars on it .. its pretty & all .. & can be fun when theres something going on .. but SheeSH !! you can rent movies or buy comic books or something .. for MUCH less .. i think that SL will die just as soon as ppl come to their senses



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JeanneAnne wrote:

i like seeing what others build .. & i enjoy the dances & parties when my sisters are DJing .. but i really see no rational reason for spending ANYthing on SL ..


So, what you're saying is you would disagree with the person who said...


...we start collecting membership dues or user fees or whatever you want to call it .. then we make LL an offer to buy SL from them .. heck even LL employees could join our group! so what if LL refused our offer? well.. wed negotiate but if they were stubborn wed call for a TIER STRIKE !! we would force them to accept our fair offer or go outuv business .. the way that SL is in decline i have a feeling that LL would jump @ our offer

once we owned SL we would collect just enuf from each player or resident to pay the bills & keep SL online .. we would have to pay salaries to technicians of course .. & pay for electricity & maintenance & upgrades on the servers ..



Perhaps sk8urgurl JeanneAnne and Sociology Class JeanneAnne should get together and work out their differences some day.
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Theresa Tennyson wrote:

Perhaps sk8urgurl JeanneAnne and Sociology Class JeanneAnne should get together and work out their differences some day.

inturgr8 my personalities ?!? then id be sane !!! :womansad:

how boring would that be !?!


EDITing ... cuz actually .. your post deserves a serious response ..

yeah .. id be willing to pay a user fee .. whether my husband like it or not! .. if WE owned the grid rather than some greedy rapacious parasitic corporation .. id be willing to pay if every1 in sl was equal .. if there was no toy economy .. no "ownership" of "property" .. id be willing to pay if WE made the decisions by consensus .. or at worst by majority vote .. rather than having decisions made arbitrarily and dictated to us by a corporation that only cares about profit .. im determined to have all the fun i possibly can in SL for free just to spite the corporatist bastards who oppress ... not me so much ... but all of you who DO fall for their scam by paying for it .. so sure! id help pay for the electricity & technicians salaries if that was ALL i was paying for .. as is ill be dammed if ill spend a cent making vulture capitalist rich while the legitimate complaints of residents who actually love SL go unheeded .. so there! :cattongue:



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I am doing what is best, and what I like:) my SL is focused on a little gallery and a photo studio that I run. My online times are all about photos I do and now and then (when I get time) I visit some sims and just wander around, enjoying my peace. And maybe others don't like those deserted places, I actually enjoy them like that. It feels like some peacefull magical world, far away from everyday crowd. 

And my SL name is hmm, how to explain it lol, well half of my life I liked the name really much, then I found out my rl name could be that (my parents couldn't decide between two), but it isn't. When I was registering for SL, I knew exactly what my name will be haha

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Clarification on LIGHTSHARE: Windlight has been in SL for much longer than a year, but you can't set the region defaults for your sim so that everyone else can see the skies you have selected. Each time you log in with a viewer in SL you have to reselect one of the windlight presets (either the default presets coded into the viewer, or your own saved settings) and nobody else can see what your viewer is set to.

With LightShare, region owners and estate managers can set the region default settings and then everyone else can see the same settings with no changes upon login, until the region managers change the settings (your view instantly changes without relogging) -- or you override them in your own viewer. The capability was created outside of SL in the OpenSim platform and was adapted into the core code somewhere around version 0.7.1 or so and is still in it the most recent release of 0.7.4. (more on LightShare from Imprudence Wiki HERE and from OpenSim HERE.)

The viewers that support LightShare currently include: Imprudence, Singularity, Hippo, and the Virtual Highway custom viewer. Phoenix and Firestorm (and fork viewers using these open source viewers as their core) don't currently see the skies change or recognize region default settings, but they may in the future. We hear SL is forcing viewer makers to make SL-Only viewers, so we anticipate a split out of viewers between OpenSim and SL, and that's a perfect time for viewer makers to add support for LightShare for their OpenSim versions. 

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Tamara Artis wrote:

. And maybe others don't like those deserted places, I actually enjoy them like that. It feels like some peacefull magical world, far away from everyday crowd. 

oh Tamara .. i enjoyed wanderin deserted sims these past couple days .. i wasnt so much complaining about them being deserted .. as thinkin mebbe itsa sign of sl being in decline that no1s there .. or wondering if ppl wouldnt start deciding that their sims arent worth paying tier on if theyre so often deserted

i like taking pics too .. i specially like action shots .. & i post my best ~& least naughty~ pics on facebook .. so ...

its all cool :catwink:



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