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Strange "no room to sit" problem

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Has anyone come across this:-

I sell sex beds among other furniture. A few weeks ago I had a customer with this problem... The bed she bought from my store wouldn't operate for her at all. The beds don't use poseballs. Instead the av sits on the bed and is automatically in whatever animation is selected at the time. But, for this customer, she could only get the "no room to sit" message and couldn't even sit on the bed no matter where on the bed she clicked to sit.

So I did tests with her. To make sure that the bed she had should actually work (she bought a copy of the display bed), she sent it to me. I rezzed it and it worked fine. So I brought her over, sold her the bed to make sure she got that working bed (for 0L, of course), she rezzed it again at my place and it worked fine. So she definitely had a bed that worked fine.

We went to her place, she rezzed it, and neither of us could even sit on it - same message no matter where on the bed we tried to sit. I rezzed a chair with an auto-anim in it, and that worked fine for both of us. It also confirmed that running scripts was allowed and that the bed should have worked. She got the sim owner who restarted the sim, but it changed nothing. The two of them took the bed to another of the sim-owner's sims, rezzed it, and it worked fine, but it simply wouldn't work in the sim where the customer's home is. She said that she'd had the same problem with other furniture from another seller.

I sorted the customer out with an identical looking bed that uses poseballs, and that was ok. I put it down to an oddity that I'll probably never understand, but 2 days ago I got another customer with the same "no room to sit" problem - different bed but the same no-balls system. With this one, we did the test at my place so, again, the bed was fine. We went to her place but she'd taken to being rude every time she said anything and I left without sorting it out. Other people buy the beds and use them without the problem, but it no longer seems to be just a one-off occurence.

The only thing that comes to mind is that different sims are running different sim server code but I can't imagine why that would cause the problem. Has anyone any ideas?

I was posting this in the Scripting forum but I realised that it can't be a script problem. The system decision to send the "no room to sit" message occurs before the no-balls animation script becomes aware of the av. In fact the script only becomes aware of the av when the av becomes linked to the bed.

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My house has an unusual shape and a small footprint, and it has several "sit targets" in various places built into it. It's pretty common for me to find myself sitting somewhere ON the house after I select something IN the house and not part of it, or getting "no room to sit" messages from things I know I can interact with, especially when I select them when I'm some distance away. It looks like when you try to interact with something while in the bounding box of something else that has sit targets the servers will assume you're trying to interact with whatever you're standing closest to instead.

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I have struggled with this "no place to sit" more than once in customer places.
As you say it is not a script error, it can occur on unscripted prims.
In all my cases it was coursed by overlapping bounding boxes.
Sculpties and meshes have bounding boxes that can be hard to locate.
Some old time cut mega prims have their bounding box include the part that is cut away.
A customer of mine had build his city on one of those mega prims and it had the cut turned upward,
so the animation engine came up with the error no matter where it was placed.

The solution of course is to locate the offending bounding box and move the prim or animation engine

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It's a bounding box problem in that, if the bed is within the bounding box of something else (typically a large nearby sculpty or a sim surround) and you try to sit on a prim in the bed that hasn't got a sit target set, the sim tends to get confused and think you're trying to sit on the large sculpty or sim surround.

So long as there's at least as many prims in the object as there are people who might sit on it, my work-round is simply to set a dummy sit target in each prim, using this:

default{	state_entry()	{		llLinkSitTarget(LINK_SET,<0.0,0.0,0.5>,ZERO_ROTATION);		llRemoveInventory(llGetScriptName());	}}

 That should enable the sim to seat people, and then the animation script can take over and use llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast to move them into position.

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That's interesting Innula. It may well be that the pieces of furniture that did work had Sit Targets in them. The first customer also bought some dining chairs from me. We could sit on those but they do have Sit Targets.

If I relent and try to help that second customer, I'll try that solution.

ETA: I relented. I tested the sit target solution and it worked! She can now use the bed in her home - inside a ball in the sky, apprently :) TY Innula!

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Glad you got it solved, I'm wondering about something though.

As I rememberit from "the old days", sitting on something without a target was easy and accurate. There was this box thing I used to sit on for hours, and many others besides me. Right click the upper edge and sit, always worked. Then suddenly, years ago by now, trying to sit on an edge took about 10 tries if it worked at all. I have one box I sit on quite offten these days, that seems to work fine again. btw the boxes I'm talking about are big boxes, a couple of meters in x and y direction.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know why?

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  • 1 year later...

Probably not.  Notice Dora's carefully worded sentence at the top of the product description: "This tool can "sit" a number of Avatars on any not too small prim If the prim is too small to accomodate more than one avatar, you can't apply any tricks to seat an extra person.  I haven't used Dora's tool, but I suspect that what it does is to simply redefine the llSitTarget position and rotation for a second av if one is already seated, along the lines described by Strife Onizuka.  

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Harlow LittleBoots wrote:

I have the 
it is supposed to sit morethan one avatar butu it won't. would this fall under the no room to sit catagory? I am preplexed.

 The full documentation is found here

From it I quote:

“There is no room to sit, please try another spot”

This is an error message you may get when two or more agents try to sit on one prim

It arises when some bounding box prevents the sitting

The first sit is never a problem because it is defined by the single SitTarget, but for the rest the server must find a place to sit before the script can place the sitter

When the server can't find a place we have this "There is no room to sit, please try another spot" error

You can read more about it and about other peoples experiences on the SL forum

    It must be emphasized, that this is not a script error but a system caveat,

    it can be seen when two or more avatars try to sit on an unscripted prim

The only way to work around is to modify object design or to modify the environment

You are welcome to contact me anytime for support on scripts I sold you provided the scripts are not modifiable


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  • 2 months later...

Annabell Martian wrote:

It's the sim or any sim with a surround scene that gives the problem. 

Not likely in this particular case.  As Dora said, you can have sit target issues if you are trying to sit inside the bounding box of a larger object. In general, though, sim surrounds don't create those issues.

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  • 5 years later...
3 hours ago, VirtualKitten said:

I know this is an old thread but did you get it fixed

The multisit/bounding box issue has never been fixed and you still can't have multiple avatars sitting ont he same prim if it's inside the boundign box of another object. The only solution (apart from using poseballs of course) is to have a linkset with one prim/mesh for each avatar.

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On 7/10/2020 at 4:35 PM, VirtualKitten said:

I know this is an old thread but did you get it fixed I have an identical message bugging me my script is multi sit and sets a new llSitTarget for each sitter  my physics are here https://gyazo.com/b84b5f01e2377de0292e793125097a04 I dont use pose ballseither but am stuck with this silly message "No Room to it"

Are you using AV Sitter or similar?  If so you may want to to put the below into a script and then add it to the item so it sets the Sit Target (not sure how you are setting them per your comment).

        integer i;
        integer s;
        for (i = 1; i <= llGetNumberOfPrims(); ++i)
            if (llList2Integer(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i, (list)PRIM_SIT_TARGET),0)) ++s;
        llOwnerSay("Sit targets assigned: " + (string)s);


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I doubt that snippet would have helped since it isn't actually setting a sit target, just counting how many have been set in the link set, but in the particular problem it was a one-prim multi-sit issue, and (as usual) nothing to do with the script but everything to do with encroaching physics shapes. Just as fish (apparently) do not see the water in which they swim and we do not see the air in which we move, when your house is within the physics shape of a giant skybox you don't see it.

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On 7/15/2020 at 6:09 PM, Profaitchikenz Haiku said:

I doubt that snippet would have helped since it isn't actually setting a sit target, just counting how many have been set in the link set, but in the particular problem it was a one-prim multi-sit issue, and (as usual) nothing to do with the script but everything to do with encroaching physics shapes. Just as fish (apparently) do not see the water in which they swim and we do not see the air in which we move, when your house is within the physics shape of a giant skybox you don't see it.

Apologies - my error, I thought they were having the issue with Mesh where it doesn't count properly - just realized it's a different one.  Please ignore my post!

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