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True, good point.

Sevrer didn't give the actual age, though, and the amount of concern over him possibly hearing curse words made me think he might not be 16 or over.

Of course, hovering parents will hover even over grown children.

I don't know, I just dislike the influx of very young people lately & it's making me testy.

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Are you asking this question because you're an 'old creep' who likes to use curse or sexuall words in front of kids, so you want to be sure SL can't detect them automatically?

Your account is 4 days old and allready you have your groups hidden. Are you an alt or just some really fast learning noob who allready managed to find secret groups and the option to hide them lol

People said it allready, SL is for grown ups and kids should try to play RL!

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Tamara Artis wrote:

Are you asking this question because you're an 'old creep' who likes to use curse or sexuall words in front of kids, so you want to be sure SL can't detect them automatically?

Your account is 4 days old and allready you have your groups hidden. Are you an alt or just some really fast learning noob who allready managed to find secret groups and the option to hide them lol

People said it allready, SL is for grown ups and kids should try to play RL!


That would make more sense than an actual concerned parent asking those questions here. I think you're dead on, Tamara.
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Stella Carver wrote:

Question 1: Do you use SL? If not, I suggest you sign up and spend a few days here. Then decide if it's a good place for your 'underage teen' to spend his free time.

Question 2: You obviously know the likelihood of your son being approached sexually by an adult. Are you also aware of the likelihood that your son may be interested in SL partly because of the readily available sexual content?

Question 3: Why do you expect Linden Lab to assume your responsibilities as a parent when the platform they designed is not even remotely a platform for minors?

Would you sneak your son into a strip club or a bar but expect someone to tell you if he looks at the strippers or tries to have a drink? Speaking for myself, I'm trying to have fun in here, not babysit. "Gether kid outta mah party!"

This is ridiculous & I call troll.

ETA: Just in case you weren't trolling, on the "seems like it would a simple curse/sexual word filter" issue. It wouldn't be. For one thing, besides the fact that 'sexual words' is kind of subjective and would differ by context. There would be the matter of whether an old creep went into a G sim, chatted up your kid and said inappropriate things, or whether your son wandered into the Old Harassing Creeps-R-Us sim and managed to overhear them while they were minding their own creepy business.


^^ This, all of it.

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An interesting article from Reuters, about how Facebook, among others, uses software and employees to watch for, and even help catch, sexual predators.  The software automatically scans all the posts and messages, flagging suspicious content for follow up by real people.


In the middle of the article, they interview the VP of Metaverse Mod Squad, a monitoring service.  "Metaverse uses hundreds of employees and contractors to monitor websites for clients including virtual world Second Life, Time Warner's Warner Brothers and the PBS public television service."  (my emphasis added to the quote)

So my first reaction was to sneer a bit at the naiveté of the OP.  Now I wonder if I am not the one who is a bit naive.



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Please this is not a matter. I say this because my son is a siamese twin, and has a brother who is several years older. I know its hard to believe but the older twin is attached. Its been well documented but extremely rare, a veryodd medical condition. Please dont be rude. The older son wants to play this game, and is old enough. the younger son of mine is too young. This is why i ask. It is unfortunate I know. 

Not only this, I do believe certain music is just simply not age appropriate in this game. Some are very offensive and contain the most heinous words! Second life should use the copyright technology and scan for these borderline offensive "hipster" songs and limit them to adult sims. Just my belief.

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Sevrer wrote:

Please this is not a matter. I say this because my son is a siamese twin, and has a brother who is several years older. I know its hard to believe but the older twin is attached. Its been well documented but extremely rare, a veryodd medical condition. Please dont be rude. The older son wants to play this game, and is old enough. the younger son of mine is too young. This is why i ask. It is unfortunate I know. 

Not only this, I do believe certain music is just simply not age appropriate in this game. Some are very offensive and contain the most heinous words! Second life should use the copyright technology and scan for these borderline offensive "hipster" songs and limit them to adult sims. Just my belief.

...and how would you suggest that LL use "copyright technology"  to scan songs that NEVER EVEN PASS THROUGH THEIR NETWORK?  Music here is just a URL that the parcel owner registers.  The viewer is redirected to play the music stream, it has absolutely nothing to do with Linden Lab at all.

Have you got a reference to these twins of different ages?  There are two theories for conjoined twins, either the embryo didn't split properly but are delivered at the same time.  Birthdate is the same (obviously).

Or embryo's were fused.  How does one embryo lurk about in the womb for several years when the human gestation period is generally accepted to be 9 months or so?  So after a few years, this foetus fused with another embryo?

Were they born on the same day?  Doesn't that rather define their birth date and thus age as the same or did one half pop out several years earlier than the other?

Citation please, this is fascinating.

(If this is true... I suggest that you have way bigger issues than SL censorship to be dealing with.  Suggest they try playing http://www.roblox.com instead)

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Sevrer wrote:

Please this is not a matter. I say this because my son is a siamese twin, and has a brother who is several years older. I know its hard to believe but the older twin is attached. Its been well documented but extremely rare, a veryodd medical condition. Please dont be rude. The older son wants to play this game, and is old enough. the younger son of mine is too young. This is why i ask. It is unfortunate I know. 

Not only this, I do believe certain music is just simply not age appropriate in this game. Some are very offensive and contain the most heinous words! Second life should use the copyright technology and scan for these borderline offensive "hipster" songs and limit them to adult sims. Just my belief.

You simply must tell us more.  I am especially interested to know how your younger son managed to stay in utero for so long and what that was like for you and your partner.  I mean, in essense, assuming for a moment that you are the mother, you and your oldest son were attached much like Siamese twins.  I suppose he got practice, having to go everywhere you went, and you got the experience necessary to be sympathetic to your sons' experience.  I am also wondering which body parts the sons are attached by.  Did your older son have an arm stuck inside?  Surely not his head as that would have made breathing difficult and I cannot imagine you had one son, another son and an oxygen tank in your cervix.  A leg maybe?  I bet your younger son was outrageously wrinkly when he first came out.  A little prune.  Was he as attached to breast feeding for as long as he was attached to uterine feeding?  I would imagine the behaviors would be linked.  Speaking of links, can you link us to the documentation you mentioned?

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Sevrer wrote:

Not only this, I do believe certain music is just simply not age appropriate in this game. Some are very offensive and contain the most heinous words! Second life should use the copyright technology and scan for these borderline offensive "hipster" songs and limit them to adult sims. Just my belief.

personally i think should like ban country and western music. like is really damaging for young ppl to hear all about drunky whisky makes you down and sadface and how ur old lady not understand and beats you with a frying pan and cruel stuff like that

is terrible the effects that can have on young men. and girls as well. like  they can so get a man and keep him on the good path just by smash him with a frying pan


and 80s music. and 70s even worse. is hoorrible what that music can do to young people. like if they hear to much of it then it makes their brains funny. is true. like they end up wants to stay home with their rents and not go out with their mates

is just about the worst thing ever a teenager can do to their 70s-80s mum or dad on a Friday or Saturday night. like stay home and not go out. when all the olds just wants them to goooooo away out. bc the olds got a hot date on SL or just wants to party up at home by themselfs doing it on the couch to the beegees and elo ... /shudders

so yeah. dont ever play 70-80 music ever where ur own kids can hear. if have to have to then only ever play it like at christmas really loud. so can annoy the grands. and on your own birthday. so everyone can know is not about them


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Sevrer wrote:


Not only this, I do believe certain music is just simply not age appropriate in this game. Some are very offensive and contain the most heinous words! Second life should use the copyright technology and scan for these borderline offensive "hipster" songs and limit them to adult sims. Just my belief.

Probably LL must ban Wagner music, totally unappropiate. As Woody Allen says (in "Manhattan Murder Mistery") "I can't listen to that much Wagner. I start getting the urge to conquer Poland" :D :D :D

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LeeHere Absent wrote:

My apologies.  I've just seen your profile and your note that you are a man, and therefore, presumably the father.  I am still intensely curious about the experiences of the mother.  Please tell us more.

maybe is not any mum. maybe their dad birthed them himself. can happen that. i seen that already in SL before. dudes getting themselfs pregnant and having their own babies

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Thanks for the kind words. Some people accuse me of trolling or griefing. This is not true. I hope to be on the Guinness record books some day.

Lee Here is  correct. I gave birth to the siamese twins. Its an amazing medical feat.

I agree, we must ban any offensive music. Namely The Jonas Brothers.

I repeat I am not trolling or grieifng. 



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Sevrer wrote:

Thanks for the kind words. Some people accuse me of trolling or griefing. This is not true. I hope to be on the Guinness record books some day.

Lee Here is  correct. I gave birth to the siamese twins. Its an amazing medical feat.

I agree, we must ban any offensive music. Namely The Jonas Brothers.

I repeat I am not trolling or grieifng. 



Jonas brothers?

you find Jonas brothers music offensive?

what possibly could you find offensive about those guys? besides the over commercialized disnification of a 3 boy boyband that is nothing more than a teen girl magazine pop phase than anything.. seriously??

if you think they are offisive..then i wouldn't even recommend a pg rated virtual world for your children..

because those guys are about as pg as it gets..

i don't think you have really convinced too many that you are serious by choosing those  guys as your starting point of what music is offensive..

Seriously? the Jonas brothers?

this is starting to remind me of this..

thinks this is some kind of silly game to see just whatyou can get people to actually believe before they don't believe you any longer..

i had my concerns before my first post ..but now you've kind of sealed the deal with the twins born years apart thing..

and now Jonas brothers being some sort of music that is offensive in another way besides being over commercialized?

nice try but thinks you lost what crowd you may have possibly had with this one LOL

the Jonas brothers? :smileyvery-happy:

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Sevrer wrote:

Thanks for the kind words. Some people accuse me of trolling or griefing. This is not true. I hope to be on the Guinness record books some day.

Lee Here is  correct. I gave birth to the siamese twins. Its an amazing medical feat.

I agree, we must ban any offensive music. Namely The Jonas Brothers.

I repeat I am not trolling or grieifng. 



soooo, let me get this straight..

You are a man, who gave birth to siamese twins, one of whom is years older than the other... from your wheelchair.

You "hope" to be in the Guiness book of world records "someday"?!?!? you already should be in it.

"Hipster" music should be banned from SL.. Hipster music would be underground stuff, things you hear at small cafes and bars... not the Jonas Brothers.

But hey, you aren't trolling.

BTW, your profile is either the most clever troll or most unimaginative stereotypical racist one i have seen.


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Storm Clarence wrote:

Dear OP, I feel for you.  When I am faced with these difficult decisions I drink.  Try a (few) Makers Mark Manhattan(s) and I guarantee you will feel much better.  I always do.


A "few"?  He's been drinking for three in recent years I think we can let loose the reins with this one, especially so seeing as he prefers doubles.

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