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honesty does exist on sl ?

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I met a guy...so nice looking, french...vampire.....once i got to hes clan he asked me money to help him to buy huds for a girl...i did borrow him 999l...and im not so rich since im working on sl got my money...but im always try to help all...then as always on bl game drama came ...i left and then the guy being mean and refuse to give me back my money...ignoring mynims...maybe muted me...can we report this? Some sa no...but for sure i will never do that gain...today helpfull...tomorow will ignoring help....gahhh
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Try sending a notecard. Maybe his or her Im's get capped. but i bet at this point you may as well kiss the money goodbye.

There are honest people in Sl. You just have to determine that before lending anyone money.

If you do not know them personally (Real Life). then I advise against loaning moneys

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sorry that that happen to you.

you were trying to help and you didnt deserve to be scammed like that. its sad that this things happen, it brings down good will in people. dont let this discourage you from helping others, just know your limits, like giving this person 999 was too much.

Linden Lab evades getting involved in disputes between users, but you can always try.


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I say forget it and move on... what you've shelled out is a small price to pay to learn the lesson of never giving some strange vampire any money.  They'll suck you dry.... lol.

Seriously, don't give anyone money unless you don't plan on seeing it again or you trust them explicitly and even then I'd think twice about it.  There is absolutely nothing you can do in SL if someone just refuses to pay you back.  LL will treat it as a personal dispute and refuse to help you.  So, just learn from this and don't do it again.

Oh, and one more thing... you didn't borrow him 999L, you loaned him 999L... sorry but that's just one of my pet peeves.


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I beleive it may be within your rights if you had beleived, in good faith, that he would give you the money that you let him borrow. I see it as a violation of sections 8.2.v of the terms of service (see http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php#tos8).


8.2 You will not post or transmit prohibited Content, including any Content that is illegal, harassing or violates any person's rights.

You agree that you will not:

(v) Post, display or transmit Content that is harmful, threatening or harassing, defamatory, libelous, false, inaccurate, misleading, or invades another person's privacy;

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XxStevexX Solo wrote:

I beleive it may be within your rights if you had beleived, in good faith, that he would give you the money that you let him borrow. I see it as a violation of sections 8.2.v of the terms of service (see 


8.2 You will not post or transmit prohibited Content, including any Content that is illegal, harassing or violates any person's rights.

You agree that you will not:

(v) Post, display or transmit Content that is harmful, threatening or harassing, defamatory, libelous, false, inaccurate, misleading, or invades another person's privacy;

Heh, points for being "creative" however, looking once again at the "evidence"

"once i got to hes clan he asked me money to help him to buy huds for a girl...i did borrow him 999l..."

I don't see anywhere where there was any suggestion that the recipients of the funds said that they were going to give it back.  The phrase is "asked for money", which is not the same as being lent it, therefore in the court of Sassy, it is ruled that the money was given as a gift and any inference on ever having it returned is in the mind of the lender.

Case closed,  no breach of TOS and therefore no AR due.  (Not that it would have done anything anyway).

(of course, we only have one side of the story and English is clearly not the OP's first language but it STILL won't do any good filing an AR, LL don't play lawyer or judge, they just don't get involved and rightly so or they'd be dealing with trivia all day).



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Well it's too sad that there are people out there which are looking for drama, griefing others or having fun to spoof others. But that's just the same as in rl, no difference! Would you lend someone money you've meet on the street and not knowing at all? The second thing is never trust a vamp! It seems that these people are dishonest to everyone outside their clans,  families and cliques. They have fun to cheat others. But there are also honest, polite and very helpful people in sl that's for sure.

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You're out about US$4.  If a Linden were to get involved, that's about--what?--maybe three minutes of loaded labor rate. This is why they almost never get involved in disputes between residents involving money.

Also, there's something kind of sweet about being surprised that a "vampire" isn't honest. Not vampires specifically, but the way it just sounds so normal in SL, "vampire", as if a thing so very strange could be no hint that some artifice may be afoot.

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XxStevexX Solo wrote:

I beleive it may be within your rights if you had beleived, in good faith, that he would give you the money that you let him borrow. I see it as a violation of sections 8.2.v of the terms of service (see 


8.2 You will not post or transmit prohibited Content, including any Content that is illegal, harassing or violates any person's rights.

You agree that you will not:

(v) Post, display or transmit Content that is harmful, threatening or harassing, defamatory, libelous, false, inaccurate, misleading, or invades another person's privacy;

Nice try, but no.  LL are not going to waste their time deciding who's right and who's wrong in interpersonal disputes such as this.  Perhaps if this came before Judge Judy, she might be able to do something about it, but it won't.  Instructing anyone to do anything other than get over it and move on is doing them a disservice.  We're talking about less than five US dollars here, ffs.


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Ok guy it was only a thought i had and just wanted to share it...yesbit was so nothing for money but still sad when you know i gain my money by working on sl ....anyway...so sorry for my bad english but its already good ...me a french personne who try when other dont ....yep this is over andbyes i moved on ....ty all

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Angelia Carissa wrote:

I met a guy...so nice looking, french...vampire.....once i got to hes clan he asked me money to help him to buy huds for a girl...i did borrow him 999l...and im not so rich since im working on sl got my money...but im always try to help all...then as always on bl game drama came ...i left and then the guy being mean and refuse to give me back my money...ignoring mynims...maybe muted me...can we report this? Some sa no...but for sure i will never do that gain...today helpfull...tomorow will ignoring help....gahhh

Get even with a stake thru his heart! Naww... thats letting him off 2 easy .. Expose him to lite !! Thats gotta hurt .. ;)


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I think move on, and in future, only lend money with the expectation that it's a gift. Just like gambling, never give more than you can afford to lose and never expect it back.

And most people are honest, just as they are anywhere. Don't feel disheartened.

If you want revenge on the vampire, perhaps try planting a victim drunk on absinthe in his way. I've heard it works a treat. ;)

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Angelia Carissa wrote:

I met a guy...so nice looking, french...vampire.....once i got to hes clan he asked me money to help him to buy huds for a girl...i did borrow him 999l...and im not so rich since im working on sl got my money...but im always try to help all...then as always on bl game drama came ...i left and then the guy being mean and refuse to give me back my money...ignoring mynims...maybe muted me...can we report this? Some sa no...but for sure i will never do that gain...today helpfull...tomorow will ignoring help....gahhh


Nothing you can do really; LL doesn't really care about any sort of rude behavior from residents other than age play; we have to police ourselves.  And I doubt you'll actually find anyone who totally honest, so wouldn't don't trust anyone with your money unless it's a close friend.

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I am not sure this is an SL question. If i loaned $10 to someone in RL that I just met and didn't reallly have much contact with, I would be expecting I might not get my money back.

Um, if he seemed to like me and was charming and wanted the money to get something for his girlfriend, then why am I giving him money?


Lesson learned, cheaply. Yay for SL. 


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Go and be happy doing that, if you like, but look after yourself, and don't be sad if you meet the occasionsal ungrateful person. You are nice, perhaps :)


Edited to add that Christina, up above me there, makes very good sense too. She puts it very well :)

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Sorry to hear that happened to you. schare the name of the guy's sl name here, so we all know about him...

I, for one, will IMMEDIATELY refuse him to access my roleplay sim.

Frauds and profiteers like that are exaclty the reason that this amazing world turns a little less amazing & beautifull...


Things like that make people become suspicious, and that is sad, but very understandeable.


Take care, and dont let such things destroy the amazing things you can experience and enjoy in SL !




Jan William t' Kint De Merode.



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