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Second Life Destinations: Ashemi Remarkable

Linden Lab


Take a look at Ashemi Remarkable, an artfully constructed futuristic city inspired by Asian culture.

Creators Ime Poplin and Jay met about eight years ago. They are both artistically inclined, with Ime painting in her spare time and Jay playing the guitar. Given their mutual interests, they decided to build together in SL. When picking a theme, their longtime shared tastes included “An interest in Asian items {and} culture, and also futuristic vibes. We thought.. well, let's do a kind of futuristic-styled {region} to begin with.”

Building came naturally to Ime, as she tells us, “Growing up in Denmark, the country where Lego was invented, I {am} used to tearing down and building new and just playing around. Building blocks, all the items we buy in SL… the many, many cool and talented creators, tons of items {are essentially} building blocks, in both Jay’s and my inventory.”

Ashemi Remarkable is a stellar example of what takes exceptional design to the next level; every part of this region has a story, and that makes it come alive. In the middle of the city, one finds a spooky cemetery with a mysterious volcanic eruption. What happened here? Check out the sky high restaurant with glass walls so you can enjoy a romantic dinner with a panoramic view. What types of people come here?

One of the most visually striking design elements of Ashemi Remarkable is the artwork on the street. Paintings abound in varying styles, hanging above storefronts and in businesses. These paintings bring a human touch to the concrete and bright lights, reminding us who created all of this. This speaks to Ime’s process: “The fact that we have a nice balance with nature and urban scenery is very important to us. We like balance, darks and colors and contrasts.”

This sprawling urban playground blends traditional and modern decor to pay homage to the past and give a playful glimpse of what the future might hold. Ime thinks of this place as “A world for us to experiment. Always evolving, always changing. That is very important to us. And then of course, the fact that we love being together as much as we can. That is what makes us happy. Jay is my muse, and I'm pretty sure I am his as well.”

Video Production Credits:
Draxtor Despres



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