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Viewer 2.5 with Web Profiles Has Arrived

Q Linden


Today we launched Viewer 2.5, now out of Beta. The most significant update is a new, web-based profile system, which allows profiles to be viewed and edited both on the web and in the Viewer. For example, here's mine. Please note this is just a starting point for the web-based profiles; we’ll be doing a lot of work to refine the usability and make them richer over time.

In response to your feedback from the early beta versions of Viewer 2.5, we've added some privacy settings that will allow you to control just how public your profile is. Once you’ve logged in, click on “Privacy Settings” in the upper right corner of your profile. Group settings set in the Viewer will be overridden by these group privacy settings.

  • "Everyone" means that the information is available to the whole Internet and can be picked up by search engines.
  • "Second Life" means that the information is available to all Second Life Residents who are logged into the website or inworld. This is the default for all existing Residents using Viewer 2.5.
  • "Friends" means that only your Second Life friends can see the information on the web and inworld.

This is why we have a beta process--to address concerns and improve your user experience. We will continue to iterate as we get more feedback. Thank you for all your help and comments. Please attend the Viewer 2 User Group meetings if you would like to share your thoughts and feedback directly with me and the Snowstorm team.

Viewer 2.5 also has some other new features. The one I like best is that you can now have your Favorite landmarks also appear on the login screen, so that you can log directly into your favorite locations. Torley made a video about this, so check it out! We've also improved some texturing performance and fixed another batch of bugs. Watching the internal data, we've already seen a noticeable improvement in stability and performance--on par with Viewer 1.23.

Download Viewer 2.5, try it out, and keep the feedback coming! And, if you Twitter, please use the hashtag #slviewer2.

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@ Fredrik Linden on 02-14-2011 09:43 AM

"If we are still having problems with aspect ratio, upload a new picture?" No that won't work - please pay attention while I explain it again...

Image in GROUP PROFILE - square!

Image for GROUP in AVATAR PROFILE - not square!

This can't be fixed by uploading a new image. It will be wrong in one place or the other.

Squashing aspect ratio makes images look amateurish and wastes the time that people spend making them. Do some research on Raskin's Laws, stop ruining our content and wasting our time. 

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In my recent V2 revisit, I noticed the web profiles seemed to load slowly, as did search.

Still overwhelmingly underwhelmed by the V2 project.

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I think SL should be seperate from the web.  Web based profiles are of no value to me at all.

Also please go back to the Phoenix style viewer, it's so much better.

If it's not broken don't fix it.

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People used to complain about the old viewer before there was a V2.  They said it had to be updated.   I kinda like V2 but i wish my web profile wouldn't erase itself every few days.

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      Group settings set in the Viewer will be overridden by these group privacy settings.

  • "Everyone" means that the information is available to the whole Internet and can be picked up by search engines.
  • "Second Life" means that the information is available to all Second Life Residents who are logged into the website or inworld. This is the default for all existing Residents using Viewer 2.5.
  • "Friends" means that only your Second Life friends can see the information on the web and inworld.
  • "No One" means absolutely no one aside of Linden Labs will be able to see anything whatsoever on your profile or know whether you are in world or browsing the website/forums, etc. 
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Can you please tell me if my computer is missing a file or if I am unable to resonate when in Second Life for another reason?  Here are my computer details:

Second Life 2.5.0 (220251) Feb  2 2011 15:18:59 (Second Life Beta Viewer)
Release Notes

CPU: Intel® Pentium® CPU        P6100  @ 2.00GHz (1995.05 MHz)
Memory: 3894 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit  (Build 7600)
Graphics Card Vendor: Intel
Graphics Card: Intel® HD Graphics

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.15.0010.2202
OpenGL Version: 2.1.0 - Build

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8j zlib/1.2.3 c-ares/1.7.1
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1
Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Voice Server Version: Not Connected
Built with MSVC version 1400


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I don't like the web profiles at all.  If you want to look at someone's profile inworld, you only get the most basic info and then only after an interminable wait, the other option is to click out of SL and look in your web browser.  The problem there, is that  while you are looking at someone's profile in your browser, perhaps checking out their picks.. you miss whatever is going on around you in-world.  i have had more than one person think i was ignoring them, when i was simply off in my browser and oblivious to the world around me.

I was a profile perv and found lots of cool places by checking out profiles and picks, now it's so clumsy and awkward to do, that i just kind of look at the lil info pop-up which really doesn't give you all that much info on someone.  I think web profiles actually end up hurting SL because I know i am less likely to engage with someone beacuse it's simply too time consuming and requires too much effort to click their profile inworld, then cllck to see it in my browser, re-login into the my.sl.com page,  copy & paste their name, delete the space, add the period, and hit return.  It definitely causes me to read alot fewer profiles which ultimately means less resident interaction.  Is that really the goal?

And on the subject of my.secondlife.com, since that is were we now interact to enable things like seeing us online, or on the map, or edit our stuff, shouldnt our friends list be available there, instead of requiring us to again have to copy & paste some of those more tricky names & spellings?

Web profiles definitely do NOT improve the resident experience and certainly discourage interaction amongst us.  Can't we have the old profile format in-world and the web profiles, that includes our friends list at least, on the web? or even more simply, hyperlink our friends on our dashboard??  DUHHHHHH.. 

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To put it bluntly I Hate this new profile system.

I used to be a avid user of viewer 2 and been using it since the first beta release. But this latest 'so called improvement' is the biggest mistake to date.

It just takes too long to view a profile, and the web page covers most of the screen, that I miss what's going on in world around me. This is slowing up my RP and interaction with others.

I have now started to use Phoenix viewer and lose the advantages of viewer 2, I hate this web based profile so much.

Can we have the option of using the older sidebar profile instead?

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Two things with the web profile information:

1. It would be great if you returned the option to add a pic from Inventory to your profile, maybe even click & drag. Not easy I know, but it was before you went this route. (And of course, you made this change right AFTER I took new snaps for my profile that I hadn't put into it yet. Argh. Murphy's Law. And yes, it is all about me).

2. I REALLY don't like your attempt to link this and encouraging such with Facebook, Twitter and other social network accounts. Seems akin to violation of your own terms of service with not exposing the true identities of in-world residents. Plus, Facebook addy's are technically supposed to be a real person, not an Avatar (unless you do a group or Page). Still, seems to counter the whole philosophy of what you originally set up and stood for.

I know, times change and I'm cool with change. It's just that the best changes make sense. And these two just don't to me.

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how about making a viewer that has more screen room I have been in sl for a bit and i find viewer 2 imposible to work with.. first my ims go unnoticed half the time, and evertything takes up so much room  you cant see the screen , no i dont have a 46 inch screen, viewer 2 has some nice tools now make them useable i kept telling myself its new ill get used to it, but thats not the caseclean up the screen and you may have a nice viewer .. until then I am forced to use a 3rd party viewer.. D

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