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Second Life Destinations: Euphoria

Linden Lab


This week we are taking a look at Euphoria, a region dedicated to life, loss, and love.

From Euphoria's creator, Kris Miss:

The inspiration behind Euphoria has a lot to do with the Covid pandemic. I lost so many relatives and family friends in just a year's time. Trying to cope became difficult and overwhelming, really. How does one mourn for several at a time? I was exhausted, to say the least. I come from a long line of huggers, and to hug my family during that time was out of the question. So how do I deal with my loss and still carry on? I kept logging into Second Life to try and forget. But inside me, I really wanted to express how I was feeling because I don’t want to forget. I want to always think about them, even when I log into Second Life. 

So, I decided to create Euphoria not only for me but for everyone else who is trying to cope with a loss. 

When I think of my family, I picture them in a place that’s truly peaceful and beautiful. Euphoria is my vision of that place. It took over two months for me to do. I just wanted the {region} to be special enough that even Second Life Residents would want to visit and memorialize a lost loved one there as well. And, now it is. Euphoria is my little oasis. I get to visit the memorial wall every day and as many times as I like. 

Second Life made it possible for me to at least be with friends, and I will forever be grateful. They helped more than they know. And if I can return the favor, I do hope the {region} brings comfort to them and others who may be missing a loved one.  

I hope more people will take advantage of the services I offer, like meditation and memorializing their loved ones. Meditation helped me a lot during those dark moments and I believe it can help others, too. SL Residents can also add their loved one's name to the memorial wall or light a candle for them. And maybe, while visiting, someone will meet their true love and have a wedding at the {region}. Now that would be truly special!

(Music for this video was written by Draxtor in memory of Linden Lab CEO Ebbe Linden, who passed away on June 3rd, 2021. You can download the piece “For Ebbe” here. You are welcome to use it in your own work,  but if you do, please credit Draxtor.)

Video Production Credits:
Draxtor Despres



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