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Football Made in Second Life

Linden Lab


This week Cyke Troglodite talks to us about the Global Football League, a fun and interactive way for fans of American Football to engage in virtual sports.

A longtime Resident, GFL owner Cyke Troglodite tells us he has "spent much of his 13 years in SL on the football field,” while in the physical world he is volunteering every Friday in his local Little League. 

For those curious about the mechanics of virtual sports, Cyke describes it as follows: “The experience is super realistic with football animations (throwing, catching, tackling, blocking), score-keeping, authentic field and outfits  that make the experience that much more realistic. The only significant difference is that nine players are used per team rather than 11 as in RL.”

GFL is currently in the middle of season two with four teams. If you’d like to join, please check out the GFL Offices & Welcome Center, as recruitment is active for more teams as the league grows.

GFL games stream live on YouTube, so feel free to check out some previous footage while it’s still up. Cyke assures us that the matches in SL can be played virtually without lag due to “descripting of all players beforehand. A viewing party for each game happens at a separate inworld location." Cyke and the GFL organizers are dedicated to making this a fun experience for both participants and spectators. 

There are even halftime parties and cheerleaders, so if you are missing the rush of a crowd going wild over fumbles and fakeouts, head over to catch a GFL game soon! Virtual sports are a great way for people of varying ages, physical abilities, and skill levels to get involved and play the game.

Video Production Credits:
Draxtor Despres



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