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Winterfest 2010: Let's Get the Party Started!

Delby Linden


Deck the halls and jingle those bells! It’s time for Winterfest 2010, a week-long tribute to wintertime activities in Second Life. Winterfest starts today, December 10, and runs through December 18. Join us at the Global Online Hockey Association’s six wintry regions, complete with games, free shopping, live music, and good times. Start by dropping in at the Neutral Zone anytime.

So, what’s happening at Winterfest? The kick-off party begins at 12:00pm Pacific time today, December 10, with a live concert by Mankind Tracer, followed by a snowman-building contest, ice fishing, and more live music. And that’s just today! Check out the full schedule here to find your can’t-miss events and activities. And if you’re looking to buy, sell, or browse inworld winter gear, then take a look at the Winterfest category on the Marketplace.

Wishing you a happy Winterfest!


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Question: How were merchants invited to participate in the Christmas market? I didn't see any announcements about it -- I would have liked to have been able to at least apply for a position. Thanks!

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Question: How were merchants invited to participate in the Christmas market? I didn't see any announcements about it -- I would have liked to have been able to at least apply for a position. Thanks!

Which Christmas Market? The SLM Winterfest link or the Destination Guide Christmas Market?


OP.. let the snowballs fly!!

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The Winter Market advertised in the email about Winterfest the Lindens sent out -- I see now after visiting that it is run by a single vendor.

I guess that's part of the scaled down event this year...

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Woohoo its that time of year again!

@ Astolat: Maybe only one merchant actually applied? Ah well, it will still be a cool event anyhow!

Winterfest is much more about fun & festivities, then it is about commercialism.

I would have happily participated (like I did last year) but I missed the mass invite to all merchants to participate .....it must have been sent out ....same as last year? Maybe this year, you had to be following the right Linden & catch a certain tweet or something like that to stand a chance of being involved.

or maybe it was skype invites only. No idea.... just imagining guestimations

We probably just weren't paying attention to the right channel at the crucial moment.

Happy Holidays Everybody (including all the Linden family)

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Tried the maze today. Lotsa happy winter surprises. Gorgeous artwork in there and some amazing gifts. Sure will take a look at the rest of the sims too.

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I will definitely check out the ski jump, sounds fun!


One question about the winterfest marketplace link I have is why the link is not the default category link, but an edited link?


The price sort and the prim count sort has been edited. Can residents maybe decide for them selfs how they want to search for products instead of an edited category display? Some products in sub categories are now excluded from search....well more then just some.

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I would like to say that so far the entertainment has been top notch and that if you are missing this then too bad. I don't want to hear you complain later when so much effort went into things like this.

Show up or keep it to yourself.

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I get asked so often how to get better scores at this. Really, it all comes down to timing and controlling yourself in the air. If you can stay relatively straight in flight and get a good landing around 63m or further, you'll likely get a 180+ score. That said, the first tournament's gold medallist had a high score of 178.68!

I think you could make it to the medals yourself, Torley. And there's still time for folks to register for both the Wednesday 2pm and Thursday 6pm tournaments! Don't miss out, folks!

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  • Lindens

Happy holidays Residents! The ski jump is so fun, a little practice goes a long way. My best score there is 169.54 but I witnessed Adora Tyran get onto the leaderboard with 181.86! Scores above 180 seem to be the gold standard right now.


Ah, reminds me of EPYX's Winter Games, for any of you old-skool gamers.

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Winterfest is wrapping up tonight. Thanks to all who attended and helped celebrate the season! The best part was meeting so many SL residents. I don't always get out much and forget sometimes how many great folks there are around. I'm glad to have had the chance to meet so many of you and hope you all enjoyed it.

I want to publicly thank some folks who helped make this a fantastic time.

Winterfest organizers Katia Ixtab, Ashlene McMinnar, Marjan Tomba, Dyz Warburton, Kalita Magic, Tangle Giano, Lobo Rodriquez, Janieke Blanchard, and Anhayla Lycia for helping organize the many activities such as the Ski Jump, Scavenger/Puck Hunt, Snowman Building Contest, musical acts, scheduling, new player training, and building at the sims.

A big thanks also goes out to Linden Lab and particularly Blondin, Courtney and Delby Linden for this opportunity. We had a blast. Special thanks also to Michael and Torley Linden who assisted with some sim troubles. The Linden/Resident Snowball Fight was a highlight of the week and I thank all who attended, I did not even catch all the names.

We had an incredible lineup of fantastic live musicians. Thank you for adding so much to the experience: Mankind Tracer, Noma Falta, Guitar Zane, Andreus Gustafson, The Follow, Reggie Sunset, Jimmyt49 Dukes, CCTV Giant, Tamra Sands, XanderNichting Writer, Skye Galaxy, Jean Munro, Keiko Takamura, Phemie Alcott, CraigLyons Writer, TwinGhost Ronas, Louis Volare, Dann Numbers, Lance Rembrandt, Buckley Moonwall, Maximillion Kleene (original GOHArian!), David Csiszer, Mimi Carpenter, and Edward Kyomoon.

Thanks to Marjan Tomba for the popular new ski jump, and Lancelot Skytower for the fantastic balloon tours across the sims.

Live DJ Bonfire parties were a great relaxing end to several evenings and I want to thank Ashlene McMinnar and Merrik Caproni, and DJ Mac Ronas from The Underground (my favorite club in SL!) for providing these.

The Puckettes cheerleaders and manager Kayden Piers for fantastic performances and for coming out to cheer on the teams during the Open Hockey games.

Lobo Rodriquez for organizing a fantastic All-Star's Hockey Game, Merrik Caproni for making uniforms, and TreetTV for yet another professional filming job.

Thanks to all the sports managers who came to the Meet-and-Greet to help promote sports inside SL. Hope you will all keep in touch!

Most of all, for all GOHA members, thanks for all the time you spent helping to greet and help visitors, assisting me with various projects, and participating in all the events. You guys agreeably put off playoffs for this event, came and helped, and once again showed that great team spirit.

The Chamonix area will retain current activities and add even more to the winter activities. We had great suggestions of additions we could make from residents and appreciate that. Hope to see you again in the community!

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The winterfest area is great fun. Why is it running for such a short period? I tried finding the Maze again today and it apparently was removed? It's too bad, it was very cool, and so many residents are just finding out about it. I think better promotion was needed.

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Hey Morphy I had a lot of comments on the maze and it was quite popular, so my intention is to find a permanent place for it out there. The area behind the rink wasn't ideal for long term. We're doing some remodeling of the areas based on feature requests and suggestions. For instance, the ski jump is extremely popular, and we're going to move it to an area that can accommodate more people (the sim it's currently on, Offsides, is a homestead connecting to the mainland). There's some other fantastic suggestions we're looking into seriously and expect to add in the near future.

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I went skating there with a friend last weekend and we had a blast!


The ski jump is a hoot!


low lag when I was there to make it that much better


What I am waiting for is my chance to paste a Linden with a snowball! yeah Lindens look out!

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Great news! I'll keep an eye out for it, I have several friends that want to check it out. Just the same we all had great fun with everything else, the whole area was very well done. I think a weekly snowball fight is in order . Those are the best snowball throwers ever.

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