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Tara Linden


It’s pretty wild to think about how much things have changed in the last 15-20 years. We don’t quite have flying cars yet but I’m still trying to wrap my head around 3D printers. Oh, the early 2000s: Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah’s couch, wifi had just begun to be freely available, and of course, the birth of Second Life.

I’d like to start sharing some old and recent pictures of regions that have been around for a while to show how far we’ve come and give a shout out to some SL veterans.


blue galaxy before and after.png


Blue Galaxy, a sci-fi themed store found in a mysterious forest, has been around for at least 10 years. The design of the building is a welcoming blend of modern and experimental with spunky colors. Who can resist that glittery trail leading to the front door? There are some other cool shops nearby, and the entire region is a gorgeous spot for a casual stroll.


sascha's designs before and after.png


Sascha’s Designs was first published in the Destination Guide in 2010. It has grown to be a two-story department store filled with women’s clothing for all occasions. The decor has a simple elegance that does not distract you from the selections, with wide open spaces and tall ceilings adorned with glittering chandeliers.


Many more to come!


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