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Destinations Video: Haunted Second Life

Linden Lab


“Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.”  - 
from Shakespeare’s Macbeth


Oh, there are strange ( and stranger) things afoot, and all over the Grid, Residents and Creators alike are brewing up some Halloween mischief. It is -- after all -- one of the most exciting and celebrated holidays in Second Life!

All Hallows Eve, Samhain. Hallow E’en - a time when the spookiest, kookiest, and most mystical of mayhem rolls into our world like a thick and possibly sentient fog. The veil between the living and the departed grows thin, and everywhere you look, you see pumpkins, skeletons, ghosts, and ghouls. And don’t forget the treats, and sweets, and tricks and broomsticks - it’s magical!

This week’s destination video highlights just a few of the scarier Regions you can experience in Second Life, and while many embrace the spookier side of things all year round, be sure to haunt the Haunted category of the Destination Guide, throw on your favorite costume, and explore. Then join us on Halloween from 11 am to 2 pm SLT for our annual Creepy Crawl. More details on the schedule for that are coming …

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Locations featured in this video are:


These regions are made by well-known UK-based designer Lauren Bentham, whose work - with her unique style that includes delicate windlight design - includes more lighthearted fare such as beaches and other relaxation spots.

For more  Destination videos, check out our Destination Video channel on our official YouTube Channel.

Video production courtesy of Draxtor Despres
Featured in this video: Masks and avatars by Walton Wainwright

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