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The Return of the Creepy Crawl - Call for Venues!

Linden Lab



Pic by Elsa Antiel

Some may argue that the winter holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, but in Second Life, we know how to celebrate year-round. Halloween is easily among the most popular holidays amongst the SL community, and we are so ready to have some screaming good times as the Creepy Crawl is back in all its creepiest and crawliest glory. We are looking for venues to host us as we hop from spooky spot to spooky spot for some conversation, dancing, and fun. 

What is the Creepy Crawl?

Like a bar or pub crawl, but instead of walking from one watering hole to the next. We will teleport en masse from spot to spot and monster mash to our little avatar hearts’ delight - on Halloween! This year’s Creepy Crawl will happen on Halloween (Thursday, October 31st) from 10 am - 2 pm (SLT/PT).

If you’d like to host a stop along the Creepy Crawl, own a spot that will be decked out for the holiday, and don’t mind if a parade of Residents and Lindens come through, then you might be just what the witch doctor ordered. We’re looking for spots that have entertainment (we like to dance around in our costumes!), are appropriate for general and moderate audiences, and can handle a crowd.

Here’s how to submit your venue for consideration:

  1. Make sure your place is listed in the Destination Guide - here’s how to submit.

  2. Hop over to this form and fill it out before October 25th - we’ll start selecting the venues after that!

  3. Keep an eye out for an email and/or notecard after the 25th to let you know if your venue was selected.

We’re excited to visit as many Halloween spots a possible - and can’t wait to have some thrillingly good times.



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