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Second Life Creepy Crawl 2015 - Call for Venues

Xiola Linden



A-haunting we will go! This year we’re going to take inworld meetups and Halloween shenanigans and mix them together for a frightful mashup of mind-blowingly fun times. But - we need your help to make it happen.

Are you interested in hosting a stop along our Second Life Creepy Crawl? We’re looking for spots that will have music, are appropriate for general and moderate audiences, and don’t mind having a few Lindens and Residents dropping in all at once to dance and hang out for a bit.

The Creepy Crawl will be taking place on October 30th - more details to follow for those who just want to come along for the fun! But for those interested is potentially being a stop along the crawl - here’s what you should do.

  1. Make sure your place is listed in the Destination Guide - here’s how to submit.
  2. Hop over to this form and fill it out before October 20th - we’ll start selecting the venues after that!
  3. Keep an eye out for an email and/or notecard after the 20th to let you know if your venue was selected.

We’re excited to visit as many Halloween spots a possible - and can’t wait to have some spook-tacular fun!


Pic by Gia Nikai Juliesse


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