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Recent Inventory Issues

UPDATE: 01.05.2015

We have addressed and resolved all instances of this issue. Thank you for your continued support of Second Life and your patience while we worked to carefully test and monitor the restore process.

If you still have a Notecard in your inventory referencing one or more of the following Claim IDs: 3289, 3290, 3302, 3358, 3379, 3392, 3526, please submit a Support case and provide us with the Claim ID(s) on the Notecard. A screenshot of the Notecard will further assist our team in addressing the issue for you.

UPDATE: 12.23.2014
We continue to work on resolving this issue and restoring the removed items as quickly as possible. The problem has proven to be somewhat more complicated than we initially thought, and we've been digging much more deeply into our system and testing all restores very carefully to make sure nothing is missed. We're more than halfway done at this point, and we thank you for your continued patience as we complete the process.
Due to a recent internal error, some Residents may have noticed a few items were recently replaced within their inventories. We are working to reverse the process and hope to have the original items restored quickly. 

If you believe that your items were affected, please keep an eye on your inventory - you should see the original items restored soon.

In addition to restoring the original items as quickly as possible, we are also taking steps to resolve the issue that caused the error so that we can avoid repeating it in the future. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.


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