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Manage Experiences with a New Release Candidate Viewer

Linden Lab


Experience Keys are a powerful feature that allows creators to build more seamless and immersive experiences in Second Life. Without this feature, you need to grant individual permissions to every single scripted object included in an inworld experience, and that can mean a lot of dialog boxes interrupting the fun! Experience Keys make it possible for creators to build experiences that ask your permission just once. In other words, you can opt-in to the entire experience, rather than having to grant individual permissions to every single scripted object included in it.


This powerful feature is currently available as a beta only to a limited number of creators, and there are already a handful of experiences leveraging this feature that you can now explore.

Today, a new Viewer Release Candidate makes it easy for you to manage all your experience permissions in one place. This new Viewer makes it easy to Block, Unblock, or Reset experiences. Additionally, an Events Tab logs the objects and scripts you encounter in an experience, so every action performed on your avatar will be saved or recorded. Have a problem with an experience? We’ve also integrated a new reporting feature to make it easy to flag bad experiences to our Support team for review. Search is also available in the new Viewer, so you can explore all of the growing number of available experiences that use this feature. A complete feature summary can be found in this Knowledge Base article.

We’re looking forward to making Experience Keys broadly available to creators early in the new year, so keep an eye on this blog for more! In the meantime, grab the RC Viewer and start enjoying more seamless and immersive experiences in Second Life today!



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