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Highlights from the Second Life Destination Guide - 11/07/2013

Linden Lab


Now that October has come and gone, why not take a moment to see what’s new with the Destination Guide? We always have interesting destinations showing up and we love sharing them. So get some relaxation in before that winter rush, huh?

To help get over all that October excitement, we’ve got some soothing islands perfect for taking a break, a fashion fair for a little remedial shopping, and a lovingly rainy gallery in a brand new location. But if quiet contemplation isn’t your cup of tea, why not lose yourself in the mysteries of a forgotten well, take in a few live shows or get ready for an ever-popular November hunt? If all else fails, you can always purge horror with creativity and create something awesome. See you inworld!



The Jerky Turkey Hunt 3

That turkey, he's so jerky! Leaving feathers all over the grid, causing chaos and mayhem wherever he goes... He's a jokester and loves to stir up trouble. Find the feathers to find the jerky turkey and end up with a gobbling gaggle of end sponsor prizes. Held Nov. 15th through the 30th, visit http://evilbunnyhunt.blogspot.com for more information.

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The Well: Sollicitus

The sequel to last year's experiment in fear returns in The Well: Sollicitus. A team of scientists investigate a strange well to uncover what happened to the young boy who vanished and the rescue team that went missing searching for him. Get the HUD and try to complete the labyrinth of tunnels, avoiding gruesome monsters and terrifying shadows.

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Otium is Latin for leisure and laziness. Otium also explains the philosophy of this archipelagic retreat. Get away from your necessities and obligations and slip into the intellectual leisure of the creative dimension. Otium is the ideal place to relax.

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Rockabilly Fashion Fair

The Rockabilly Fashion Fair has over 100 top designers with lots of exclusive items and retro hotness, just for you. Grab your friends, family, even random passers by and step back to the time of slicked hair, leather jackets and Bettie Page style. Rockabilly isn't just a look, it's a way of life, daddy-o!

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Grey November Gallery

The Grey November Gallery is exactly that: an art gallery set in a cheerfully gloomy cabin in a grey November rainstorm. The animated pictures are the product of Rodriguez Munro and were inspired by both the real and virtual worlds.

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Hesperia of Templemore

Hesperia of Templemore is a wonderful sim dedicated to live music performances. This stunning build excites all of the senses, with several music venues that host many live events. Come to Templemore City for the beautiful views, intricate design and awesome ambiance.

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Just a pity you guys never update it.  4 emails, and a new listing for Muirsheen Durkin to change it and nothing, long lists of dead destination spots, even more where the destination has completely changed...

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I agree, I would love to get the destination guide updated more. I've been trying to get my store updated for a year now, I finally gave up.


I would LOVE to VOLUNTEER and help out with cleaning it up. I wish LL would allow volunteers to help with some items, after all it is a community build by the residents why not let them help where we can.

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As logical as it may seem for SL to utilize volunteers, there may be legal difficulties involved.  I believe at one time LL did use such services in the form of LDPW and the Moles.  However, these individuals are now paid employees of LL, and I believe this change was due to urgings from legal experts.  

Additionally, and unfortunately, volunteer work is an unstable solution for most businesses, despite the best intentions of many volunteers.  Even the best of volunteers will drop or side-line a project if their personal life becomes too demanding, leaving the business holding the proverbial empty bag.  This is saying nothing of the majority of volunteers who simply don't bother to put in time after making their initial commitment.  

And then there is the matter of quality.  Certainly all people, volunteers or paid employees, are going to be proud of their abilities, but until a particular individual proves their expertise the business has to pay someone else to verify the quality/accuracy of the volunteer's work.

So, (saying nothing of legal liabilities) what on the surface might seem like a no-brainer, is actually a complicated and possibly expensive and unreliable "solution" that could in the end produce nothing after time and money have been expended in its behalf.  In the Real World of Business, this is not a solution, and if used could ultimately cause a business to become financially unstable.  Yes, there are companies who do depend on volunteer services for their success but they are a distinct minority.

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Anything Linden Lab can do to encourage/support inworld artful/entertainment sim flourish should be done.  The inworld shopping experience has changed since the introduction of Market place.  If entertainment or art sims are not nutured by Linden Lab our inworld experience will be... what?

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