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Is modeling for real?


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That seems an awful lot. Most "models" are really people that stand in stores wearing outfits from that store in order to boost traffic numbers. Sometimes they play a customer service role as well. I don't recall seeing any paying that well. My guess is that you would be required to actually buy the clothes you model with a salary like that. In all things, ask for details, get a notecard so you have the details in writing, and make sure that you don't put yourself in a position where you have to pay to participate in some way.

Every L$ that changes hand has to be brought in world by someone using real money. If someone is willing to pay they are getting a higher value back than what they put out...or they are just bad at business. I don't see how paying models makes a return on investment.

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the claim "no experience needed" is a bit not true. You do need experience to get paid that kinda money, which some at the top of this discipline do actual get. More even sometimes


there are some catwalk fashion shows in SL. They operate similar to RL fashion shows. They are events. They show the latest season collections. A person(s) organises the event at which fashion houses (designer/creators) have models parade their stuff

same like a RL fashion show. people dress up and attend. A social event for them. Sometimes business meaning they might also go on to buy stuff also. Which happens quite a lot after the show. Same as it do RL

people who attend fashion shows love clothes and beautiful things. The fashion shows are something for them to do. And to be with others who love the same things

they are rare tho are SL catwalk fashion shows compared to other forms of presentation (like fairs, markets, etc)


people into fashion modelling are also into photography and presentation blogging. They do it bc they love clothes

if you have a great fashion blog then you in position to get a fee for catwalk modelling. bc you have a marque name known to people into fashion. A marque name brings people to the show. Followers of your blog even

SL catwalk fashion models are not shop mannequins. Is way easier to do that with a bot. Altho can get some little money as a shop greeter sometimes


is costly to get started as a catwalk model. You need top of the line skins and hair and AO

if turn up without these and your plan is to get money out of the biz to get cool stuff then fashion house/event organiser will say sorry

if you a fashionista (which a SL catwalk model is) then you will already have cool stuff bc fashionista

you would have the stuff (skin hair AO and outfits etc) bc you love clothes. And would have grinded it on say Linden Realms for weeks to get the money already for the cool stuff needed. bc is what you do if love something very much and grinding for pennies is your only money option. Other options to get start money is hosting at clubs, shop greeter, etc

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I did a bit of pose modeling and I did get paid though not the big bucks you mention. The runway models got a bit more but they had rehearsals so the pay per hour was about the same or less -- just more prestige.


I also got clothes and skins and poses needed for the modeling gigs.

So SOME of it is legit. Some is not. Read carefully and be aware.

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Yes there is actual runway modeling going on inside SL. Designers and merchants want to showcase their products to influential Bloggers and will pay to have their latest creations shown in a themed show in-world. The actual shows attract many in the fashion business in SL [other designers, Agency owners, Fashion Bloggers, High-end Customers, and Fashion Region Owners] - From these shows the word spreads about what looks are in Vogue this year in SL - Just like real life. The time and efforts spent by Fashion Agency Owners and their staff is incredible.

I write fashion show scripts and DJ the events and perform M/C functions as an independent contractor for several agencies in SL. I find the time spent on doing these shows very rewarding once the show is in production.

No I don't make anything like the minimum wage in RL in SL doing this, but I enjoy this none the less. Being in the middle of the Fashion Industry in SL is a lot of fun for me.

There are a lot of independent fashion creators in SL as well.

As for in-store models that are basically live Mannequins, yes there are many places that use them as well. The more successful stores educate the modeling staff on the various product lines and allow them to assist in closing sales for with customers. Having a background is fashion coordination helps a lot.

Photo modeling is usually done with experienced models and/or the creator's own ALTs. Using a number of models for a product line shows the varied sizes supported and aids in making sales...

Basically modeling is a nice extension of you own real life enjoyment of fashion. Believe it or not, runway modeling , while is seems like it's only walking up and down a runway in clothes, is very complex and you are doing that real life models spend years learning with your avatar. Looks are paramount. Knowing how to take direction back stage by the Show Directer allows the show to look smooth to the audience when SL is always fighting to lag you or the show.

So to get started.....window shop, everywhere . Join fashion groups, attend the shows, learn about what Fashion is in SL. Read the SL Bloggers feeds regularly.

 Do not plan on modeling as a income source. I spend much more on my wardrove and my own fashion needs than I earn from my modeling endeavors.

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I figured I'd post my two cents on this subject, though, this really is going to be a short post.


The way I see it is this: a good model can absolutely sell a crappy product, and a bad model can absolutely sell a good product. That is pretty basic, we all know that, and while I don't feel it drives my points to say it, it needs to be stated.

I've had my avatar for 2 years now. Over those two years, I've made small tweak after tweak to my avatar's appearance. I'm still confident I'll find something wrong with it, and have to 'fix' it, but that's besides the point. Two. Years.

I'm not a professional avatar shape creator. I won't claim to instantly know how to make an avatar look good, and I won't claim my avatar's the best looking. I will say this, however, with absolute certainty. Making a good looking avatar is hard, and can be very, very expensive, depending on how many outfits it takes you to find out what 'works'. It's this most time consuming thing I've done in SL, and it's definitely worth 800L to not have to create the 'perfect' avatar for your newest outfit if you're a designer.

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I used to mess around with it a few years ago..not a real lot

Did the first bax coen adds in her first stores which was way cool,she still sends me boots and is the sweetest person ever :heart::smileyhappy:some art stuff, even a centerfold. LOL..

I was gonna do runway stuff with a few places but it wasn't much fun and you don't use your own shape most of the time..At least didn't back then..

Runway mostly handed you a shape and outfits and you practice the routines until the shows..

To me it was a lot cooler tweaking my own shape and doing layouts and learning to do my own images and messign with photoshop..


if you're into like dreaming about cosmo and vogue and being a model like that,you can get immersed i guess..

i just never could really..i didn't like being told what to do hehehehe


Someone ask me to put on a collar one time and i had no idea what it was gonna do..then they start draggin me around  like a dog and i turned into a b!tch trying to get that thing off..Get this Freakin thing off me now!!

so not much of a modeling career type person really lol

i'm sure there are better scenarios than mine,i knew some that really loved it and had a lot of fun back then..I guess it's just a matter of what you like..

I have really no idea what modeling is like nowadays..just that there is probably more than one choice and area you can choose from.




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Ceka Cianci wrote:

I used to mess around with it a few years ago..not a real lot

i just never could really..i didn't like being told what to do hehehehe


Someone ask me to put on a collar one time
and i had no idea what it was gonna do..then they start draggin me around  like a dog and i turned into a b!tch trying to get that thing off..Get this Freakin thing off me now!!

so not much of a modeling career type person really lol






Okay, that did crack me up. I mean, didn't the fool even LOOK at you? Would not have taken a whole lot of research to know that Ceka and Collar are not going to work out.


How many times did you run over him?


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Other than for roleplay / socializing - the fashion show... every SL use of a model is just as well met by using scripted agent bots.


Other than for roleplay / socializing - the club ... every SL use of a patron is just as well met by using scripted agent bots

q; (:

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irihapeti wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Other than for roleplay / socializing - the fashion show... every SL use of a model is just as well met by using scripted agent bots.


Other than for roleplay / socializing - the club ... every SL use of a patron is just as well met by using scripted agent bots

q; (:


there really isn't even a use for bots or inworld stores anymore either, if we wish to look at use  for what use really is.

They are useless as well, when we can just shop from the privacy of our own land on the marketplace..

no use for a lot of things..

this is why the population will keep dwindling,Because we keep finding ways to cut out what used to make this a pretty awesome world, flooded with users being someone feeling useful in so many areas..


More and more it becomes a vacuum than circulation..

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

I used to mess around with it a few years ago..not a real lot

i just never could really..i didn't like being told what to do hehehehe


Someone ask me to put on a collar one time
and i had no idea what it was gonna do..then they start draggin me around  like a dog and i turned into a b!tch trying to get that thing off..Get this Freakin thing off me now!!

so not much of a modeling career type person really lol






Okay, that did crack me up. I mean, didn't the fool even LOOK at you? Would not have taken a whole lot of research to know that Ceka and Collar are not going to work out.


How many times did you run over him?


I finally found it in my inventory and took it off.

They kept trying to get me to put it back on..

Finaly i was like,look i don't want to put the damn thing back on ok?!

Then told me i was being a baby about it..

So I told them i would put it back on only, if i could come over to thier house,tie a ribbon around thier jibbly's and the other end to a big rock and  throw it as hard as i could..otherwise no way.

Then just ported to my house and stopped answering my IM's and put on music and got into photoshop.. hehehe


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irihapeti wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Other than for roleplay / socializing - the fashion show... every SL use of a model is just as well met by using scripted agent bots.


Other than for roleplay / socializing - the club ... every SL use of a patron is just as well met by using scripted agent bots

Not rational at all.

Models, if not part of a roleplay - serve no functional purpose other than to be cammed from various angles to see if the product looks good on that avatar (as opposed to oneself).

Patrons engage, buy, etc... Even if you mute all your customers, refuse to acknowledge them, and so on... they still do more than a bot - they pay you money and take your goods.

A model does nothing more than a bot - its just an avatar rezzed to be looked at.

In a fashion show... the show is really for the models as much as the "audience" - in the same way as any other roleplay - its entertainment / socializing. It doesn't serve the same economic / advertising purpose as it would in the real world.


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

irihapeti wrote:

Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Other than for roleplay / socializing - the fashion show... every SL use of a model is just as well met by using scripted agent bots.


Other than for roleplay / socializing - the club ... every SL use of a patron is just as well met by using scripted agent bots

Not rational at all.

Models, if not part of a roleplay - serve no functional purpose other than to be cammed from various angles to see if the product looks good on that avatar (as opposed to oneself).

Patrons engage, buy, etc... Even if you mute all your customers, refuse to acknowledge them, and so on... they still do more than a bot - they pay you money and take your goods.

A model does nothing more than a bot - its just an avatar rezzed to be looked at.

In a fashion show... the show is really for the models as much as the "audience" - in the same way as any other roleplay - its entertainment / socializing. It doesn't serve the same economic / advertising purpose as it would in the real world.


the first part: "Other than socializing/roleplay ..."

the context yes

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