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Benefit Event for Homes for Our Troops is Looking for Designers!

Linden Lab


The Second Life community likes to participate in many charitable organizations and fund-raising events - it's one of the many great things about this community!

Second Life Resident Blaze Teardrop is currently looking for designers who are willing to participate in an event this coming weekend to benefit the Homes For Our Troops organization. Any designers who are interested in participating should send a notecard to Blaze Teardrop or simplerosey resident inworld as soon as possible. Items do NOT need to be a new item. Performers and DJs who are interested should contact Crowe Blackheart.

The event runs February 21st through February 29th - so a quick response is encouraged. There is no theme - however all proceeds from items sold at the event go towards the organization.

The event region has been donated by Chung Real Estate.






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