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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. I used to live in Iris! One of the most beautiful sims!
  2. That's in Stillman! By Juro Kothari.
  3. I decorated! Feel free to drop by. The house is by Trompe L'oeil https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodelli/19/187/33
  4. haha I made that in Violet a million years ago! (Which used to be a Welcome Area/Infohub)
  5. It gets pretty crazy though IN the community sometimes. Mob mentality kicks in and people go hog wild!
  6. I'm grateful for free Sansar during the pandemic. I've made 10 worlds there for free (bought content though) and this is one of them.
  7. Some of the rental communities in SL have doubled in size during the pandemic. So I'm going to say YES.
  8. Not with LL so much as the community, who loves the drams.
  9. "The hair I bought looks stupid on my tiny head, this b***h is going down!" This is what's going to happen.
  10. You can't have friends on the internet!
  11. Sorry, never mind, I had the volume control for music off. Carry on with your second lives! ❤️
  12. No idea where the one above me is! But here's another for you to guess. This is a very old Linden Build, inside and out.
  13. Gorgeous mainland places guys! I just tiered up to a whopping 2048! The lindens sold me some abandoned land around my plot that I had requested. (Thank you lindens) On an unrelated note I think I reported this thread by accident. Here's my latest home: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodelli/19/187/33
  14. I guess no one has a script for this right? I could see this being used by land barons.
  15. Hi Prokofy, Generally I shrink all houses, they're just too big for my avatar and it ends up looking weird when standing next to a giant front door. And yes, I shrunk this one and didn't need to spill over onto the plot next door (If I remember correctly). I also added the cliff rocks. And I think I had terraform rights on your land so may have tweaked things a bit to make it fit. That's a great plot. Great little spot. Did you see the cafe that went up down the road from there? Really nice.
  16. Is that Brown? You're selling your land there? Ugh our experience of the mainland is way too affected by neighbours. It's one of the reasons that I like Sansar BUT you miss the continuous world idea in Sansar.
  17. Just wondering if there's a way to know when land goes up for sale in a specific sim on the mainland? Thanks
  18. Like SL, there's good content, and not so good content in Sansar and on the marketplace and I think it really makes a difference when you build or put worlds together with the nicely made stuff.
  19. Hey thanks! I love what you guys have done with the thread!!! There are some nice spots on the mainland.
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