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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. There's just sooo sooo much empty, unpaid for virtual land in SL. That HAS to be costing them something to maintain. Regions and regions of abandoned land at the center of the continents. That land has no water, and no roads. People want water and good looking infrastructure. Otherwise it'll sit empty.
  2. I don't use EEP at all. It's way too dark. I'm sure this isn't what the lindens had in mind when they put it out there.
  3. But people love land beside a road. They also love virtual cars.
  4. I don't agree that's its the only eyesore but I'm totally with you about the privacy walls and low sky boxes.
  5. I'm not sure Belli is ever going to be finished! I think they'll keep that ball rolling because it brings in $$$ Dropping the land to make regions more watery is a great idea.
  6. Wonder how popular these are going to be. Not my cup of tea but I'm sure some people will love it. Not sure how many though.
  7. Yeah there's going to be a scramble for some of those names
  8. I'm happy with my little plots, and there are certainly great spots on the mainland but generally its a mess. Sooo much abandoned land without road access or water views that no one wants. What would you guys think of a complete redo if you were offered some nice space in exchange for what you currently own on the mainland? Ten bucks says Linden employees would never have time for this but I'm throwing it out there anyway.
  9. I wonder who got "Cherry Pop" And "Leather Daddy"
  10. SOFIA! Nice to see you in the forums. I always love your avatars.
  11. Maybe I'm one of only a few who use the animations that come with my bento head. I try them all out. To be fair, I find the smile is never right either but I use it anyways sometimes because it's goofy. Facial expressions and an animation overrider do a lot to help create the character you're going for.
  12. Try Trompe L'oeil and/or Barnesworth Anubis. They've been making houses for a very long time and have lots of medium and small houses to chose from. My current house is one from Barnesworth Anubis and it allows me lots of room for a yard on a small 2048 plot. He makes bigger and smaller ones.
  13. New profile pic! I updated my avatar. Spent a few dollars!
  14. What a cool idea! You cruised by my house at 4:19! I love the atoll coast too. My house in Goodelli: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodelli/30/196/33 It's the Franklin Cottage by Barnesworth Anubis. Love a good summer porch. Love the textures in the bathroom:
  15. I keep hearing about Horizons but I have no idea what it is!
  16. Hey is this still up? Do you mind have visitors to it? Can you add a slurl to your post?
  17. I loved the video. I loled. I don't think you need to be embarrassed!
  18. A Different World Opening and Closing Credits and Theme Song - YouTube
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