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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I'm neither a member of the group or signed up on a subo and I was getting their notices and random gifts so often that I've actually blocked them. Maybe you've done the same and forgot about it.
  2. If you go to a casino and cash out they will simply give you cash for your tokens. And that's that. They don't then send your money to your bank account, do they?
  3. I was "cashing out" or what I referred to as cashing out for many years, beginning in 2008, before I ever withdrew funds from my USD balance. I used my USD$ balance only for paying my premium fees and tier for a good five years. When I decided to start taking money to RL I saw the term in the form to request the withdrawal calling it "process credit". So I've always used that term for transferring to Paypal. I never took exception to the term cashing out until now, and only then because I kept seeing people asking why would they have to give their personal info to cash out when all they plan to do is pay tier and premium fees. And then there were others saying you have to give your personal info if you cash out and as a consequence they would not be cashing out anymore. Those two statements using cash out don't jive with each other because the term cash out has a different meaning in both cases. In my experience the term cashing out is used by residents in three ways: meaning to exchange lindens for dollars (taking lindens OUT of their in-world account and exchanging for USD$) meaning to withdraw dollars to RL (taking dollars OUT of their USD balance) meaning the process of exchanging lindens to dollars and taking to RL (both of the prior uses rolled into one inclusive action) The term process credit might be confusing but at least you can see the term and it's definition in the official knowledge base as well as on the form used when you request a withdrawal. There is no official documentation anywhere to define what exactly is meant by "cashing out."
  4. I still believe the term "cashing out" is confusing for some as demonstrated over the past few days by the questions being asked in regard to Tilia. My apology was directed to those who might have been confused by my adding to the problem by using the term "cashing out" at all.
  5. This is the LL answer from the official Tilia thread I have already provided my personal info to Linden Lab in the past. Do I need to provide it again? Many of us have already provided such ID information for verification, are we exempt from having to provide it again because the information is already on record?In general, most Residents will not need to resubmit the information if it has been previously provided. However, there may be some instances where Tilia may need to collect and verify the documentation again.
  6. I wouldn't put anything on that wall either.. nothing .. not even the mirror or sconces. I would add a nice tall plant in a lovely pot on the floor in the corner to soften the edge where the painted wall meets the wallpapered wall.
  7. I'm going to amend my definitions here because upon further investigation I can't find anywhere in the documentation where Linden Lab actually ever uses the term cashing out at all. They call it selling lindens and process credit as far as I can find. When residents use the term cashing out it seems to encompass the complete process, which is two distinct steps, of exchanging lindens for USD$ and the withdrawal (process credit) of those funds. Or maybe that's not what they mean. Maybe they mean withdrawing their balance to PayPal. But since it's not an official term but simply one adopted by residents, whose to say what the term really means? And therein lies the problem. With there being different personal information requirements for withdrawing USD$ and simply selling lindens$ for USD$, it's more important than ever to distinguish between the steps. So, as before when I adopted the term, process credit, I'm going to do my best to stop using the term cashing out completely, and replace it with selling lindens for USD$. My intent in all of this was to clarify for those who were confused as to when or if they would have to submit personal identification. Unfortunately, I may have muddied the waters even further by using the term cashing out at all. For that I'm sorry.
  8. I confess to having used the term cashing out to mean withdrawing funds (processing credit) in the past. But just as I'm trying to make the transition from saying sim where I should say region, I am doing the same in regards to using process credit. Typically, it doesn't make all that much of a difference to distinguish between the exchange of lindens to USD$ and the withdrawal of those funds, but with the new Tilia requirements of providing personal identification only when withdrawing funds, the distinction is important. I don't think it's ever too late for an old dog to learn a new trick. So I will keep plugging away trying to keep up with the terminology. I do hope the Lab will provide that glossary. And now I've had all I can stand of beating this poor horse.
  9. You can also see for yourself in the Knowledge Base on Account Balance. https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/account-balance-r1/Section_.2.2?lang=en-US
  10. I posted that to say that I've specifically suggested the Lab put a glossary of the terms in the OP. I wasn't using my post as proof. You should be able to read Oz's post for that proof.
  11. This is just a quick reference Because there is much confusion surrounding these terms I have made this post The only reason I bring this up is because people are confused and some have said they will quit SL before they have to give their personal info to cash out to pay for their premium account fees or tier. I've seen it in several places. So, I am simply trying to get the message across that you can cash out without giving LL your personal info. That the information is only required when you request a process credit.
  12. I have been in SL since 2003. I have been a merchant since 2008. I know what the terms mean. I simply choose to use the same terms Linden Lab uses for exchanging lindens for USD$ = cashing out, and for moving USD$ from my account to Paypal = process credit. This reminds me of when my mother uses a word incorrectly and I point out the dictionary meaning to her and her reply is well that's not what I meant.. and then she expects everyone to use the word according to her definition. It doesn't work that way. It is further erroneous to expect those who might indeed by new to the system to somehow know what the old timers mean when they use the terms incorrectly.
  13. @Linden Lab Please in the original post add a glossary of terms. There is a huge amount of confusion over the terms "cashing out" and "process credit."
  14. I've asked about this in the official post thread: It hasn't been answered yet. As long as you just check the balance at least annually the fee won't be charged. I personally don't want to have to do that and would rather there be a way to transfer those funds to my account where I do process credits. Barring that then they might as well take the balance all at once.
  15. Please let me be clear. I have no issue whatsoever with people expressing their views, concerns, even objections. My problem is where information gets presented which is confusing or uses terminology incorrectly which leads to more confusion. This is an example of miscommunication. The cashing out of lindens to USD does not require information being exchanged. It's only when you process a credit that your information is required. I know what you mean Scylla, but those who are not familiar with the process can be confused by this misuse of the terms. I've seen it over and over where people are asking why is their information needed just to cash out to pay their annual premium or tier. It's not needed at all, but because the terms are being used interchangeably it's causing confusion.
  16. Agreed .. thus why I deleted my post just prior to you posting this.
  17. I stand corrected. I haven't seen any bias in your posts. You seem to be offering information and not spinning it the way I've seen others do. So, I agree with you. But .... I think it is possible to want to post information because you want people to make well-informed decisions ... is still influencing.
  18. The first time I tried to take advantage of the offer it didn't go through because I didn't hit that final confirm button. I realized it hadn't completed because I had not been charged the fee. So I started the process over and that time I noticed that there was another confirm button that I hadn't hit the first time I tried. That time I saw that I was billed and the the due date for the next payment was in 2020. So I knew I had completed the transaction. It sure looks like you didn't complete the process.
  19. Upon further reflection on this I even question the whole If a person has no desire to influence others they don't post anything. I know I've posted my question in regards to having to resubmit my info. That post was simply to get information, and that was answered by LL to my satisfaction. Where I've posted otherwise, I have been to trying to curb the panic others are stirring up, and to try and clear up misconceptions. I readily admit that I have a motive in posting.
  20. The problem is once you are placed in a role of authority, in this case blogger, you can't just step down from the role. It follows you regardless. I am a retired teacher. Does that mean that since I'm retired that the role doesn't follow me? No, it doesn't. People still give my words added importance regardless. So, having taken on that role in the past means I have an added responsibility to choose my words very carefully.
  21. He was there. I saw him but not as the woman I remember from back in 2008. I think he's been in the current avatar for a very long time. He's sitting right behind Patch. I remember commenting on the avatar while he was building Hyannisport and the response being something like we can't all be barbies.. lol
  22. I really hope @Glamorous Mole shows up in that avatar or better yet posts a picture. She is one hell of an amazing woman!!! You just gotta see her!
  23. I will confess I've been in awe of the Moles ever since I sat watching @Glamorous Mole creating the Hyannisport Infohub way back in October of 2008. And my oh my that avatar ... she was something to behold. Though now I know there's a male behind that avatar at the time I thought what woman would really walk around in that avatar.. hehehe. Anyway, I loved watching that mole work! I believe watching him create really is what made me believe I could at least make something simple if he could make things so amazing just using prims. So it was the start of my trying. So my personal thank you to Glamorous for changing my SLife! But to all the moles and LL thank you for loving the platform. Without your unending efforts to keep the platform vital it wouldn't be here. I know I hear over and over again how SL wouldn't be here without the creators and that may be true. But first we need a platform so for that platform I am grateful beyond words.
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